
0.8.0 • Public • Published

Baum 🌴 - for testing ES modules and CommonJS in browser and NodeJS


$ npm i -D @prostory/baum


// ES modules
import { group } from '/path/to/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'

// CommonJS
const { group } = require('@prostory/baum')


Library exports three main functions:

  1. group(title: string, fn: () => TestObject[], hooks?: TestHooks): Promise<void>:

It is used for grouping relative tests together. All test functions must be inside of group function. They are executing in order of defining.

hooks is an object which can have four method:

  1. beforeAll: () => void - executes before all tests in group.
  2. beforeEach: () => void - executes before each test in group.
  3. afterEach: () => void - executes after each test in group.
  4. afterAll: () => void - executes after all tests in group.
import { group } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'

group('Group tests that check functions that works with numbers', () => {
  return [
    // Here is test() functions.
  1. test(title: string, fn: () => Promise<void> | void): TestObject:

This function defines single test. It accepts title as test description and test function.

import { group, test } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'

group('Group tests that check number equality', () => {
  return [
    test('Syncronous test', () => {

    test('Asyncronous test', async () => {
      const number = await expect(Promise.resolve(1)).toBeResolved()
  1. expect(value: mixed): ExpectChecks:

This is the main function which performs testing your code. It accepts value that must be tested and returns object with methods for testing value:

  • toEqual(expected: mixed): void this function checks if value is equal to expected. They may be type of string, number, boolean, undefined, object(plain objects, Array, Set and Map). Objects checks by equality of their shape and values. So { a: 1 } will be equal to { a: 1 } and so on.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check number equality', () => {
      return [
        test('1 + 1 must equal to 2', () => {
          expect(1 + 1).toEqual(2) // pass
  • toThrow(expectedError?: Error): void checks if value(function only) throws an error. If expectedError is provided, received and expected errors are compated for equality.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check functions', () => {
      return [
        test('function must throw an error', () => {
          expect(() => throw new Error('Error')).toThrow() // pass
        test('function must throw an error', () => {
          expect(() => throw new Error('Error')).toThrow(new Error('Error')) // pass
  • toMatch(expected: string | RegExp): void this method checks if value(string) match to expected.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check functions', () => {
      return [
        test('"test " does match "test"', () => {
          expect('test ').toMatch('test') // pass
        test('"test " does match "/test/"', () => {
          expect('test ').toMatch(/test/) // pass
  • toBeResolved(): Promise<ExpectChecks> this method checks for resolving Promise. If you need to check if Promise does not rejects - simply invoke it. If you need to test resolved value, await function and on result invoke needed methods that described here (toBeResolved() returns the same object as expect(...) function).

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check Promises', () => {
      return [
        test('Promise must be resolved successfully', async () => {
          await expect(Promise.resolve(1)).toBeResolved() // pass
        test('Promise must be resolved successfully and value is 1', async () => {
          ;(await expect(Promise.resolve(1)).toBeResolved()).toEqual(1) // pass
  • toBeRejected(expectedError?: Error): Promise<void> this methos checks if Promise rejects. If expectedError is provided, received and expected errors are compated for equality.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check Promises', () => {
      return [
        test('Promise must be rejected', async () => {
          await expect(Promise.reject(new Error('Error'))).toBeRejected() // pass
        test('Promise must be rejected with specific error', async () => {
          await expect(Promise.reject(new Error('Error'))).toBeRejected(new Error('Error')) // pass
  • toBe(type: string): void - checks given value if its match to provided(type parameter). You can check such types: 'string' | 'number' | 'NaN' | 'boolean' | 'null' | 'undefined' | 'function' | 'PlainObject' | 'Set' | 'Map' | 'RegExp' | 'WeakMap' | 'WeakSet' | 'Promise' | 'Array'

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check type of given value', () => {
      return [
        test('1 is number', () => {
          expect(1).toBe('number') // pass
        test('Array to be Array type', () => {
          expect([7, 'd']).toBe('Array') // pass
  • toBeTruthy(): void - checks given value if it is truthy.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check type of given value', () => {
      return [
        test('1 is truthy value', () => {
          expect(1).toBeTruthy() // pass
        test('0 is falsy value', () => {
          expect(0).not.toBeTruthy() // pass
  • not property. It contains methods that described above but they (except toBeResolved and toBeRejected) do opposite job.

    import { group, test, expect } from '/node_modules/@prostory/baum/dist/index.mjs'
    group('Group tests that check type of given value', () => {
      return [
        test('1 is not Set', () => {
          expect(1).not.toBe('Set') // pass
        test('"Array" match not "Arrau"', () => {
          expect('Array').not.toMatch('Arrau') // pass
        // You can check if function does not throw error at all or
        // function may throw error except one checked against.
        test('Function is not throwing an error at all', () => {
          expect(() => {}).not.toThrow() // pass
        test('Function is not throwing specific error', () => {
          expect(() => { throw new Error('Error') }).not.toThrow(new Error('Another error')) // pass

Note - for testing Promises you must await Promise that returns by of toBeResolved() and toBeRejected() or return it, in order to tests finish properly. This methods do the same in not property also.

With ❤️ to Baum


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