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0.0.1-67b8bb3 • Public • Published

What this is:

This is an experiment to create a generic api client based on (and potentially to be shipped with) redux toolkit that allows for effective querying of non-normalized api endpoints with some global caching & cache invalidation mechanisms.

Basic usage:

import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery, QueryStatus } from '@rtk-incubator/simple-query';

interface User {
  id: number;
  email: string;
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;
  avatar: string;

interface SingleResponse<T> {
  data: T;

interface ListResponse<T> {
  page: number;
  per_page: number;
  total: number;
  total_pages: number;
  data: T[];

// api initialization
const api = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'testApi',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'https://reqres.in/api' }),
  entityTypes: [],
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    listUsers: builder.query<ListResponse<User>, number | void>({
      query(page = 1) {
        return {
          url: `users?page=${page}`,
    getUser: builder.query<SingleResponse<User>, number>({
      query(id) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
    createUser: builder.mutation<User, Partial<User>>({
      query(data) {
        return {
          url: `users`,
          method: 'POST',
          body: data,
    updateUser: builder.mutation<User, { id: number; patch: Partial<User> }>({
      query({ id, patch }) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
          method: 'PATCH',
          body: patch,
    deleteUser: builder.mutation<void, number>({
      query(id) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
          method: 'DELETE',

// store setup
const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
    testApi: api.reducer, // "testApi" here has to match the `reducerPath` option for `createApi`
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(api.middleware),

// usage in a component
function DisplayUser({ id }: { id: number }) {
  const { status, data } = api.hooks.getUser.useQuery(id);
  const [updateUser, updateResult] = api.hooks.updateUser.useMutation();

  if (status === QueryStatus.pending) {
    return <p>loading...</p>;
  return (
        first name: {data.data.first_name} <br />
        last name: {data.data.last_name} <br />
      <button onClick={() => updateUser({ id, patch: { first_name: 'Alice' } })}>set first name to Alice</button>

This allows to easily query data from the server and send requests to the server using the hooks supplied by our api.

basic invalidation

const api = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'testApi',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'https://reqres.in/api' }),
-  entityTypes: [],
+  entityTypes: ['User'],
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    listUsers: builder.query<ListResponse<User>, number | void>({
      query(page = 1) {
        return {
          url: `users?page=${page}`,
+      provides: [{type: 'User'}]
    // ...
    createUser: builder.mutation<User, Partial<User>>({
      query(data) {
        return {
          url: `users`,
          method: 'POST',
          body: data,
+      invalidates: [{type: 'User'}]

Now, whenever the createUser mutation is triggered, all currently used queries that provide objects of type User will re-run.

granular invalidation

const api = createApi({
  reducerPath: 'testApi',
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'https://reqres.in/api' }),
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    listUsers: builder.query<ListResponse<User>, number | void>({
      query(page = 1) {
        return {
          url: `users?page=${page}`,
-      provides: [{type: 'User'}]
+      provides: result => [...result.data.map(user => ({type: 'User', id: user.id} as const)), {type: 'User', id: 'LIST'}]
    getUser: builder.query<SingleResponse<User>, number>({
      query(id) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
-      provides: [{type: 'User'}]
+      provides: (_, arg) => [({type: 'User', id: arg})]
    createUser: builder.mutation<User, Partial<User>>({
      query(data) {
        return {
          url: `users`,
          method: 'POST',
          body: data,
-      invalidates: [{type: 'User'}]
+      invalidates: [{type: 'User', id: 'LIST'}]
    updateUser: builder.mutation<User, { id: number; patch: Partial<User> }>({
      query({ id, patch }) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
          method: 'PATCH',
          body: patch,
-      invalidates: [{type: 'User'}]
+      invalidates: result => [{type: 'User', id: result.id}]
    deleteUser: builder.mutation<void, number>({
      query(id) {
        return {
          url: `users/${id}`,
          method: 'DELETE',
-      invalidates: [{type: 'User'}]
+      invalidates: (_, arg) => [({type: 'User', id: arg})]

notable things:

  • invalidates and provides can both be an array of {entity: string, id?: string|number} or a callback that returns such an array. That function will be passed the result as the first argument and the argument originally passed into the query method as the second argument.
  • updateUser and deleteUser will now invalidate only queries that provided entities with these specific ids
  • likewise, getUser now provides an entity with a specific id
  • listUsers now provides all entities with id from the fetch result. Also, it provides a User with the id "LIST". This id is chosen arbitrarily. It enables createUser to invalidate all list-type queries - after all, depending of the sort order, that newly created user could show up in any of those lists.


  • [x] create a PR against RTK that adds .requestId to the returned promise
  • [x] split up that monster file
  • [ ] more useful tests
  • [ ] think about invalidation after all subscribers for a query have unsubscibed (+60 seconds or so)
  • [x] basic invalidation: when a mutation invalidates an entity type, refetch all queries that provided that type
  • [x] advanced invalidation: differentiate between mutations invalidating all entities of a type or single entities vs queries providing a single entity/a number of unspecified entities
  • [x] hooks should return a promise (requires RTK patch from above)
  • [ ] add a condition that prevents a query from re-running when a second component subscribes to the same query with the same arguments
  • [x] return a refetch function from useQuery that does said refetch
  • [x] implement a skip option for useQuery to prevent fetching on initial render


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  • phryneas