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OKP4 cognitarium schema

Generated typescript types for okp4-cognitarium contract.

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First add or install the module to your existing project using either yarn or npm.

yarn add @okp4/cognitarium-schema


npm install --save @okp4/cognitarium-schema

Then import wanted type :

import type { InstantiateMsg } from "@okp4/cognitarium-schema";



The okp4-cognitarium smart contract enables the storage of RDF graphs triples (i.e. subject-predicate-object) in any Cosmos blockchains using the CosmWasm framework.

➡️ Checkout the examples for usage information.


Instantiate message

parameter description
limits StoreLimitsInput. Limitations regarding store usage.
limits.max_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
Default: "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
limits.max_insert_data_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes an insert data query can contain. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
Default: "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
limits.max_insert_data_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples an insert data query can contain (after parsing). Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
Default: "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
limits.max_query_limit integer. The maximum limit of a query, i.e. the maximum number of triples returned by a select query. Default to 30 if not set.
Default: 30
limits.max_query_variable_count integer. The maximum number of variables a query can select. Default to 30 if not set.
Default: 30
limits.max_triple_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain for a single triple. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. The limit is used to prevent storing very large triples, especially literals. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
Default: "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"
limits.max_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples the store can contain. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
Default: "340282366920938463463374607431768211455"


Execute messages


Insert the data as RDF triples in the store. For already existing triples it acts as no-op.

Only the smart contract owner (i.e. the address who instantiated it) is authorized to perform this action.

parameter description
insert_data *(Required.) * object.
insert_data.data *(Required.) * Binary. The data to insert. The data must be serialized in the format specified by the format field. And the data are subject to the limitations defined by the limits specified at contract instantiation.
insert_data.format DataFormat|null. The data format in which the triples are serialized. If not provided, the default format is Turtle format.


Delete the data (RDF triples) from the store matching the patterns defined by the provided query. For non-existing triples it acts as no-op.

Example: json { "prefixes": [ { "prefix": "foaf", "namespace": "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" } ], "delete": [ { "subject": { "variable": "s" }, "predicate": { "variable": "p" }, "object": { "variable": "o" } } ], "where": [ { "simple": { "triplePattern": { "subject": { "variable": "s" }, "predicate": { "node": { "namedNode": {"prefixed": "foaf:givenName"} } }, "object": { "literal": { "simple": "Myrddin" } } } } }, { "simple": { "triplePattern": { "subject": { "variable": "s" }, "predicate": { "variable": "p" }, "object": { "variable": "o" } } } } ]

Only the smart contract owner (i.e. the address who instantiated it) is authorized to perform this action.

parameter description
delete_data *(Required.) * object.
delete_data.delete *(Required.) * Array<TriplePattern>. Specifies the specific triple patterns to delete. If nothing is provided, the patterns from the where clause are used for deletion.
delete_data.prefixes *(Required.) * Array<Prefix>. The prefixes used in the operation.
delete_data.where *(Required.) * Array<WhereCondition>. Defines the patterns that data (RDF triples) should match in order for it to be considered for deletion.


Query messages


Returns information about the triple store.



Returns the resources matching the criteria defined by the provided query.

parameter description
select *(Required.) * object.
select.query *(Required.) * SelectQuery. The query to execute.


Returns a description of the resource identified by the provided IRI as a set of RDF triples serialized in the provided format.

parameter description
describe *(Required.) * object.
describe.format DataFormat|null. The format in which the triples are serialized. If not provided, the default format is Turtle format.
describe.query *(Required.) * DescribeQuery. The query to execute.


Returns the resources matching the criteria defined by the provided query as a set of RDF triples serialized in the provided format.

parameter description
construct *(Required.) * object.
construct.format DataFormat|null. The format in which the triples are serialized. If not provided, the default format is Turtle format.
construct.query *(Required.) * ConstructQuery. The query to execute.



Represents the response of a [QueryMsg::Construct] query.

property description
data *(Required.) * Binary. The data serialized in the specified format.
format *(Required.) * DataFormat. The format of the data.


Represents the response of a [QueryMsg::Describe] query.

property description
data *(Required.) * Binary. The data serialized in the specified format.
format *(Required.) * DataFormat. The format of the data.


Represents the response of a [QueryMsg::Select] query.

property description
head *(Required.) * Head. The head of the response, i.e. the set of variables mentioned in the results.
head.vars Array<string>. The variables selected in the query.
results *(Required.) * Results. The results of the select query.
results.bindings Array<object>. The bindings of the results.


Contains information related to triple store.

property description
limits *(Required.) * StoreLimits. The store limits.
limits.max_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any.
limits.max_insert_data_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes an insert data query can contain.
limits.max_insert_data_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples an insert data query can contain (after parsing).
limits.max_query_limit integer. The maximum limit of a query, i.e. the maximum number of triples returned by a select query.
limits.max_query_variable_count integer. The maximum number of variables a query can select.
limits.max_triple_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain for a single triple. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. The limit is used to prevent storing very large triples, especially literals.
limits.max_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples the store can contain.
owner *(Required.) * string. The store owner.
stat *(Required.) * StoreStat. The store current usage.
stat.byte_size Uint128. The total triple size in the store, in bytes.
stat.namespace_count Uint128. The total number of IRI namespace present in the store.
stat.triple_count Uint128. The total number of triple present in the store.



A string containing Base64-encoded data.



An RDF blank node.

property description
blank_node *(Required.) * string.


Represents a CONSTRUCT query over the triple store, allowing to retrieve a set of triples serialized in a specific format.

property description
construct *(Required.) * Array<TriplePattern>. The triples to construct. If nothing is provided, the patterns from the where clause are used for construction.
prefixes *(Required.) * Array<Prefix>. The prefixes used in the query.
where *(Required.) * Array<WhereCondition>. The WHERE clause. This clause is used to specify the triples to construct using variable bindings.


Represents the format in which the data are serialized, for example when returned by a query or when inserted in the store.

variant description
RDF XML string: rdf_xml. Output in RDF/XML format.
Turtle string: turtle. Output in Turtle format.
N-Triples string: n_triples. Output in N-Triples format.
N-Quads string: n_quads. Output in N-Quads format.


Represents a DESCRIBE query over the triple store, allowing to retrieve a description of a resource as a set of triples serialized in a specific format.

property description
prefixes *(Required.) * Array<Prefix>. The prefixes used in the query.
resource *(Required.) * VarOrNamedNode. The resource to describe given as a variable or a node.
where *(Required.) * Array<WhereCondition>. The WHERE clause. This clause is used to specify the resource identifier to describe using variable bindings.


A full IRI.

property description
full *(Required.) * string.


Represents the head of a [SelectResponse].

property description
vars *(Required.) * Array<string>. The variables selected in the query.


Represents an IRI.

variant description
Prefixed object. An IRI prefixed with a prefix. The prefixed IRI is expanded to a full IRI using the prefix definition specified in the query. For example, the prefixed IRI rdf:type is expanded to http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type.
Full object. A full IRI.


A language-tagged string

property description
language_tagged_string *(Required.) * object.
language_tagged_string.language *(Required.) * string. The language tag.
language_tagged_string.value *(Required.) * string. The lexical form.


An RDF literal.

variant description
Simple object. A simple literal without datatype or language form.
LanguageTaggedString object. A language-tagged string
TypedValue object. A value with a datatype.


Output in N-Quads format.



Output in N-Triples format.




property description
named_node *(Required.) * Prefixed|Full.


Represents either an IRI (named node) or a blank node.

variant description
NamedNode object. An RDF IRI.
BlankNode object. An RDF blank node.


Represents a prefix, i.e. a shortcut for a namespace used in a query.

property description
namespace *(Required.) * string. The namespace associated with the prefix.
prefix *(Required.) * string. The prefix.


An IRI prefixed with a prefix. The prefixed IRI is expanded to a full IRI using the prefix definition specified in the query. For example, the prefixed IRI rdf:type is expanded to http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type.

property description
prefixed *(Required.) * string.


Output in RDF/XML format.



Represents the results of a [SelectResponse].

property description
bindings *(Required.) * Array<object>. The bindings of the results.


Represents an item to select in a [SelectQuery].

variant description
Variable object. Represents a variable.


Represents a SELECT query over the triple store, allowing to select variables to return and to filter the results.

property description
limit integer|null. The maximum number of results to return. If None, there is no limit. Note: the value of the limit cannot exceed the maximum query limit defined in the store limitations.
prefixes *(Required.) * Array<Prefix>. The prefixes used in the query.
select *(Required.) * Array<SelectItem>. The items to select. Note: the number of items to select cannot exceed the maximum query variable count defined in the store limitations.
where *(Required.) * Array<WhereCondition>. The WHERE clause. If None, there is no WHERE clause, i.e. all triples are returned without filtering.


A simple literal without datatype or language form.

property description
simple *(Required.) * string.


Represents a simple condition in a [WhereCondition].

variant description
TriplePattern object. Represents a triple pattern, i.e. a condition on a triple based on its subject, predicate and object.


Contains limitations regarding store usages.

property description
max_byte_size *(Required.) * Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any.
max_insert_data_byte_size *(Required.) * Uint128. The maximum number of bytes an insert data query can contain.
max_insert_data_triple_count *(Required.) * Uint128. The maximum number of triples an insert data query can contain (after parsing).
max_query_limit *(Required.) * integer. The maximum limit of a query, i.e. the maximum number of triples returned by a select query.
max_query_variable_count *(Required.) * integer. The maximum number of variables a query can select.
max_triple_byte_size *(Required.) * Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain for a single triple. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. The limit is used to prevent storing very large triples, especially literals.
max_triple_count *(Required.) * Uint128. The maximum number of triples the store can contain.


Contains requested limitations regarding store usages.

property description
max_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
max_insert_data_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes an insert data query can contain. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
max_insert_data_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples an insert data query can contain (after parsing). Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
max_query_limit integer. The maximum limit of a query, i.e. the maximum number of triples returned by a select query. Default to 30 if not set.
max_query_variable_count integer. The maximum number of variables a query can select. Default to 30 if not set.
max_triple_byte_size Uint128. The maximum number of bytes the store can contain for a single triple. The size of a triple is counted as the sum of the size of its subject, predicate and object, including the size of data types and language tags if any. The limit is used to prevent storing very large triples, especially literals. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.
max_triple_count Uint128. The maximum number of triples the store can contain. Default to [Uint128::MAX] if not set, which can be considered as no limit.


Contains usage information about the triple store.

property description
byte_size *(Required.) * Uint128. The total triple size in the store, in bytes.
namespace_count *(Required.) * Uint128. The total number of IRI namespace present in the store.
triple_count *(Required.) * Uint128. The total number of triple present in the store.


Represents a triple pattern in a [SimpleWhereCondition].

property description
object *(Required.) * VarOrNodeOrLiteral. The object of the triple pattern.
predicate *(Required.) * VarOrNode. The predicate of the triple pattern.
subject *(Required.) * VarOrNode. The subject of the triple pattern.


Output in Turtle format.



A value with a datatype.

property description
typed_value *(Required.) * object.
typed_value.datatype *(Required.) * IRI. The datatype IRI.
typed_value.value *(Required.) * string. The lexical form.


Represents an IRI.

property description
type *(Required.) * string.
value *(Required.) * IRI. The value of the IRI.


A string containing a 128-bit integer in decimal representation.



variant description
URI object. Represents an IRI.
Literal object. Represents a literal S with optional language tag L or datatype IRI D.
BlankNode object. Represents a blank node.


Represents either a variable or a named node (IRI).

variant description
Variable object. A variable.
NamedNode object. An RDF IRI.


Represents either a variable or a node.

variant description
Variable object. A variable.
Node object. A node, i.e. an IRI or a blank node.


Represents either a variable, a node or a literal.

variant description
Variable object. A variable.
Node object. A node, i.e. an IRI or a blank node.
Literal object. An RDF literal, i.e. a simple literal, a language-tagged string or a typed value.


A variable.

property description
variable *(Required.) * string.


Represents a condition in a [WhereClause].

variant description
Simple object. Represents a simple condition.

Rendered by Fadroma (@fadroma/schema 1.1.0) from okp4-cognitarium.json (0b746186a6e8df78)

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