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Build instructions

Build using npm:

npm run build

Alternatively, to support iterative development, run in watch mode to automatically rebuild on save:

npm run watch

To run after the cli has been built:

node dist/cli.js


In general, the CLI works by running sportlich <sportname> <command> [options]. To get a list of available sports APIs, run:

$ sportlich --help

To get a list of all available commands within a particular sport, run

sportlich <sportname> --help

Common options

All CLI commands generally interface with the Opta API, which returns a JSON response. There are convenience options to make working with this JSON data more manageable:

Option Description
-s, --skeleton Show only one value for each array in the response JSON. This is useful for quickly gleaming the overall structure without getting a jumble of thousands of rows.
-r, --raw Show the full prettified JSON value (as returned by JSON.stringify). Without this option, the JSON is printed using Node's default formatter, which can truncate data or apply undesired highlighting.
-f, --filter Filter the JSON response using a JMESPath filter. Refer to jmespath.org for the language specification and examples.
-l, --locale Use the specified locale. See https://docs.performgroup.com/docs/data/reference/opta-sdapi-global-parameters.htm#lcl for options.
-c, --cache Cache API calls in a static file. Future calls to the same exact endpoints/params will use the cached result without relying on the network/API (unless the --nocache parameter is set; see below).
-n, --nocache Do not utilize the API cache. (In general, the cache can be cleared by running sportlich clean.)


Some soccer-specific examples (since that's currently the most fleshed out API).

To get a list of all tournaments

sportlich soccer tournamentcalendar

To filter and only show US tournaments

sportlich soccer tournamentcalendar -c -f 'competition[?contains(`["USA"]`, countryCode)]'

To get the schedule for a particular tournament and only show the first result of each array in the response JSON:

sportlich soccer tournamentschedule 3pgp7unogn1qfsg93jmi7x10q -s

To store a particular match within a tournament:

MATCH=$(sportlich soccer tournamentschedule 3pgp7unogn1qfsg93jmi7x10q -f "matchDate[0].match[0].id")

To grab more information about that match (now that it's in an environment variable):

sportlich soccer match $MATCH

Get the most recent match from the EPL

# Get the EPL
TOURNAMENT=$(sportlich soccer tournamentcalendar -f 'competition[?competitionCode == `"EPL"`] | [0].tournamentCalendar[0].id')

# Get the most recent match in the schedule
MATCH=$(sportlich soccer tournamentschedule $TOURNAMENT -s -f "sort_by(matchDate, &date)[::-1] | [0] | sort_by(match, &date)[::-1] | [0].id")

Useful tournament constants

# Tournaments



All Sportlich methods work in module form as well. To start, import <SportClass> from @reuters-graphics/sportlich/dist/<sportname>. For instance, to import the soccer methods, the following code will import the Soccer class.

import { Soccer } from "@reuters-graphics/sportlich/dist/soccer";

Now that the sport class has been imported, we want to initialize it somewhere with some options. The general form is const <sportInstance> = <SportClass>(<options>), where relevant options are as follows:

Option Description
optaOutletAuth [mandatory] The outlet auth for the Opta API. This should be stored as a hidden environment variable in the caller's codebase.
optaSecretKey [mandatory] The secret key for the Opta API. This should be stored as a hidden environment variable in the caller's codebase.
locale [optional] The locale (language/geographic region) the response should be in. Valid options can be found here: https://docs.performgroup.com/docs/data/reference/opta-sdapi-global-parameters.htm#lcl

For instance, initializing the Soccer class with proper shielding of secrets might look like the following:

const soccer = new Soccer({
  optaOutletAuth: process.env.OPTA_OUTLET_AUTH,
  optaSecretKey: process.env.OPTA_SECRET_KEY,
  locale: "en-us",

Once the instance of the desired sports class has been initialized, we can call API methods with it, e.g.

const matches = await soccer.matchTournamentCalendar(TOURNAMENT_ID);

The reference for the API methods available can be found in src/apis/<sportname>.js. The equivalent CLI methods found in src/clis/<sportname>.js may have additional useful documentation.

Adding new API routes

You need to modify code in 2 places:


Links in the actual code to pull from Opta's API

For instance, to add a soccer route for /soccerdata/match/{outletAuthKey}, I would edit src/apis/soccer.js and add an async class method to the main Soccer class (with a parameter fixtureUuid taken from reading the "User Guide" in Opta's documentation):

  async match(fixtureUuid) {
    return await this.getUrl(

Here, <auth> gets replaced with the outletAuthKey automatically.


Hooks in CLI support for the command

Using our match route example from above, we would edit src/cli/soccer.js and add an element to the main exported array that looks like this:

    "match <fixtureUuid>",
    "Get a fixture or fixture list with match details, such as date, start time, contestants, competition, season, score, result and lineups.",
    (soccer) => soccer.match,

The first element of this subarray is the actual command as recognized by the sade package we use to operate the CLI (notice it has a parameter <fixtureUuid> which will get passed to the API). The second element is a description of what the command does (I just copy this word-for-word from Opta's user guide about the particular command in the subtitle). The third element takes a soccer class instance as parameter and returns the function that will run the API code (with no arguments since this is an abstraction).

Adding a new sport

There's four things to do generally to add support for a new sport to Sportlich.

  1. Create src/apis/<sportname>.js and generally structure it like
import Sportlich from ".";

export class <SportClass> extends Sportlich {
  ... <methods>

where <methods> call specific API routes (see “Adding New API Routes” above).

  1. Create src/clis/<sportname>.js and generally structure it like
import { <SportClass> } from "../apis/<sportname>";
import { commandAdapter } from "../adapter";

export default commandAdapter("<sportname>", <SportClass>, [
  ... <commands>

where <commands> link together API methods and the CLI (see “Adding New API Routes” above).

  1. In src/clis/sports.js, register the sport by adding it to the export array
// Register all sports
import <sportname> from "./<sportname">;

export default [..., <sportname>];
  1. In rollup.config.js, add an element to the default export to generate the sport-specific output:
export default [
    input: "src/apis/<sportname>.js",
    output: getOutput("./<sportname>.js"),


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