
2.0.0 • Public • Published

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Webpack build and dev tools, part of the ramster open-source software toolkit.
This module provides a small toolkit for building and running bundles with webpack. It has both a javascript API and a CLI.


The javascript API contains 5 methods - build, buildFromFile, watch, watchFromFile and injectPluginsInConfig.
All examples below use the following config file.


This method takes a webpack configuration object and generates a webpack bundle for it.

Name Type Description
@param (required) webpackConfig Webpack.Configuration The config to be passed on to Webpack for building the bundle.
@returns Promise Resolves with true (boolean) when the bundle build is finished or rejects with the error thrown.


// main.js
	configData = require('./config'),
	{build} = require('@ramster/webpack-tools')

	(res) => console.log('Build completed successfully with result:', res),
	(err) => console.error(err)


This method takes a path to a file containing a webpack configuration object and executes webpack(config) for it, returning a promise.

Name Type Description
@param (required) configFilePath string The path to the file, containg the config to be passed on to Webpack for building the bundle.
@param (optional) pluginsProfileName string The name of the plugins profile to be injected into the webpack config's plugins array.
@returns Promise Resolves with true (boolean) or rejects with the error thrown.

The file should be in the format

	profileWebpackPlugins?: { [profileName: string]: Webpack.Plugin[] },
	webpackConfig: Webpack.Configuration


// main.js
	{buildFromFile} = require('@ramster/webpack-tools'),
	path = require('path')

buildFromFile(path.join(__dirname, 'webpackConfig.js'), 'development').then(
	(res) => console.log('Build completed successfully with result:', res),
	(err) => console.error(err)


This method takes a webpack configuration object and starts a webpack devserver for it.

Name Type Description
@param (required) webpackConfig Webpack.Configuration The config to be passed on to Webpack for building the bundle.
@param (required) devserverConfig { hostName: string, port: number } The HTTP config for the webpack devserver.
@returns Promise Resolves with true (boolean) when the devserver build has started successufully (not on build completion) or rejects with the error thrown.


// main.js
	configData = require('./config'),
	{watch} = require('@ramster/webpack-tools')

watch(configData.webpackConfig, configData.devserverConfig).then(
	(res) => console.log('Build completed successfully with result:', res),
	(err) => console.error(err)


This method takes a path to a file containing a webpack configuration object and starts a webpack devserver for it.

Name Type Description
@param (required) configFilePath string The path to the file, containg the config to be passed on to Webpack for building the bundle.
@param (optional) pluginsProfileName string The name of the plugins profile to be injected into the webpack config's plugins array.
@param (required) devserverConfig { hostName: string, port: number } The HTTP config for the webpack devserver.
@returns Promise Resolves with true (boolean) when the devserver build has started successufully (not on build completion) or rejects with the error thrown.

The file should be in the format

	devserverConfig: { hostName: string, port: number },
	profileWebpackPlugins?: { [profileName: string]: Webpack.Plugin[] },
	webpackConfig: Webpack.Configuration


// main.js
	{buildFromFile} = require('@ramster/webpack-tools'),
	path = require('path')

buildFromFile(path.join(__dirname, 'webpackConfig.js'), 'development').then(
	(res) => console.log('Build completed successfully with result:', res),
	(err) => console.error(err)


Takes a webpack config and injects plugins into its "plugins" array. If the object doesn't have a "plugins" array, it will be created automatically.

Name Type Description
@param (required) config Webpack.Configuration The webpack config to inject the plugins in.
@param (required) config { [profileName: string]: Webpack.Plugin[] } The object containing the config-profile-specific plugin arrays.
@param (required) configProfileName string The name of the config profile to inject the plugins for.
@returns Promise Resolves with true (boolean) when the bundle build is finished or rejects with the error thrown.


// main.js
	configData = require('./config'),
	{build, injectPluginsInConfig} = require('@ramster/webpack-tools')

configData.webpackConfig = injectPluginsInConfig(configData.webpackConfig, configData.profileWebpackPlugins, 'development')
	(res) => console.log('Build completed successfully with result:', res),
	(err) => console.error(err)


// config.js
	BellOnBundlerErrorPlugin = require('bell-on-bundler-error-plugin'),
	path = require('path'),
	ProgressBarPlugin = require('progress-bar-webpack-plugin'),
	webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
	devserverConfig: { hostName: '', port: 9999 },
	profileWebpackPlugins: {
		development: [
			new BellOnBundlerErrorPlugin()
	webpackConfig: {
		devtool: 'source-map',
		entry: [
			path.join(__dirname, 'src/index.ts')
		output: {
			path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
			filename: '[name].js',
			chunkFilename: '[id].chunk.js',
			publicPath: '/dist/'
		resolve: {
			extensions: ['.ts', '.js'],
			modules: ['node_modules']
		module: {
			rules: [
					test: /\.ts$/,
					include: path.join(__dirname, 'src'),
					exclude: [],
					use: ['awesome-typescript-loader']
		stats: 'verbose',
		plugins: [
			new ProgressBarPlugin({
				format: '  build [:bar] (:percent) - (:elapsed seconds)',
				clear: false,
				complete: '#',
				summary: 'true'


The CLI allows you to use the buildFromFile and watchFromFile methods using from the command line. Running ramster-webpack --help will display the full usage information that you can see below:

Usage: ramster-webpack [options]
       ramster-webpack -c config/webpack.js -p production
       ramster-webpack --configFilePath=config/webpack.js --pluginProfileName=production

  -b, --build                                signals the script to build the bundles for the provided config files and exit
  -w, --watch                              signals the script to build and watch the bundles for the provided config files by running a devserver
  -c, --configFilePath                 required; specifies the config file to use for the run; if provided multiple times, multiple files will be built
  -p, --pluginProfileName        optional; specifies the plugins profile for the config file to use for the run; if provided multiple times, each one will be matched to a single --configFilePath in the order provided
  -h, --help                                 display this menu

Security issues

Please report any security issues privately at r_rumenov@lemmsoft.com.


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