
1.0.1 • Public • Published


A mini clone of the Lodash library.


BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production*grade software.

This project was created and published by me (@rebeccaariss) as part of my studies at Lighthouse Labs.


Install it:

npm install @rebeccaariss/lotide

Require it:

const _ = require('@rebeccaariss/lotide');

Call it:

const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]


The following functions are currently implemented:

  • assertArraysEqual: Returns "true" if two given arrays are equal and "false" if they are not.
  • assertEqual: Returns "true" if two values (of any primitive type) are strictly equal and "false" if they are not.
  • assertObjectsEqual: Returns "true" if two given objects are equal and "false" if they are not.
  • countLetters: Returns the number of letters in a string (exclusive of spaces).
  • countOnly: Given an array of values (first argument), returns a count for only those values specified in second argument (an object containing booleans to indicate which array values should be counted).
  • eqArrays: Returns "true" if two given arrays are equal and "false" if they are not. This is required for assertArraysEqual to work properly, as we cannot compare arrays directly in the way we can for primitive values. (eqArrays includes logic for iterating over & comparing arrays; assertArraysEqual performs the final assertion).
  • eqObjects: Returns "true" if two given objects are equal and "false" if they are not. This is required for assertObjectsEqual to work properly, as we cannot compare objects directly in the way we can for primitive values. (eqObjects includes logic for iterating over & comparing objects; assertObjectsEqual performs the final assertion).
  • findKey: Returns the first instance of a key whose value matches the conditional specified within provided callback function.
  • findKeyByValue: This essentially searches through an object for a provided value. When the value is found, function returns the key that it is assigned to.
  • flatten: Converts a two-dimensional (nested) array to a one-dimensional (flattened) array.
  • head: Returns only the first element (index 0) of a given array.
  • letterPositions: Returns an array containing every instance (by index) of a specified letter in a given string.
  • map: Executes a given callback function on each element of a given array & returns a new array containing the results.
  • middle: Returns the middle values of a given array (one value for an array with an odd number of elements; two values for an array with an even number of elements; an empty array for an array with 0 or 1 element[s]).
  • tail: Returns all elements of a given array minus the first element (index 0).
  • takeUntil: From a given array, return a new array containing each element of the original up until the point that a given callback function returns a truthy value (exclusive of the element that resulted in a truthy value).
  • without: From a given array, returns a new array minus the elements specified in a second array.


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  • rebeccaariss