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Bakery CLI & Bakery Concourse Pipeline Configuration Generator

This directory contains the code necessary to both generate and run our content distribution pipelines:


Pipelines reuse the same code, give or take some configuration.

Bakery CLI

The Bakery CLI is used to generate entire pipelines and/or individual tasks of the pipeline.

Effort has been put in to paramaterize code pieces so that:

  • A downstream user (user of the Bakery CLI)
  • A developer making pipeline changes or debugging
  • A production or staging node
  • A CI node running tests


To use the CLI, the following is required:

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • node >= 12.16.1
  • npm

Note: Getting the above software installed is outside the scope of this documentation.


To install the npm package:

$ npm -g i @openstax/bakery-cli

or, for local installation inside the bakery directory:

$ cd bakery
$ npm install


>> With the npm @openstax/bakery-cli package installation

For the npm package installation, bakery is the entry point for the Bakery CLI.

Calling it without arguments will yield a help message:

$ bakery
bakery <command>

  bakery run   run a bakery task
  bakery up    start up bakery-cli spawned containers
  bakery stop  clean up bakery-cli spawned containers

  -h, --help  Show help  [boolean]

Error: command required

Calling bakery run will yeild all possible subcommands in the CLI.

Examples of Usage

To fetch a book and have its contents appear in the directory /data/prealgebra-2e, one could use the following command:

$ bakery run fetch katalyst01.cnx.org col30939 latest -d ./data/prealgebra-2e

To assemble the book:

$ bakery run assemble col30939 -d ./data/prealgebra-2e

To link extras:

$ bakery run link-extras col30939 archive.cnx.org -d ./data/prealgebra-2e

To bake the book:

$ bakery run bake col30939 {path-to-recipe} {path-to-style} -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/

To mathify the book:

$ bakery run mathify col30939 -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/

To update links for REX:

$ bakery run link-rex col30939 -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/

To build the PDF:

$ bakery run build-pdf col30939 -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/

Using with kitchen recipes

There are two typical use cases for the CLI when testing / developing kitchen recipes:

  1. Building PDFs with the version of recipes on the main branch
  2. Building PDFs with a local version of a recipe under development

Scenario 1 can be achieved by using the bake-kitchen CLI task in lieu of the bake task, where the first argument is the recipe name versus the path:

$ bakery run bake-kitchen col30939 {recipe-name} {path-to-style} -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/

Scenario 2 requires building a local Docker image with the desired recipe and invoking the CLI with the -i option. First, from the recipes directory:

$ cd recipes
$ docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t localhost:5000/recipes:dev --target runtime-env .

Then, reference the image when invoking bake-kitchen:

$ bakery run bake-kitchen col30939 {recipe-name} {path-to-style} -d ./data/prealgebra-2e/ -i localhost:5000/recipes:dev

>> With local installation of the Bakery CLI

For now, when inside /bakery directory the file src/cli/execute.js is the entry point for the Bakery CLI, and must be called as an argument to node, e.g:

$ node ./src/cli/execute.js

Calling it without arguments (verbatim as above) will yield a help message:

execute.js <command>

  execute.js run   run a bakery task
  execute.js up    start up bakery-cli spawned containers
  execute.js stop  clean up bakery-cli spawned containers

  -h, --help  Show help  [boolean]

Error: command required

Each task in the pipeline should have a corresponding subcommand in the CLI so that one may run it individually and locally.

Examples of Usage

To fetch a book and have its contents appear in the directory /tmp/data, one could use the following command, with bakery as their working directory:

$ cd bakery
$ node ./src/cli/execute.js run fetch staging.cnx.org col30149 latest -d /tmp/data

New Git-Storage Compatible Tasks

Git-storage compatible tasks are not ready for use outside of the CE Tech yet.

The following graph represents the (almost) current state of git-storage compatible tasks. Intermediate states are shown in blue, tasks in yellow.

Flow for git-storage compatible pipelines This graph is created with yED and the source file for it is located here.

The bake-group, assemble-group, bake-meta-group and assemble-meta-group tasks can be run with the --single flag to process only a single book.
If the full book group has not been run through all these tasks, this flag is mandatory for running the link-single task.

Bakery Concourse Pipeline Configuration Generator

The Bakery Concourse Pipeline Configuration Generator is intertwined with the Bakery CLI as the Bakery CLI leverages the generation of tasks with the build executable. The same executable that is used to generate concourse pipeline/task files.


  • node >= 12.16.1
  • npm



$ cd bakery
$ npm install

Environment Variables:
When generating pipelines for the local environment, the following environment variables are used for credentials:

Environment variable Required to be set Notes
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Yes AWS credentials (likely for sandbox)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Yes AWS credentials (likely for sandbox)
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME No Docker Hub credentials (only needed if you're hitting rate limits otherwise)
DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD No Docker Hub credentials (only needed if you're hitting rate limits otherwise)
GH_SECRET_CREDS Yes GitHub personal access token.

Note: May be empty string, if desired.


build is an executable that provides a small cli to build your concourse pipeline/task files.

This is the help message returned by calling it with ./build --help:

./build <command>

  build.js pipeline <pipelinetype> [options] <env> [options]...  builds a bakery pipeline runnable with fly command
  [aliases: p]
  build.js task <taskname> [options]...  builds a bakery pipeline task runnable with fly execute     [aliases: t]

  --help  Show help                                                                                  [boolean]

For both the pipeline and task commands, the --help messages are fairly useful and will provide information about the command, defaults, and its positional and nonpositional arguments.

For pipeline:

$ ./build pipeline --help

For task:

$ ./build task --help

Example of Usage

Example: Generate pipeline file for particular environment:

$ ./build pipeline <pipelinetype> [options] <env> [options]...
  • The choices for <pipelinetype> are the basenames of the .js files in the src/pipelines/ directory.
  • The choices for <env> are the basenames of the .json files in the env/ directory.

Example: Build the distribution pipeline with prod environment variables and output on stdout:

$ ./build pipeline distribution prod

Example: Build the cops pipeline with staging environment variables and output to file cops-pipeline.staging.yml, overwriting the file if it exists:

$ ./build pipeline cops staging -o cops-pipeline.staging.yml

Example: Generate a standalone task file suitable for fly execute:

$ ./build task <taskname> [options]...
  • The choices for <taskname> are the basenames of the .js files in the src/tasks/ directory.

Example: Build the look-up-book task, injecting the object {bucketName: "my-bucket"} as the argument to the task function, and output the result to stdout:

$ ./build task look-up-book -a "{bucketName: my-bucket}"`

Example: Build the fetch-book task, and output the result to the file fetch-book-task.yml

$ ./build task fetch-book -o fetch-book-task.yml`

Note: The --args option (shorthand, -a) must be valid yaml (or json, since yaml is a superset).

I don't like generating intermediate files to run set-pipeline or execute!

Use process substitution! Example:

$ fly -t dev sp -p bakery -c <(./build pipeline cops staging)

Development and QA

Tip for development

The Bakery CLI allows the user to specify an image_resource for concourse to run the task in instead of the default.

This is especially useful for either developing locally on the cops-bakery-scripts or perhaps being able to use the checked out code to create an image rather than using the image on Docker Hub when running tests.

There is some specific convention for how to do this sort of thing.

For example, if one wanted to make changes to cops-bakery-scripts and have those changes reflect in the Bakery CLI running locally, one would have to follow these steps:

  1. Change to bakery scripts as your working directory:
$ cd bakery/src/scripts
  1. Make the desired change in the src/scripts/*.py file
  2. Build the Docker image:
$ docker build .
  1. Tag the build image as localhost:5000/openstax/cops-bakery/scripts:latest:
$ docker tag $(docker image ls | awk 'NR==2 {print $3}') localhost:5000/openstax/cops-bakery-scripts:latest

Note: The prefix of localhost:5000 is required. The name and tag of your image is up to you.

  1. Run the desired pipeline step with the CLI with the --image flag:
$ node ./src/cli/execute.js run assemble-meta --image localhost:5000/openstax/cops-bakery-scripts:latest -d /tmp/data col30149

Note: This is probably most useful for the cops-bakery-scripts image, but you can technically use a local version of an image like nebuchadnezzar as well.

Tip for development, deployment, and QA

Both the Bakery CLI and the Pipeline Config Generator allow you to specify a tag of a remote image to use with the --tag.

For example, if a tag, important-tag, has been released for each of our images, one can:

  1. Generate a pipeline pinning all versions of images to that tag with usage:
$ ./build pipeline cops staging --tag=important-tag
  1. Run an individual task with the Bakery CLI using the image of that tag as the image_resource with usage:
$ node ./src/cli/execute.js run fetch -d /tmp/data staging.cnx.org col30149 latest --tag=important-tag


Lint the JS files in bakery:

$ cd bakery
$ npm run lint

Fix linting errors if they occur:

$ npx standard --fix

Run regression tests in bakery via the CLI:

$ cd bakery
$ npm run test

Test python scripts in the bakery tasks located in bakery/src/tests:

$ apt-get install -y imagemagick icc-profiles-free ghostscript
$ pip install bakery/src/scripts/.[test]
$ pytest bakery

On subsequent tests:

$ pip install bakery/src/scripts/.[test] && pytest bakery




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