
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Sencha Test Product, codename Orion.

Development Setup

Add Ext JS SDK to /ext/ at the project root. See the code guidelines.

Or Download ext.pkg and d3.pkg from Team City and add them as packages... sencha repo sencha repo init -name Sencha sencha package add ~/Downloads/ext.pkg sencha package add ~/Downloads/d3.pkg

NOTE: If you get an error like:

[ERR] Directory /Users/craigcomstock/orion/ext651 not recognized as a framework
[ERR] Unable to load required framework: ext651@null

then extract the ext package locally like this:

sencha package extract -o ext651 ext@6.5.1


Get Sencha Cmd 6.5.1 from Team City here.

There are known issues with Sencha Cmd 6.5.2 as of 9/11/17 so 6.5.1 is preferred.


Get the current LTS version of Node.js from their downloads page.

Minimum required version is v6.x.x


Node.js comes with a version of npm but you can get the latest version like so:

sudo npm install npm -g


npm install

Note: Studio depends on sencha/tern. In order for npm to resolve this dependency you must have an ssh key in the Sencha Developers group on GitHub.

This project has some inter-dependencies which require the use of `npm link`. To do a clean rebuild including the linking of modules use the 
rebuildworkspace.sh script at the root of this project.

App build

npm run build

Install Anti-piracy jar

  • Download the anti-piracy jar.
  • Rename the jar to utils.jar
  • Copy the jar to ~/path/to/repository/orion/Studio/util/utils.jar


Studio can be launched using npm scripts from the root folder like so:

npm run studio      # Mac/Linux
npm run winstudio   # Windows

QA testing for Anti-piracy pings

To test if pings are registered replace production to testing on line command += "-mode production " in ~/path/to/repository/orion/orion-core/lib/App.js

Running Tests in orion-core

To run unit tests on orion-core:

cd orion-core
npm test

or add the following (or similar) to .vscode/launch.json in the workspace

    "type": "node",
    "request": "launch",
    "name": "run current jasmine test",
    "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}/orion-core/node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js",
    "args": ["${relativeFile}"]
    "type": "node",
    "request": "launch",
    "name": "coverage on current jasmine test",
    "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}/orion-core/node_modules/.bin/istanbul",
    "args": ["cover", "${workspaceRoot}/orion-core/node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine.js", "${relativeFile}"]

Code Linting - eslint

In order to support IDEs usage of eslint the .eslintignore must be at the top-level of the workspace. Currently
only orion-core is configured so that existing files with issues are ignored.

Visual Studio Code Plugins

To have in-line code coverage decorations:

    Enable/Disable coverage decorations with Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-P 'lcov' and then 'Enable/Disable decorations'

To have real-time eslint warnings:


You must install eslint and eslint-plugin-compat globally before this plugin will work

    npm i -g eslint eslint-plugin-compat

Local Builds

Global Dependencies

Install global Node things:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Build as local executable

Install local things:

npm install

Build the app:

grunt testBuild

At this stage you may test by running with electron and the built app directory:

node_modules/.bin/electron --enable-logging build/production/Studio

NOTE: this build is not quite complete but can be used as a smoke test to ensure the app starts.
there are other assets which must be copied into the production/Studio folder such as tiles/templates/** TODO

Package app as an electron app for the desired platform:

grunt electron:osxBuild
grunt electron:win32
grunt electron:win64
grunt electron:linux32
grunt electron:linux64

Run the project locally by starting the generated executable at:

build/bin/Sencha Studio-<platform-arch>

You can add the "--enable-logging" chrome flag to see basic javascript errors and console logs. Add "--v=1" as well to see more verbose internal chrome logging (probably not interesting most of the time).

On OSX you may cd into build/bin/Sencha Studio-darwin-x64/Sencha Studio.app/Contents/MacOS and run Studio with

./Sencha\ Studio --enable-logging

Build as Installer

NOTE: the build process must be run on a Linux/OSX machine, as the dependencies and build scripts assume that environment.

We use grunt-electron to create our electron builds... which requires wine as part of its build process.

brew install wine

The build scripts also require 7-zip as a globally-accessible binary, so be sure to install it.


Finally, install4j is the program we use to create the x-platform installers. You'll need that installed too.

To build the project (locally) to get x-platform binaries, simply run grunt from the project root. This will:

  • clean some junk from various folders (namely npm dependencies and build output)
  • re-install project dependencies (npm stuff)
  • build the Sencha application located in /Studio/
  • generate the ./build/ folder with binary output per the defined Grunt build process (in Gruntfile.js)
  • contact the Sencha signing server to get our executables properly signed

The grunt build process will output the configured platform installers under ./build/production/installers/.

Parts of this process (notably, the code signing steps) require a VPN connection to the Sencha signing server.


See the Test Plan document for details on automated and manual tests for the Sencha Test (Orion) project.

et cetera

* attic - Archive of old code, used for reference
    * senchacon-orlando-bulk-runner - Bulk runner shown at SenchaCon '13 in Orlando
    * the-eye-server - The EyE is Sencha's former internal test runner / manager
    * TestRunner - Local test runner
    * JasmineExample - Example app used to develop the local test runner
* Studio - UI for the Electron application

Dependents (0)

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npm i @orion27/orion

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31.7 MB

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  • admin
  • d.srivastav