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0.0.10 • Public • Published

@artsy/omakase – CLI

The CLI package offers command-line based workflow tools that we have settled on at Artsy.

React Component & Relay Container Generator

This generator will create a component module and accompanying test file, and optionally a Relay container based on the GraphQL type and field specified to one of the options.

Note that currently the test setup is an entirely custom setup that we have at Artsy, which may change now that we’re starting to migrate to Relay v4–which has some convenient test helpers. If you have experience with that setup and are feeling generous, please send a PR for an updated generator our way!

$ yarn om g --help
Template for your React/Relay component

  $ om generate COMPONENT

  -c, --classBased                             create a class based component, instead of the default

  -f, --fragmentContainer=GraphQLType          name of the type on which to create a fragment

  -h, --help                                   show CLI help

  -p, --paginationContainer=GraphQLType.field  name of the type on which to create a fragment and the
                                               field to paginate

  -r, --refetchContainer=GraphQLType           name of the type on which to create a fragment

  $ om g


Plain React Component

$ yarn om g src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata.tsx
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/__tests__/ArtworkMetadata.test.tsx
import React from "react"

export interface ArtworkMetadataProps {}

export const ArtworkMetadata: React.SFC<ArtworkMetadataProps> = props => {
  return null
import { mount } from "enzyme"
import React from "react"
import { ArtworkMetadata } from "../ArtworkMetadata"

describe("ArtworkMetadata", () => {
  it("renders", () => {
    const wrapper = mount(<ArtworkMetadata />)

Relay Fragment Container

$ yarn om g src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata --fragmentContainer Artwork
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata.tsx
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/__tests__/ArtworkMetadata.test.tsx
import React from "react"
import { createFragmentContainer, graphql } from "react-relay"
import { ArtworkMetadata_artwork } from "__generated__/ArtworkMetadata_artwork.graphql"

export interface ArtworkMetadataProps {
  artwork: ArtworkMetadata_artwork

export const ArtworkMetadata: React.SFC<ArtworkMetadataProps> = props => {
  return null

export const ArtworkMetadataFragmentContainer = createFragmentContainer(
    artwork: graphql`
      fragment ArtworkMetadata_artwork on Artwork {
        # TODO: Remove this comment.
        # Most, but not all, types have this field. Relay will automatically select it, so if you need a unique ID field
        # for e.g. React 'key' purposes, use this. Otherwise you can safely remove the selection.
import { mount } from "enzyme"
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "react-relay"
import { MockBoot, renderRelayTree } from "DevTools"
import { ArtworkMetadataFragmentContainer as ArtworkMetadata } from "../ArtworkMetadata"


describe("ArtworkMetadata", () => {
  it("renders", async () => {
    const wrapper = await renderRelayTree({
      Component: ArtworkMetadata,
      query: graphql`
        # TODO: Add parameters or nest the fragment spread inside a root field, as necessary.
        query ArtworkMetadataTestQuery {
      mockResolvers: {},
      variables: {},
      wrapper: children => <MockBoot breakpoint="lg">{children}</MockBoot>,

Relay Refetch Container

$ yarn om g src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata --refetchContainer Artwork
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata.tsx
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/__tests__/ArtworkMetadata.test.tsx
import React from "react"
import { createRefetchContainer, graphql } from "react-relay"
import { ArtworkMetadata_artwork } from "__generated__/ArtworkMetadata_artwork.graphql"

export interface ArtworkMetadataProps {
  artwork: ArtworkMetadata_artwork

export const ArtworkMetadata: React.SFC<ArtworkMetadataProps> = props => {
  return null

export const ArtworkMetadataRefetchContainer = createRefetchContainer(
    artwork: graphql`
      fragment ArtworkMetadata_artwork on Artwork {
        # TODO: Remove this comment.
        # Most, but not all, types have this field. Relay will automatically select it, so if you need a unique ID field
        # for e.g. React 'key' purposes, use this. Otherwise you can safely remove the selection.
        # In the unlikely case your type does not have this field, replace it with a different identifier field and be
        # sure to adjust the query below accordingly.
    query ArtworkMetadataRefetchQuery($nodeID: ID!) {
      node(__id: $nodeID) {
import { mount } from "enzyme"
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "react-relay"
import { MockBoot, renderRelayTree } from "DevTools"
import { ArtworkMetadataRefetchContainer as ArtworkMetadata } from "../ArtworkMetadata"


describe("ArtworkMetadata", () => {
  it("renders", async () => {
    const wrapper = await renderRelayTree({
      Component: ArtworkMetadata,
      query: graphql`
        # TODO: Add parameters or nest the fragment spread inside a root field, as necessary.
        query ArtworkMetadataTestQuery {
      mockResolvers: {},
      variables: {},
      wrapper: children => <MockBoot breakpoint="lg">{children}</MockBoot>,

Relay Pagination Container

$ yarn om g src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata --paginationContainer Artwork.artists
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/ArtworkMetadata.tsx
   create src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/__tests__/ArtworkMetadata.test.tsx
import React from "react"
import { createPaginationContainer, graphql } from "react-relay"
import { ArtworkMetadata_artwork } from "__generated__/ArtworkMetadata_artwork.graphql"

export interface ArtworkMetadataProps {
  artwork: ArtworkMetadata_artwork

export const ArtworkMetadata: React.SFC<ArtworkMetadataProps> = props => {
  return null

export const ArtworkMetadataPaginationContainer = createPaginationContainer(
    artwork: graphql`
      fragment ArtworkMetadata_artwork on Artwork
          count: { type: "Int", defaultValue: 10 }
          cursor: { type: "String", defaultValue: "" }
        ) {
        # TODO: Remove this comment.
        # Most, but not all, types have this field. Relay will automatically select it, so if you need a unique ID field
        # for e.g. React 'key' purposes, use this. Otherwise you can safely remove the selection.
        # In the unlikely case your type does not have this field, replace it with a different identifier field and be
        # sure to adjust the query below accordingly.
        artists(first: $count, after: $cursor)
          @connection(key: "ArtworkMetadata_artists") {
          pageInfo {
          edges {
            node {
              # TODO: Remove this comment.
              # This is where your field selections for the list go. As for this identifier field selection, follow the
              # above comment.
    direction: "forward",
    getConnectionFromProps(props) {
      return props.artwork.artists
    getFragmentVariables(prevVars, totalCount) {
      return {
        count: totalCount,
    getVariables(props, { count, cursor }, fragmentVariables) {
      return {
        // in most cases, for variables other than connection filters like
        // `first`, `after`, etc. you may want to use the previous values.
        nodeID: props.artwork.__id,
    query: graphql`
      query ArtworkMetadataPaginationQuery(
        $nodeID: ID!
        $count: Int!
        $cursor: String
      ) {
        node(__id: $nodeID) {
          ...ArtworkMetadata_artwork @arguments(count: $count, cursor: $cursor)
import { mount } from "enzyme"
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "react-relay"
import { MockBoot, renderRelayTree } from "DevTools"
import { ArtworkMetadataPaginationContainer as ArtworkMetadata } from "../ArtworkMetadata"


describe("ArtworkMetadata", () => {
  it("renders", async () => {
    const wrapper = await renderRelayTree({
      Component: ArtworkMetadata,
      query: graphql`
        # TODO: Add parameters or nest the fragment spread inside a root field, as necessary.
        query ArtworkMetadataTestQuery {
      mockResolvers: {},
      variables: {},
      wrapper: children => <MockBoot breakpoint="lg">{children}</MockBoot>,

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