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@rezonant/k8s: Nodejs/Typescript Kubernetes client library

Forked from Goyoo's version

Node.js client library for Google's Kubernetes Kubectl and REST API.


    git clone https://github.com/Goyoo/node-k8s-client.git
    npm install
    npm run build


To test please install minikube.

    npm test


    npm install @rezonant/k8s


Kubectl API

The simpler of the two APIs provided by this package is an API built upon kubectl. This is most useful for deployments and simple introspection, but does not offer watching and it's capabilities are limited to those of the version of kubectl you are using.

Create client

import { Kubectl } from '@rezonant/k8s';

// use kubectl
var kubectl = new Kubectl({
    endpoint:  ''
    , namespace: 'namespace'
    , binary: '/usr/local/bin/kubectl'

// Configure kubectl using kubeconfig
var kube = new Kubectl({
	binary: '/bin/kubectl'
	,kubeconfig: '/etc/cluster1.yaml'
	,version: '/api/v1'


endpoint : URL for API

version : API Version

binary : Path to binary file

kubeconfig : Path to kubeconfig

auth : See below authentication section

strictSSL : If set to false, use of the API will not validate SSL certificate. Defualt is true.


Authentication to REST API is done via the auth option. Currently supported authentication method types are username/password, token and client certificate. Presence of authentication details is checked in this order so if a token is specified as well as a client certificate then a token will be used.


  "auth": {
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "123123"


  "auth": {
    "token": "hcc927ndkcka12"

Client certificate:

  "auth": {
    "clientKey": fs.readFileSync('k8s-client-key.pem'),
    "clientCert": fs.readFileSync('k8s-client-cert.pem'),
    "caCert": fs.readFileSync('k8s-ca-crt.pem')

Ways to get a response (callback, promise, async/await)

    //kubectl['type']['action]([arguments], [flags], [callback]): Promise

    kubect.pod.delete('pod_name', function(err, data){})
    kubect.pod.delete('pod_name', ['--grace-period=0'], function(err, data){})
    kubect.pod.delete('pod_name', ['--grace-period=0']).then()
    const data = await kubect.pod.delete('pod_name')
    const data = await kubect.pod.delete('pod_name',['--grace-period=0'])

Execute a raw kubectl command

You can execute a raw kubectl command like so:

    kubectl.command('get pod pod_name --output=json', function(err, data){})
    kubectl.command('get pod pod_name --output=json').then()
    const data = await kubectl.command('get pod pod_name --output=json')

Setting namespace for multiple commands

Use withNamespace() on either Kubectl or KubectlStore<T> to create a subobject which is bound to the given namespace.

    kubectl.withNamespace('someNamespace').pod.list().then(list => console.log(list))


Get a list of pods

kubectl.pod.list(function(err, pods){})

var label = { name: nginx }
kubectl.pod.list(label, function(err, pods){})

Get a pod by name

kubectl.pod.get(podName, callback)

Create a pod from a Yaml/JSON file

kubectl.pod.create(fileName, callback?)

Delete a pod by name

kubectl.pod.delete(podName, callback?)

Retrieve the logs of one or more pods

kubectl.pod.log('pod1name pod2name ...', callback)


Get a list of replication controllers

kubectl.rc.list(selector, callback?)

Get an RC by name

kubectl.rc.get(rcName, callback?)

Create an RC from file

kubectl.rc.create(fileName, callback?)

Delete an RC by name

kubectl.rc.delete(rcName, callback?)

Rolling update by image name

kubectl.rc.rollingUpdate(rcName, 'image:version', callback?)

Rolling update from file (JSON/Yaml)

kubectl.rc.rollingUpdateByFile(rcName, fileName, callback?)


kubectl.rc.scale(rcName, numberOfReplicas, callback)


Get the list of services

kubectl.service.list(selector, callback?)

Get a service

kubectl.service.get(serviceName, callback?)

Create a service

kubectl.service.create(fileName, callback?)

Delete a service

kubectl.service.delete(serviceName, callback?)


Get node list

kubectl.node.list(selector, callback?)

Get a node

kubectl.node.get(nodeName, callback?)

Create a node

kubectl.node.create(fileName, callback?)

Delete a node

kubectl.node.delete(nodeName, callback?)

...And all the rest

A complete list of supported API resources:

  • pod / po
  • replicationcontroller / rc
  • service / svc
  • node / no
  • namespace / ns
  • deployment
  • daemonset / ds
  • secrets
  • endpoint / ep
  • ingress / ing
  • pvc / persistentvolumeclaim
  • pv / persistentvolume

Kubernetes REST API

For more advanced interaction with Kubernetes, you may use the pure REST API.

Create client using Kubernetes REST API

import { Api } from '@rezonant/k8s';

//use restful api
var kubeapi = new Api({
	endpoint: '',
	version: '/api/v1'


Getting responses using callbacks

// method GET
kubeapi.get('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers', function(err, data){})

// method POST
kubeapi.post('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'), function(err, data){})

// method PUT
kubeapi.put('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'), function(err, data){})

// method PATCH
kubeapi.patch('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', [{ op: 'replace', path: '/spec/replicas', value: 2 }], function(err, data){})

// method DELETE
kubeapi.delete('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', function(err, data){})

Getting responses using promises

    .then(data => {
        // do something useful
    .catch((err) => {
        // handle errors

Using async/await

!async function()
        // method GET
        const data1 = await kubeapi.get('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers')
        // method POST
        const data2 = await kubeapi.post('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'))
        // method PUT
        const data3 = await kubeapi.put('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', require('./rc/nginx-rc.json'))
        // method PATCH
        const data4 = await kubeapi.patch('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx', [{ op: 'replace', path: '/spec/replicas', value: 2 }])
        // method DELETE
        const data5 = await kubeapi.delete('namespaces/default/replicationcontrollers/nginx')

method GET -> watch

using callback
var res = kubeapi.watch('watch/namespaces/default/pods', function(data){
	// message
}, function(err){
	// exit
}, [timeout])
using rxjs
kubeapi.watch('watch/namespaces/default/pods', [timeout]).subscribe(data=>{
    // message
}, err=>{
    // exit

Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (8)

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