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1.0.5 • Public • Published

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📌 Table of contents

  • 🔮 Preview
  • 🚧 Problem
  • 💡 Solution
  • 🌈 API
  • 📝 Example
  • 🏆 Contributors
  • 🚀 Contribution
  • 🧑‍💻 Issues
  • 🚧 License
  • 🦄 Sponsors

🔮 Preview

use-mount provide react hook and component to handle rendering either server side or client side.

Server Side Client Side
server-side client-side

🚧 Problem

Using SSR in react, there are always cicumstances to control server side rendering(SSR). And there are components like NoSSR. Although Nuxt.js support ClientOnly Component, Next.js does not support ClientOnly Component.

💡 Solution

useMount supports to easily handle server side rendering(SSR).
use-mount package not only provide react hook, which can easily manipulate to not rendering specific component in server side, but also support ClientOnly Component, which known as NoSSR Component but has more controls.

# yarn
yarn add @react-useful-hooks/use-mount
# npm
npm install @react-useful-hooks/use-mount


use-mount package provide useMount react hook and ClientOnly Component.

import { useMount, ClientOnly } from '@react-useful-hooks/use-mount';


type isMount = boolean;
type useMount = (callback?: () => void, deps?: any[]) => isMount;

useMount return type

return type description default
isMount boolean isMount value will turn true when hydration statred false

useMount param type

params type description default
callback function callback will be called when hydration started undefined
deps any[] any dependencies regarding callback function just like useEffect undefined


type ClientOnly = ({
}) => ReactElement;

ClientOnly props type

props type description default
children ReactElement children will be rendered when hydration started undefined
fallback string or ReactElement fallback will be rendered at server side undefined
fallbackTag keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements can switch parent tag such as h1, h2, ...etc 'div'
delegates any[] delagates are attributes for HTML tags such as label, aria-label, href, ...etc undefined

📝 Example


function Test() {
	const isMounted = useMount(() => {
		return () => {
	}, []);


1. Only rendering text

function Test() {
	 * @description
	 * This Component will render
	 * <div>useMount</div>
	 * in server side.
	return (
		<ClientOnly fallback={'useMount'}>

2. Rendering with different tag

function Test() {
	 * @description
	 * This Component will render
	 * <h1>useMount</h1>
	 * in server side.
	return (
		<ClientOnly fallback="useMount" fallbackTag="h1">

// also you can pass any atrributes to fallback tag
function Test() {
	 * @description
	 * This Component will render
	 * <h1 aria-label='hello'>useMount</h1>
	 * in server side.
	return (
		<ClientOnly fallback="useMount" fallbackTag="h1" aria-label="hello">

3. Rendering Component

function ServerSide() {
	return <h1>useMount</h1>;

function Test() {
	 * @description
	 * This Component will render
	 * <h1>useMount</h1>
	 * in server side.
	return (
		<ClientOnly fallback={<ServerSide />}>

🏆 Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people.


🚀 Contribution

Looking to contribute? Look for the Good First Issue label.

Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making any pull requests.

🧑‍💻 Issues

🐛 Bugs

Please post issue for bugs, missing documetations, or unexpected behavior

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⭐️ Feature Requests

Please post issue to suggest new features.

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🚧 License


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  • eddie0329