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1.0.0-beta.20 • Public • Published

AgentHub Client

A JavaScript library to access the AgentHub service, which is part of the Olos Anywhere product. Add it to your frontend project to allow agents to establish a connection with the server and receive events from the Olos platform.


npm install @olostecnologia/agenthub-client


  • Websocket connection: no continuous polling.
  • Simple configuration: all you need is the AgentHub service URL and the agent's access token.
  • Allow subscribing to individual events from Olos or all of them.
  • Automatically tries to reconnect in case of network failure or service unavailable (*).
  • Emits the updated list of online agents if the user is an admin.
  • Logs debug information to the browser's console (enable "verbose" to see them).

(*) functionality provided by Phoenix's client, which is the core of this library.


Import the Connection factory function and use it to create a new connection object:

import { Connection } from "@olostecnologia/agenthub-client"
const conn = Connection()

Subscribe to events you are interested in. Example:

conn.on("connected", (agentInfo) => {
  console.log("Agent connected", agentInfo)

conn.on("disconnected", () => {
  console.log("Agent disconnected")

conn.on("onlineUsers", renderOnlineUsers)

conn.on("ScreenPopVoice", (event) => {
  console.log("Displaying a voice screen pop:", event)

conn.on("ThirdParty", (event) => {
  console.log("Handling a 3rd party event:", event)

Connect to the AgentHub server passing a function that returns user's access token and the AgentHub base URL:

conn.connect(() => token, "https://agenthub.api.olos.live")


Instead of subscribing to individual events, you can subscribe to all of them using the any wildcard. Example:

conn.on("any", (event) => {
  switch (event.eventType) {
    case "ScreenPopVoice":
    // do something with the screenPopVoice event
    case "ThirdParty":
    // do something with the 3rd party event
    // log something like "unsupported event type: ${event.eventType}"

The connected, disconnected, onlineUsers and any events are the only ones generated by the client itself. All other events are named by the Olos platform, like ScreenPopVoice and many others.

Example of an event from Olos:

  "eventId": "1661794102499-0",
  "eventType": "ScreenPopVoice",
  "agentId": "9300f2b4-70f2-4a21-bcb5-e5d46e602c30",
  "campaignId": 22,
  "channelType": "Voice",
  "channel": "Outbound",
  "timestamp": 1657905963385,
  "eventData": {
    "someField": "some value",
    "anotherField": 1

User authentication

When connecting, you must provide a function that returns a valid access token. In case of an unexpected disconnection, the client will keep trying to reconnect automatically, calling the provided function to obtain the token. It's your responsibility to make sure the token is valid and not expired, so set a timeout to refresh it before it expires. You won't be able to connect without a token or with an invalid one. This library will perform basic validation but it won't check the token's signature. This is done by the server. No specific reason will be given by the server in case the authentication fails.

The access token must be a valid RS256-signed JWT, with the claims as in the following example. sub is the agent's id and tid is the tenant's id.

  "sub": "52",
  "tid": "acme",
  "iss": "https://auth.api.olos.live",
  "iat": 1658751413,
  "exp": 2799231413,
  "username": "adams",
  "roles": ["agent"]

Please reach out to Olos support for details on how to integrate your application with the authentication service in Olos to obtain a token for your user.

List of online users

If the connected user has the role "admin", the connection will emit the event onlineUsers with the updated list of online users and agents every time a user or agent connects or disconnects.

Example of user from the list:

  "ref": "FxIaTI3YaVxIGAlk",
  "userId": "9300f2b4-70f2-4a21-bcb5-e5d46e602c30",
  "username": "adams",
  "onlineAt": 1662391541000,
  "ipAddress": ""

where ref is an unique identifier that can be used as the id of an element in an HTML list. Do not use the userId as the same user can be online in more than one device.


To update this library in npm, please change the version in the package.json and:

npm run prebuild
npm run build
npm publish --access public


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