
4.5.0 • Public • Published


Basic React library for harmonizing Business Network Portal UI services.

This library provides elementary service structures like navigation, routing, modal dialogs, notification handling and context preparation.

Components in this library are divided into multiple different namespaces exposing public code. You can find the following namespaces providing you with containers, components and APIs.


patch(0.0.^+1) - A Patch release is used to signify that the code changes in this revision has not added any new features or API changes and is backward compatible with the previous version. It is most typically used to signify a bug fix.

minor(0.^+1.0) - A Minor release is used to signify that functionality has been added, but the code is otherwise backward compatible.

major(^+1.0.0) - When you make changes to the public API and the code is no longer backward compatible, then you have made “breaking” changes. This requires a major revision increase. This can mean a feature was removed or functionality has changed that requires the user to make changes to the code to accept the update.

Pull request to master will automatically bump patch version.

To bump minor or major version it's required to overwrite package.json and package-lock.json

e.g. bump minor version


After merging to master version will be updated from x.x.x-next.0 to x.x.x

e.g. 1.3.0-next.0 to 1.3.0


The Containers namespace usually contains components that are more or less standalone entry points that might have not properties passed from outside the component, define basic structures and/or combine multiple components together in order to control them.

The following container are currently available:


The ServiceLayout container provides the basic frame structure for a UI service based on this library. In most applications, this should be the entry point for every React application. It provides all basic context data and UI APIs to control the user interface from the inside of nested components.

In addition, ServiceLayout imports all basic CSS styles including bootstrap and its JavaScript. Because of several limitations, it does not include jQuery.

Usage example
import React from 'react';
import { Containers } from '@opuscapita/service-base-ui';
import { Route } from 'react-router';

class Main extends React.Component
        <Containers.ServiceLayout serviceName="my-service-name">
            <Route path="/" component={MyFirstComponent}></Route>
            <Route path="/second" component={MySecondComponent}></Route>

export default Main;

In order to use the full potential of the ServiceLayout container, components implemented to build a service's user interface should extend the Components ContextComponent or ConditionalRenderComponent instead of React.Component.

Context (UI API)

ServiceLayout provides an API to all child components easily accessible through React's context object. It provides UI access like modal dialogs, notifications, menu visibility and current user information.

All API is accessed using the this.context object. It all APIs are automatically available one a component extends the components ContextComponent or ConditionalRenderComponent.

Name Type Required Possible values Default value Description
serviceName string true Name of the current service which is also used in the URL in order to identify routes in the current application.
component function false And additional component to be wrapped around all inner components.
size string false null, '', 'default', 'full-width', 'full-screen' 'default' Defines the layout size of the outer frame. See setLayoutSize() below.
environment string true 'develop' Current service environment.
knowledgeBaseUrl string false A url to service specific knowledge base.
Hide AJAX progress

To prevent requests from showing their status in the UI's progress bar (e.g. for recurring background tasks), you may set the X-Client-Progress HTTP header to false on every AJAX request.

Note: This header will not be sent to the server as it is meant for client behavior control only.


The following objects are available through a component's context:


The following methods are available through a component's context:


Shows a short notification bubble on the top of a page that will automatically disappear after a certain amount of time. Returns a notification handle object which can be used to actively hide a certain notification.

Notifications are stacked on every call to this method.

showNotification(message, level = 'info', duration = 4, buttonLabel = null, onButtonClick = null) : object
Name Type Required Possible values Description
message string true Message to be displayed
level string true 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'info' Controls style and color of a message bubble.
duration integer true Duration in seconds a message lasts visible.
buttonLabel string false Sets the label of a button to display within a notification.
onButtonClick function false Sets the callback for a notification's button click event.

Remove a certain notification.

hideNotification(handle, duration = 1) : void
Name Type Required Description
handle object true Notification handle create by a call to showNotification().
duration integer true Time in seconds until a message disappears.

Removes all notifications displayed instantly.

clearNotifications() : void

Displays a modal dialog using the ModalDialog component that covers the whole page. This method is meant to display simple messages or ask for user interactions like confirmation dialogs. There can be only one modal dialog at a time.

Dialogs can be actively hidden using the hideModalDialog() method.

showModalDialog(title, message, onButtonClick, buttons) : void
Name Type Required Description
title string true A dialog's window title.
message string true A text message displayed.
onButtonClick function false Callback function to be called once a dialog button gets clicked. The dialog automatically closes if the function's return value is anything but false or Promise.resolve(false).
buttons object false Object defining dialog buttons. The keys inside that object identify a button as it is passed to the onButtonClick callback. Its value is used as a button's label. The first object entry is used as the primary button.

Hides a modal dialog currently displayed.

hideModalDialog() : void
refreshUserData / refreshUserProfile

Runs a full refresh of all user related data in the user interface which also results in a full re-rendering of the application. This method should only be called if essential parts of a user's information have changed like profile settings e.g. language switch.

The methods refreshUserData() and refreshUserProfile() actually refer to the same method so only one of them should be called. This is made for API design reasons as userData and userProfile are two separate entities in this API.

refreshUserData() : Promise
refreshUserProfile() : Promise

Sets the language of the current user's user interface and stores the new language settings inside the current user's profile.

Calling this method triggers a full re-rendering of the application as it calls refreshUserData().

setLocale(locale) : Promise
Name Type Required Description
locale string true Locale in the form of a simple language value like en or de.
showSpinner / hideSpinner

Shows a full page spinner. This blocks all user interactions with the underlying user interface. As this feature is very invasive, it should only be used very carefully.

System spinners get stacked internally on every call to showSpinner(). This means the spinner only gets hidden after the final call to hideSpinner() removes the last spinner shown.

showSpinner() : void
hideSpinner() : void

Sets the document (browser) title of an application.

setPageTitle(title) : void
Name Type Required Description
title string false Document title of an application.

Ends a user's session by redirecting them to the log-out endpoint which will then display the log-in page. If an optional backToUrl is passed, a user gets redirected to this URL once they log-in again.

logOutUser(backToUrl) : void
Name Type Required Description
backToUrl string false Full URL to be redirected after a successful re-log-in.

Besides the size property of the ServiceLayout component, this method allows switching the main layout in a limited way from within a component. It can be used to hide the menu or even widening the content area.

setLayoutSize(size) : void
Name Type Required Possible values Description
size string true null, '', 'default', 'full-width', 'full-screen' Size identifier.

Returns the size identifier of the currently used layout size.

getLayoutSize() : string
showLogInDialog (not fully implemented yet)

Brings up a modal log-in dialog for users to re-log-in and continue using the application without getting redirected to the normal log-in page and losing their state. Returns a promise resolving with true or false depending on whenever the log-in has been successful;

showLogInDialog() : Promise

Hides a currently displayed modal log-in dialog.

hideLogInDialog() : void

Loads an external component into a React component wrapper and returns an instance of this component to be used in the UI.

loadComponent({ serviceName, moduleName, jsFileName, placeholderComponent, onLoaded }) : void


The Components namespace contains components that usually have to be supplied with parameters and data from outside. Some of them even bind to REST endpoints in order to provide a quick integration experience.

The following components are currently available:


The System namespace contains API methods which can but don't have to be bound to UI related topics.

The following APIs are currently available:

Client side permissions (UI Bouncer)

This library also provides a client side implementaion of the Andariel Bouncer library which enables developers to apply user permissions to their client side user interfaces. A fully prepared instance of the client side bouncer is provided through a component's context.

For additional information of how to define these permissions, please have a look at the server side Bouncer.

There are two important methods inside UI Bouncer. The findResources() and the getUserTenants() methods.

// Returns a list of resource objects where each is representing a resource valid for the requested url and HTTP method inside the passed service.
findResources(serviceName = null, url = null, method = 'GET')
// Returns a list of tenants granted access to the first resource found for the requested url and HTTP method inside the passed service.
getUserTenants(serviceName = null, url = null, method = 'GET')
// Returns true or false depending on whenever the current user has access to the requested resource group.
userHasResourceGroup(resourceGroupId, serviceName = null)
// Retruns an array of resource group IDs the current user has permissions for.
getUserResourceGroups(serviceName = null)
Usage example
import React from 'react';
import { Components } from '@opuscapita/service-base-ui';

class MySpaceshipControl extends Components.ContextComponent
        const { bouncer } = this.context;
        // The all parameters are optional. If not passed, the current client state is used to determine the current configuration.
        const allowTorpedos = bouncer.findResources('myService', '/api/torpedo/fire', 'POST').length > 0;

        return (
                <button type="submit">Fire Phasers</button>
                     allowTorpedos && <button type="submit">Fire Photon Torpedo</button>

export default MySpaceshipControl;

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