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0.1.6 • Public • Published

Built With Stencil

Read-Along Web Component

This is a web component for embedding read-along, audio/text aligned content in your website or hybrid app.


For now, just clone the repo, make sure you have node 6+, and run npm install from the project root. Then you can run npm start and a minimal website containing only the webcomponent will be served at localhost:3333. Any changes you make to /src will be automatically shown in the browser.


Property Attribute Description Type Default
alignment alignment The alignment as SMIL string undefined
audio audio The audio file string undefined
cssUrl css-url Optional custom Stylesheet to override defaults string undefined
language language Language of the interface. In 639-3 code Options are - "eng" for English - "fra" for French "eng" | "fra" 'eng'
pageScrolling page-scrolling Toggles the page scrolling from horizontal to vertical. Defaults to horizontal "horizontal" | "vertical" "horizontal"
svgOverlay svg-overlay Overlay This is an SVG overlay to place over the progress bar string undefined
text text The text as TEI string undefined
theme theme Theme to use: ['light', 'dark'] defaults to 'dark' string 'light'
useAssetsFolder use-assets-folder Toggle the use of assets folder for resolving image urls. Defaults to 'true' for backwards compatibility boolean true


You have three options:

  • put images in "assets/" and provide relative link
  • provide a full path
  • put it in a custom relative folder and make sure to add use-assets-folder="false" attribute to the read-long component

Test with your site

You can either modify the /src/index.html or after running npm start you can copy out the www/build folder and add the following script import in your own index.html page:

  <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@roedoejet/readalong/dist/read-along/read-along.esm.js"></script>
  <script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@roedoejet/readalong/dist/read-along/read-along.js"></script>

Then, you can add as many read-along components to your page as you like simply by adding <read-along></read-along> elements with arguments for where to find your text, alignments and audio file. These files can be generated using _________ service located here: ____________.

<read-along text="assets/s2.xml" alignment="assets/s2.smil" audio="assets/s2.wav"
            css-url="assets/custom.css" use-assets-folder="true"></read-along>

Loading as a single file

By default, Stencil (the tool used to build this web component) uses lazy loading. However, some use cases for this web component might involve running the component as a single file, without access to the internet. A single-file script of this web component is therefore made available at https://unpkg.com/@roedoejet/readalong/dist/bundle.js although we recommend using the default imports using the unpkg content delivery network (cdn) described above.


There are two themes out-of-the-box: light and dark. You set them as a property on the <read-along></read-along> web component. If you want to add your own theme, it's as easy as adding your colour palette to the $ui-themes variable in src/components/read-along-component/scss/utilities/_colors.scss. Note you will have to rebuild the web component from source to do this, or submit your theme as a pull-request!

$ui-themes: (
  light: (
    primary: $white,
    secondary: darken($white, 50%),
    accent: darken($white, 60%),
    text: $black,
    text--secondary: $white,
    text--accent: $white,
  dark: (
    primary: lighten($black, 30%),
    secondary: darken($white, 35%),
    accent: $white,
    text: $white,
    text--secondary: $white,
    text--accent: $black


Slots allow you to add custom html into specific "slots" within the web component. For example, to add an optional header to the <read-along></read-along component, you would write:

  <span slot="read-along-header">Hello World!</span>
Slot Description Suggested Element
read-along-header The read along header span
read-along-subheader Subheader (ie authors) span

Page layout

By default, the pages are two column layout with image on the left and text on the left. You force any page to one column layout by setting the class of the page to one-column-layout-page

<div type="page" class="one-column-layout-page">

The default layout is auto adjust without restrictions. To force a 40-60 split between the image and text use the two-column-layout-page class for the page.

<div type="page" class="two-column-layout-page">

Hide page number

You can hide the page number for any page by specifying the class hide-page-counter.

Assets folder

By defaults the image assets will be resolved to .\assets\ relative to the index.html file. You can override this behaviour by using this attribute on the component use-assets-folder="false". The web component will not longer resolve url to the assets folder when this attribute is present.

CSS customization

You can override the default style of the component. This option is best used anyone does not want to clone this project and modify only the UI. Use the web inspector of your browser to find the classes you wish to override.

/* change the font size and color of the text */
.sentence__word.theme--light {
  color: #64003c;
  font-size: 1.8rem;

/* change the background color of the text being read */
.sentence__word.theme--light.reading {
  background-color: #64003c;

Here is a list of classes you want to override:

  • .sentence__word.theme--light
  • .sentence__word.theme--light.reading
  • .sentence__text.theme--light
  • .sentence__translation
  • .sentence
  • .paragraph
  • .page__container.theme--light (to set page background)

XML customizations

You can add classes to the xml tags in the text XML file. When coupled with the custom css, it will produce most of the visual effect you want in your read along. e.g. <s class="sentence__translation ">

Built-in translation class

The default css class provided for translations should be added to the XML <s> tag. Here is a sample:

<p id="t0b0d1p0">
  <s id="t0b0d1p0s0">
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w0">...</w>
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w1">...</w>
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w2">...</w>
  <s id="t0b0d1p0s1" class="sentence__translation">This is a translation</s>

The default style:

     .sentence__translation {
        color: #777;
        font-style: italic;
        font-size: 95%;

Visual alignment

You can force the visual alignment of sentences within a paragraph by adding class="visually_aligned" to the <p> tag of xml. Here is a sample

<p id="t0b0d1p0" class="visually_aligned">
  <s id="t0b0d1p0s0">
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w0">...</w>
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w1">...</w>
    <w id="t0b0d1p0s0w2">...</w>
  <s id="t0b0d1p0s1" class="sentence__translation ">This is a translation</s>

MIND THE GAP: When you visually align a paragraph please triple check the spacing and punctuation between elements because the visual alignment is white-space sensitive

SIDE EFFECT: This feature disables auto-wrapping of the words in the paragraph

For developers of the component

We use Cypress (instead of Jest+Puppeteer) to do integration/end-to-end testing.

How to run the tests

First, start the test servers (yes, plural!), by using this command:

npm run test-servers

If you are on a Windows machine, the command above will not work if you do not have bash setup.

Run each of the following in a separate command prompt:

npm run start

npm run serve-test-data

Then you can run test interactively using the following command:

npx cypress open

Or run all tests automatically using this command:

npx cypress run




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  • roedoejet