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OpenPool Onchain Reporting SDK

The OpenPool Reporting SDK is a Typescript SDK for retrieving detailed onchain reporting data.

Processing and navigating blockchain transaction data is time-consuming, while creating accurate on-chain reporting demands precision and financial know-how. OpenPool's SDK allows you to build bespoke financial dashboards and internal reporting to support business operations and customer demands. The OpenPool SDK is powered by the OpenPool API and requires an API Key, which you can get by signing up for a Free account on the OpenPool Developer Portal.

The OpenPool SDK currently supports the following chains:

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Base
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum
  • Gnosis
  • Avalanche
  • BNB
  • 📈 Detailed Wallet Balances & Performance: Retrieve the real-time and historical enriched balances and performance (with unrealized + realized P&L) data of a given wallet or contract’s tokens (ERC-20’s), NFTs, and DeFi staked positions.
  • 📒 Flexible Wallet Accounting History: Query an enriched human-readable transaction history with accounting data for a given wallet or contract. For these requests, a custom cost-method and base-currency can be provided.
  • 🏷️ Customizable Address Labels: Create, update and manage custom smart contract names for counterparty addresses your wallet interacts with.
  • 📇 Detailed Metadata: Retrieve metadata for Smart Contracts, Assets, Blockchains, Protocols and Tokens.
  • 🔒 Typescript: Written in Typescript with full type-safety
  • ➕ ...and more!

📚 Table of Contents

In order to make requests with the OpenPool SDK you will need to first sign up for an API Key on the OpenPool Dev Portal (it’s Free to sign up).

npm install @openpool/openpool-sdk


Once you install the SDK, you can initialize it like so:

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);

Making requests

Every address that you will want to retrieve data for will need to be registered first. Once registered, an address will have an is_loaded field that will update upon the completion of its transactions being processed.

💡 How to register an address

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);

const registerAddress = async (address: string) => {
  try {
    const requestBody = {address}
    const response = await openpool.registerWallet(requestBody);
    return response
    // Handle Error
  finally {
    // Do something...

const registerWalletResponse = await registerAddress('0x123abc')

💡 How to look up the registration status of an address

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);

const lookupTheRegistrationStatusOfAnAddress = async (address: string) => {
  try {
    const requestBody = {address}
    const response = await openpool.getWalletRegistrations(requestBody);
    const registrationStatusResults = response.results
    const registrationStatus = response.results[0].is_loaded
    return registrationStatus
    // Handle Error
  finally {
    // Do something...

const walletRegistrationStatus = await lookupTheRegistrationStatusOfAnAddress('0x123abc')


Fetching the token balance and performance in USD of a given address

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);

const getTokenBalancesForAnAddress = async (address: string) => {
  try {
    const params = { wallet: address }
    const tokenBalanceResponse = await openpool.getTokenBalances(params);
    return tokenBalanceResponse.result;
    // Handle Error
  finally {
    // Do something...

Fetching the enriched transactions data for a set of addresses

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);

const getTransactionsForAddress = async (address: string) => {
  try {
    const params = { wallet: address }
    const transactionsResponse = await openpool.getTransactions(params);
    return transactionsResponse.result;
  catch(e) {
    // Handle Error
  finally {
    // Do something...

const transactions = await getTransactionsForAddress("0x123abc, 0x456cdef, 0x789ghi")

Getting the total unrealized P&L of a given address

import { OpenPool } from '@openpool/openpool-sdk';

const config = {
  apiKey: 'whatILearnedInBoatingSchoolIs', // Replace with your OpenPool API key.

const openpool = new OpenPool(config);
    const params = { wallet: address }

const getTotalUnrealizedPnl = async (address: string) => {
  try {
    const params = { wallet: address }
    const transactionsResponse = await openpool.getTotalUnrealizedPnl(params);
    return transactionsResponse.value;
  catch(e) {
    // Handle Error
  finally {
    // Do something...

const unrealizedPnl = await getTotalUnrealizedPnl('0x123abc')

Table of Contents

  1. Label SDK Methods
  2. Balances SDK Methods
  3. Smart Contracts & Event Tags SDK Methods
  4. Metadata SDK Methods
  5. Accounting SDK Methods
  6. Wallet Registrations SDK Methods
  7. Transactions SDK Methods
  8. Transfers SDK Methods
  9. Total P&L SDK Methods

getAllLabels(query?: { page?: number })


Get a list of all of your custom labels.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/label/custom/


Name Type Description Optional
query object Pagination query Yes

createLabel(data: AddressLabel)


Create a custom label for a specific 0x address.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: POST:/label/custom/


Name Type Description Optional
data AddressLabel Label information No

getLabel(labelId: string)


Get a specific custom label by its ID.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/label/custom/


Name Type Description Optional
labelId string ID of the label No

updateLabel(labelId: string, data: AddressLabel)


Update a custom label.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: PUT:/label/custom/{id}/


Name Type Description Optional
labelId string ID of the label No
data AddressLabel New label information No

partialUpdateLabel(labelId: string, data: PatchedAddressLabel)


Partially update a custom label.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: PATCH:/label/custom/{id}/


Name Type Description Optional
labelId string ID of the label No
data PatchedAddressLabel Fields to update No

deleteLabel(labelId: string)


Delete a custom label.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: DELETE:/label/custom/{id}/


Name Type Description Optional
labelId string ID of the label No

getTokenBalances(params: WalletBalanceQuery)


Get token balances and performance.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/balance/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletBalanceQuery Query parameters No

getDeFiBalances(params: WalletDeFiBalanceQuery)


Get DeFi balances and performance.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/defi_balance/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletDeFiBalanceQuery Query parameters No

getNFTBalances(params: WalletNftBalanceQuery)


Get NFT balances and performance.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/nft_balance/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletNftBalanceQuery Query parameters No

getPortfolioSummary(params: WalletPortfolioQuery)


Get overall summary of balances and performance for tokens and DeFi positions.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/portfolio_summary/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletPortfolioQuery Query parameters No

getPortfolioBalances(params: WalletPortfolioQuery)


Get overall list of portfolio balances and performance for tokens and DeFi positions.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/portfolio/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletPortfolioQuery Query parameters No

getSmartContracts(params: ContractQuery)


Access 50K smart contract tags for DeFi protocol identification and attribution

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/contract/


Name Type Description Optional
params ContractQuery Query parameters Yes

getFunctionNameByTxHash(params: FunctionNameByTxHashQuery)


Retrieve metadata about function names for a given transaction.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/function_name/chain/tx_hash


Name Type Description Optional
params FunctionNameByTxHashQuery Path parameters Yes

getFunctionNames(params: FunctionNameQuery)


Retrieve a list of smart contract function names and metadata

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/function_name/


Name Type Description Optional
params FunctionNameQuery Query parameters Yes

getAssets(params: AssetQuery)


Retrieve metadata about assets.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/asset/


Name Type Description Optional
params AssetQuery Query parameters Yes

getBlockchains(params: BlockchainQuery)


Retrieve metadata about blockchains.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/blockchain/


Name Type Description Optional
params BlockchainQuery Query parameters Yes

getProtocols(params: ProtocolQuery)


Retrieve metadata about protocols.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/protocol/


Name Type Description Optional
params ProtocolQuery Query parameters Yes

getTokens(params: TokenQuery)


Retrieve metadata about tokens.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/metadata/token/


Name Type Description Optional
params TokenQuery Query parameters Yes

getAccountingHistory(params: WalletAccountingHistoryQuery)


Fetches wallet accounting history based on the given query and request parameters.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/accounting_history/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletAccountingHistoryQuery Query parameters for the request No

getWalletRegistrations(params: WalletManageListQuery)


Query this endpoint to get a list of all the wallet addresses you have registered with OpenPool.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/manage/


Name Type Description Optional
params WalletManageListQuery Query parameters for the request Yes

registerWallet(data: Address)


Register a new address with OpenPool.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: POST:/wallet/manage/


Name Type Description Optional
data Address The address to be registered No

getTransactions(query: WalletTransactionListQuery)


Use this method to get a list of all the transactions for the wallets you have registered with OpenPool.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/transaction/


Name Type Description Optional
query WalletTransactionListQuery Query parameters for the request No

getTransfers(query: WalletTransferListQuery)


Get a list of all transfers (cashflows) related to the registered wallets.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/transfer/


Name Type Description Optional
query WalletTransferListQuery Query parameters for the request No

getTotalUnrealizedPnl(query: WalletBalanceQuery)


Get the overall unrealized tokens PnL for an address, in the currency specified.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/balance/


Name Type Description Optional
query WalletBalanceQuery Query parameters for the request No

getTotalRealizedPnl(query: WalletBalanceQuery)


Get the overall realized tokens PnL for an address, in the currency specified and using your chosen accounting method.

  • OpenPool API Endpoint: GET:/wallet/balance/


Name Type Description Optional
query WalletBalanceQuery Query parameters for the request No

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