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14.3.3 • Public • Published

Top App Bar

Top App Bar acts as a container for items such as application title, navigation icon, and action items.

  • Module @rmwc/top-app-bar
  • Import styles:
    • Using CSS Loader
      • import '@rmwc/top-app-bar/styles';
    • Or include stylesheets
      • '@material/top-app-bar/dist/mdc.top-app-bar.css'
      • '@material/icon-button/dist/mdc.icon-button.css'
      • '@material/ripple/dist/mdc.ripple.css'
      • '@rmwc/icon/icon.css'
  • MDC Docs: https://material.io/develop/web/components/top-app-bar/

Whats the difference between the TopAppBar and Toolbar? Toolbar is technically deprecated (although it still works just fine). TopAppBar functionality continues to be worked on by the material-components-web team.

Basic Usage

  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>
      <TopAppBarSection alignStart>
        <TopAppBarNavigationIcon icon="menu" />
        <TopAppBarTitle>All Features</TopAppBarTitle>
      <TopAppBarSection alignEnd>
        <TopAppBarActionItem icon="favorite" />
        <TopAppBarActionItem icon="star" />
        <TopAppBarActionItem icon="mood" />
      <TopAppBarSection alignStart>
        <TopAppBarTitle>Another Row</TopAppBarTitle>
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>

Simplified Usage

You can use the SimpleTopAppBar component which contains a default template already laid out for you. Specify any actions you want as an array of props

    onNav={() => console.log('Navigate')}
        icon: 'file_download',
        onClick: () => console.log('Do Something')
      { icon: 'print', onClick: () => console.log('Do Something') },
      { icon: 'bookmark', onClick: () => console.log('Do Something') }
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>


  <TopAppBar fixed>
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>
  <TopAppBar dense>
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>
  {/** Additionally you can specify shortCollapsed to have it always minimized */}
  <TopAppBar short>
        <TopAppBarNavigationIcon icon="menu" />
      <TopAppBarSection alignEnd>
        <TopAppBarActionItem icon="favorite" />
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>
  <TopAppBar prominent>
  <TopAppBarFixedAdjust />

  <div style={{ height: '100rem', padding: '1rem' }}>Scroll Me</div>




Name Type Description
dense boolean Styles the top app bar to be dense.
fixed boolean Styles the top app bar as a fixed top app bar.
foundationRef Ref<null | MDCTopAppBarFoundation<>> Advanced: A reference to the MDCFoundation.
onNav (evt: TopAppBarOnNavEventT) => void Emits when the navigation icon is clicked.
prominent boolean Styles the top app bar as a prominent top app bar.
scrollTarget null | Element<> Set a scrollTarget other than the window when you are using the TopAppBar inside of a nested scrolling DOM Element. Please note that you should store your scrollTarget in a stateful variable. See example https://codesandbox.io/s/reverent-austin-16zzi.
short boolean Styles the top app bar as a short top app bar.
shortCollapsed boolean Styles the top app bar to always be collapsed.


A row for the app bar.


A section for the app bar.


Name Type Description
alignEnd boolean Aligns the section to the end.
alignStart boolean Aligns the section to the start.


A title for the top app bar.


A navigation icon for the top app bar. This is an instance of the Icon component.


Action items for the top app bar. This is an instance of the Icon component.


An optional component to fill the space when the TopAppBar is fixed. Place it directly after the TopAppBar.


Name Type Description
dense boolean Class used to style the content below the dense top app bar to prevent the top app bar from covering it.
denseProminent boolean Class used to style the content below the top app bar when styled as both prominent and dense, to prevent the top app bar from covering it.
prominent boolean Class used to style the content below the prominent top app bar to prevent the top app bar from covering it.
short boolean Class used to style the content below the short top app bar to prevent the top app bar from covering it.


A simplified syntax for creating an AppBar.


Name Type Description
actionItems Object[] An array of props that will be used to create TopAppBarActionItems.
dense boolean Styles the top app bar to be dense.
endContent ReactNode Additional content to place in the end section.
fixed boolean Styles the top app bar as a fixed top app bar.
foundationRef Ref<null | MDCTopAppBarFoundation<>> Advanced: A reference to the MDCFoundation.
navigationIcon boolean | Object Props for the NavigationIcon, which is an instance of the Icon component. You can also set this to
and use the
prop to handle interactions.
onNav (evt: TopAppBarOnNavEventT) => void Emits when the navigation icon is clicked.
prominent boolean Styles the top app bar as a prominent top app bar.
scrollTarget null | Element<> Set a scrollTarget other than the window when you are using the TopAppBar inside of a nested scrolling DOM Element. Please note that you should store your scrollTarget in a stateful variable. See example https://codesandbox.io/s/reverent-austin-16zzi.
short boolean Styles the top app bar as a short top app bar.
shortCollapsed boolean Styles the top app bar to always be collapsed.
startContent ReactNode Additional content to place in the start section.
title ReactNode The title for the App Bar.

Dependencies (5)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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    npm i @rmwc/top-app-bar

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    • jamesmfriedman