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1.0.1 • Public • Published


Component Library Automation for all major frameworks used at Optum / UHG.


Components React Components Stencil

Global Sidebar

Global Sidebar provides a set of components for creating high level and customizable side navigation



yarn add global-sidebar


npm install global-sidebar


First you need to make sure that your components are wrapped within a <GlobalSidebarProvider> component

import { GlobalSidebarProvider } from 'global-sidebar';

  <App />

Then in your layout component you can add sidebar navigation

import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem, SubMenu } from 'global-sidebar';

    <SubMenu label="Charts">
      <MenuItem> Pie charts </MenuItem>
      <MenuItem> Line charts </MenuItem>
    <MenuItem> Documentation </MenuItem>
    <MenuItem> Calendar </MenuItem>


The library comes with a useGlobalSidebar hook that lets you access and manage sidebar state


const { collapseSidebar, toggleSidebar, collapsed, toggled, broken, rtl } = useGlobalSidebar();


  • collapseSidebar: (collapsed?: boolean) => void : A function that enables you to update the sidebar's collapsed state

  • toggleSidebar: (toggled?: boolean) => void : A function that enables you to update the sidebar's toggled state

  • collapsed: boolean : Sidebar collapsed state

  • toggled: boolean : Sidebar toggled state

  • broken: boolean : Sidebar breakPoint state

  • rtl: boolean : Sidebar direction state

Example Usage

import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem, useGlobalSidebar } from 'global-sidebar';

function Layout() {
  const { collapseSidebar } = useGlobalSidebar();

  return (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', height: '100%' }}>
          <MenuItem> Documentation</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem> Calendar</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem> E-commerce</MenuItem>
        <button onClick={() => collapseSidebar()}>Collapse</button>

Using React Router

It supports React Router using routerLink prop

Example Usage

import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem } from 'global-sidebar';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

    <MenuItem routerLink={<Link to="/documentation" />}> Documentation</MenuItem>
    <MenuItem routerLink={<Link to="/calendar" />}> Calendar</MenuItem>
    <MenuItem routerLink={<Link to="/e-commerce" />}> E-commerce</MenuItem>


Component Prop Type Description Default
Sidebar defaultCollapsed boolean Initial collapsed status false
width number | string Width of the sidebar 270px
collapsedWidth number | string Width of the sidebar on collapsed state 80px
backgroundColor string Set background color for sidebar rgb(249, 249, 249, 0.7)
image string Url of the image to use in the sidebar background, need to apply transparency to background color -
breakPoint xs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl | always Set when the sidebar should trigger responsiveness behavior -
customBreakPoint string Set custom breakpoint value, this will override breakPoint prop -
transitionDuration number Duration for the transition in milliseconds to be used in collapse and toggle behavior 300
overlayColor string Set overlay color rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
rtl boolean RTL direction false
Menu closeOnClick boolean If true, submenu popper will close when clicking on MenuItem false
renderMenuItemStyles (params: { level: number; collapsed: boolean; disabled: boolean; active: boolean; }) => CSSObject Render method for style customization on MenuItem and SubMenu components -
renderExpandIcon (params: { level: number; collapsed: boolean; disabled: boolean; active: boolean; open: boolean; }) => React.ReactNode Render method for customizing submenu expand icon -
MenuItem icon ReactNode Icon for the menu item -
active boolean If true, the component is active false
disabled boolean If true, the component is disabled -
prefix ReactNode Add a prefix to the menuItem -
suffix ReactNode Add a suffix to the menuItem -
routerLink React.ReactElement React router Link or NavLink component that will be used to handle routing -
SubMenu label string | ReactNode Label for the submenu -
icon ReactNode Icon for submenu -
defaultOpen boolean Set if the submenu is open by default false
open boolean Set open value if you want to control the state -
active boolean If true, the component is active false
disabled boolean If true, the component is disabled -
prefix ReactNode Add a prefix to the submenu -
suffix ReactNode Add a suffix to the submenu -
onOpenChange (open: boolean) => void Callback function called when submenu state changes -


MIT © Christopher Obigho

Package Sidebar


npm i @optumation/react-components

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