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Fetch Feed

Fetch and parse RSS and Atom feeds. Fetch Feed is a Promise-based wrapper around node-feedparser.

Table of Contents


This library requires the following to run:


Install with npm:

npm install @rowanmanning/fetch-feed

Load the library into your code with a require call:

const fetchFeed = require('@rowanmanning/fetch-feed');

Now you can call fetchFeed with various options to fetch and parse RSS and Atom feeds:

const result = await fetchFeed({
    url: 'https://rowanmanning.com/posts/feed.xml'

Handling feeds

The node-feedparser library is stream-based, loading as little of a feed into memory as possible. This allows it to handle potentially very large feeds. Because of this, fetchFeed does not resolve with the entire parsed feed – you must handle the parsed feed entries separately.

You do this with the onInfo and onEntry options, which are functions:

const result = await fetchFeed({
    url: 'https://rowanmanning.com/posts/feed.xml',

    // Called once
    onInfo: async info => {
        // Do something with the feed meta information

    // Called for each entry found
    onEntry: async entry => {
        // Do something with the feed entry

The feed info and feed entry objects are documented by node-feedparser.

If these handlers return promises, then you can be sure that your code will execute in the order:

  1. The feed XML is requested
  2. In any order, onInfo and onEntry will be called with the relevant data
  3. The outer fetchFeed promise will resolve or reject

Resolved value

To make sure that we never store the full parsed feed in memory, the resolved value from fetchFeed is a simple object with just a few feed details:

    url: String,        // The final URL of the feed (after redirects)
    title: String,      // The title of the feed
    entryCount: Number  // The number of entries that were parsed


If any of the following happen, the outer fetchFeed promise will reject with an error:

  1. The request to fetch the feed fails in some way (e.g. an HTTP error)
  2. The parsing of the feed fails (e.g. malformed XML)
  3. The onInfo handler function rejects
  4. The onEntry handler function rejects

It's important to note that this doesn't cancel any of the actions that occurred in handlers before the rejection, and errors in a single handled entry do not stop others from being handled correctly.


This full example fetches a feed, logs information about it, and handles errors:

try {
    const result = await fetchFeed({

        // Feed URL and request details
        url: 'https://rowanmanning.com/posts/feed.xml',
        requestOptions: {
            headers: {
                'User-Agent': 'Fetch Feed Example'

        // Info handler
        onInfo: async info => {
            console.log(`Parsed feed meta information: ${info.title}`);

        // Entry handler
        onEntry: async entry => {
            console.log(`Parsed feed entry: ${entry.title}`);

    console.log(`Finished fetching ${result.url}. Found ${result.entryCount} entries`);
} catch (error) {
    console.error(`Feed fetching failed: ${error.message}`);

Config options

Fetch Feed is configured using options passed into the main fetchFeed function:

  • url: String. A full valid URL to an RSS or Atom feed. Required.

  • requestOptions: Object. Config options for the HTTP request that fetches the feed. This is passed directly into Got, see Got's options documentation for more information. Defaults to undefined (uses the default request options).

  • onInfo: Function<Promise>. A function that is given meta information about the feed. This function will only be called once with a single Object argument – the feed information. onInfo must return a Promise. Defaults to undefined (feed information is not captured).

  • onEntry: Function<Promise>. A function that is given information about each entry in the feed. This function will be called for each entry found in the feed, with a single Object argument – the entry information. onEntry must return a Promise. Defaults to undefined (entry information is not captured).


The contributing guide is available here. All contributors must follow this library's code of conduct.


Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright © 2020, Rowan Manning.



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