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1.9.0 • Public • Published



@rockpack/logger is a React component and logging system that allows you to record all actions before a critical error occurs so that this information can be analyzed later.

@rockpack/logger this module is part of the Rockpack project. See more details on the official site.



  1. Installation:
npm install @rockpack/logger --save

yarn add @rockpack/logger
  1. For the logger system to work correctly, we need to wrap our application in a component
import React, { useCallback, useContext } from 'react';
import logger, { LoggerContainer, useLoggerApi } from '@rockpack/logger';

const App = () => {
  const { getStackData, triggerError } = useLoggerApi();

export default function () {
  const loggerCtx = useContext(LoggerContext);
  const showMessage = useCallback((level, message, important) => {
    if (important) {

  return <LoggerContainer
    limit={75} // Stack length limit. On overflow, the first element will be removed
    getCurrentDate={() => {
      // Critical error date
      return dayjs()
        .format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
    stdout={showMessage} // Display some errors as a tooltip for users
    onError={stackData => {
      // Send a stack of actions before the error to the backend (or otherwise process it)
    onPrepareStack={stack => {
      // Allows you to add additional information to the stack
      stack.language = window.navigator.language;
  1. You need to add the logger to any of the methods you want to cover our logging system.

The @rockpack/logger module comes with a logger that is linked to

Suppose we have a component

import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function Toggle(props) {
  const [toggleState, setToggleState] = useState('off');

  function toggle() {
    setToggleState(toggleState === 'off' ? 'on' : 'off');

  return <div className={`switch ${toggleState}`} onClick={toggle}/>;

To properly log it, we need to modify the toggle method

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import logger from '@rockpack/logger';

export default function Toggle(props) {
  const [toggleState, setToggleState] = useState('off');

  function toggle() {
    let state = toggleState === 'off' ? 'on' : 'off';
    logger.info(`React.Toggle|Toggle component changed state ${state}`);

  return <div className={`switch ${toggleState}`} onClick={toggle}/>;

We have added a logger in which the information is divided into 2 parts. React.Toggle shows us that this action happened at the level of React, the Toggle component, and then we have a verbal explanation of the action and the current state that came to this component.

If a critical error occurs in the system, we will have a BSOD with a detailed description of the user's actions. It will also be possible to send this stack to the error analysis system or ElasticSearch in order to quickly catch errors that occurred among our users.


- When logging applications, you need to put logs in the most confusing and complex parts of the code, so you will understand what happened at this stage.

- We can also use the “componentDidCatch” method, which was introduced in React 16, in case an error occurs.


  • <LoggerContainer /> properties:
Prop Type Description
active Boolean[true] Enable / disable logging. It is recommended to disable logging during the testing phase.
bsodActive Boolean[true] Enable / disable BSOD output. It is recommended to disable for Production
sessionID Number If you need to associate logging with Backend calls - a single session for Frontend and Backend will allow you to do this
bsod ReactElement[Component] You can set your BSOD Component
limit Number[25] Stack length limit. On overflow, the first element will be removed
getCurrentDate Function Date format when an error occurred. Default - new Date().toLocaleString()
onError Function window.onbeforeunload callback. In this callback, you can handle the stack or send it to the Backend
onPrepareStack Function Allows you to add additional information to the stack before calling onError. For example, you can add the current localization of the application, the theme selected by the user, the name of the user who got the error, etc.
stdout Function This method allows you to display the log method for the user (which was called with the second parameter "true"). For example, calling logger.error ('Ups ...', true) in the stdout method would output alert (message);
  • logger methods:

The logger provided with @rockpack/logger has methods:

logger.log('log text here!');
logger.info('Some extra log information');
logger.warn('Warning! Warning!');
logger.debug('I\'m a debug message!');

If we add true as the second parameter, the message passed to this log method will be passed to stdout . This will display some useful messages for the user, for example, in tooltip or alert.

The MIT License



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