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2.1.2 • Public • Published

Doks API Client

Doks third party API client. Doks website: https://doks.fi

⚠️ This tool is in early stages and is subject to change.


Install from npm (not available yet):

npm install doks-api-client


Import to NodeJS project

const { DoksApiClient } = require('doks-api-client');

Import to TypeScript project

import { DoksApiClient } from 'doks-api-client';

Setup client with options

Please consult Doks to get your email and apikey for API usage.

Since v1.4.0 allows using cacheable-lookup with either internal or external dns cache. Make sure you are using cacheable-lookup@5 which is compatible with got@11 that is used.

const dnsCache = new CacheableLookup();

const doks = new DoksApiClient({
  apikey: 'doks-api-key-here',
  email: 'api-user-email-here',

  // optional
  apiVersion: 'v1.89', // lock api version
  apiBaseUrl: 'https://url', // change base url, defaults to https://data.doks.fi/api

  // Optional: keep alive agent
  keepAliveAgent: true,

  // Optional: DNS cache
  dnsCache: true,

Properties for resources

You can find properties for each resource from src/interfaces.ts

Methods (examples)

const exampleCustomerId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';
const exampleIdentificationId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';
const exampleRequestId = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx';

// Get all customers
const customers = await doks.getCustomers();

// Get single customer
const customer = await doks.getCustomerById(exampleCustomerId);

// Create customer (see src/interfaces.ts for available properties)
const newCustomer = await doks.createCustomer({
  businessid: '1234567-8',
  name: 'Example Oy',
  country: 'fi',
  type: 'business'

// Filter customers and return only needed fields
const customers = await doks.getCustomersByFilters(
  // Filtered fields
  { businessid: '1234567-8' },

  // Returned fields
  ['name', 'businessid']

// Get customer identifications
const identifications = await doks.getIdentificationsByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId);

// Create identification
const newIdentification = await doks.createIdentificationByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId, {
  name: 'Person Name',
  email: 'person.name@email.ltd'

  // other specs

// Send identification
const sentIdentification = await doks.sendIdentificationByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId, newIdentification.id);

// Get single identification
const identification = await doks.getIdentificationByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId, newIdentification.id);

// Get customer information requests
const informationRequests = await doks.getInformationRequestsByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId);

// Create information request
const newInformationRequest = await doks.createInformationRequestByCustomerId(exampleCustomerId, {
  email: 'person.name@email.ltd',
  ask_riskquestions: true

  // other specs

// Send information request
const sentInformationRequest = await doks.sendInformationRequestByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId, newInformationRequest.id);

// Get single information request
const informationRequest = await doks.getInformationRequestByCustomerAndIdentificationId(exampleCustomerId, newInformationRequest.id);

// Create owner, responsible person, pep, actual beneficiary
const owner = await doks.createOwnerByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const responsiblePerson = await doks.createResponsiblePersonByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const pep = await doks.createPepByCustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });
const actualBeneficiary = await doks.createActualBeneficiaryBycustomerId('customer_id', { ...props });

// Get owners, responsible persons, peps, actual beneficiaries
const owners = await doks.getOwnersByCustomerId('customer_id');
const responsiblePerson = await doks.getResponsiblePersonsByCustomerId('customer_id');
const pep = await doks.getPepsByCustomerId('customer_id');
const actualBeneficiary = await doks.getActualBeneficiariesByCustomerId('customer_id');


Contains some helpers for handling customers details.

// Validate business id
const validBusinessId = doks.isValidBusinessId('1234567-8'); // true or false


  • 0.0.1 Under development
  • 0.0.4 Add actual beneficiaries document purchase option
  • 0.0.8 Fixed jwt token fetch in get pdf summary
  • 0.0.10 Update customer with patchCustomerById, added property available_eidmethods to IDoksIdentification
  • 0.0.11 Added risk assesments and scores
  • 1.0.0 Adapt to breaking changes on Doks API (January 2022), changed properties for owners and added actualBeneficiary, responsiblePerson and pep resources
  • 1.1.0 Added riskanswers
  • 1.2.0 Added informationRequestPdf
  • 1.3.0 Added buyResponsiblePersonsByCustomerId and buyTradeRegisterByCustomerId
  • 1.3.4 Instantiate HTTPS KeepAliveAgent outside the class to get the most out of it
  • 1.4.0 Add dns caching possibility with cacheableLookup
  • 2.0.0 Added httpsAgent keep alive support and updated DNS caching options

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  • jenni.breite
  • puja.heino
  • rantalainen-svc
  • hannajussila
  • markus.peltola
  • henripero-rantalainen
  • tonitakala
  • kaisakassila