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KendoReact Charts Library for React


  • This package is а part of KendoReact—a commercial UI library.
  • You will need to install a license key when adding the package to your project. For more information, please refer to the KendoReact My License page.
  • To receive a license key, you need to either purchase a license or register for a free trial. Doing so indicates that you accept the KendoReact License Agreement.
  • The 30-day free trial gives you access to all the KendoReact components and their full functionality. Additionally, for the period of your license, you get access to our legendary technical support provided directly by the KendoReact dev team!

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The React Chart, part of KendoReact, renders a wide range of high-quality data visualizations including panning and zooming, export and styling options.

What's in this package (ToC):

React Chart Component

The React Chart component found in KendoReact is a powerful data visualization tool that can fit into any application. This one component includes over 16 different types of charts, all with built-in support for interactivity, tooltips, zooming and panning, and much more. Available chart types include:

React Sankey Component

The KendoReact Sankey component is a highly customizable React component for visualizing the Sankey Diagram (also known as Sankey Chart) that is used for many use cases such as visualizing website traffic or budget analysis.

React Sparkline Component

The KendoReact Sparkline component is a light-weight chart that focuses on rendering the values in a very compact way. These graphs are ideal when developers need to show trends and want to focus more on value movements. Generally, Stockcharts include extensive touch support and a navigator pane for easy browsing of extended time periods.

React StockChart Component

The KendoReact StockChart component is a specialized for visualizing the price movement of a financial instrument over time.

React Charts Components Library Features

Among the many features which the KendoReact Charts deliver are:

  • Types—You can choose from wide variety of types to render the data in the Chart (Line, Area, Bar, Column, Donut and many more).
  • Axes—The Charts provide very in-depth customization for its axes. You can customize over 100+ options for the category and the values axes of the Charts.
  • Rendering modes—You can render the Charts as SVG or Canvas.
  • Export—The Charts can be exported to an image, a PDF or a SVG, allowing to easily save them locally or on the server.
  • Panning and Zooming—The Chart enables the user to change the displayed range by panning and zooming.
  • Customization—The Charts are highly customizable with more than 1 thousand customization options available.
  • Theme support—The KendoReact Charts, as well as all 100+ components in the KendoReact suite, are styled in three polished themes (Bootstrap, Material, and Default) and can be further customized to match your specific design guidelines.

Support Options

For any issues you might encounter while working with the KendoReact Charts, use any of the available support channels:

  • Industry-leading technical support—KendoReact paid license holders and users with an active (free) trial license can take advantage of our outstanding customer support. To submit a ticket, use the dedicated KendoReact support system.
  • Product forums—The KendoReact forums are part of the free support you can get from the community and from the KendoReact team.
  • Feedback portal—The KendoReact feedback portal is where you can request and vote for new features to be added.


High-level component overview pages

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