This package has been deprecated

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Package has been renamed to @odata2ts/odata2ts. Use that package instead from now on.

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0.17.0 • Public • Published

npm (scoped)

OData 2 Model

Generate TypeScript models, query objects and / or complete client services from a given metadata description of an OData service.


npm install --save-dev @odata2ts/odata2model


First download the metadata description file of your OData service.

You just add /$metadata to the base path of the service, e.g.$metadata.
Save the XML in an own file, e.g. src/odata/northwind.xml.


odata2model is the main command which is called via script in package.json, or directly via npx or yarn:

 // package.json script
 scripts: {
   "gen-odata": "npm run odata2model -s src/odata/northwind.xml -o build/northwind"
 // then from command line
 npm run gen-odata
// directly from command line via npx or yarn
yarn odata2model -s src/odata/northwind.xml -o build/northwind 

These usage examples highlight the minimal configuration which is required for each OData service:

  • source: the downloaded metadata file
  • output: the output directory for the generated files

Config file: odata2ts.config.ts

Instead of specifying these or other parameters via the command line you can use a config file written in TypeScript. It centralizes all configurations and allows for handling multiple OData services:

import { ConfigFileOptions } from "@odata2ts/odata2model";

const config: ConfigFileOptions = {
  services: {
    northwind: {
      source: "src/odata/northwind.xml",
      output: "build/northwind",
    trippin: {
      source: "src/odata/trippin.xml",
      output: "build/trippin",
export default config;

With this configuration in place, we can now call odata2model without any options. Additionally, individual services can be addressed as arguments:

yarn odata2model                      // start generation process for all configured services
yarn odata2model northwind            // start generation process for one specific service
yarn odata2model northwind trippin    // start generation process for multiple services

Command Line Options

Options specified on the command line always win over other configuration possibilities.

Options source and output are required unless the config file is used containing appropriate service definitions.

Option Shorthand Required Default Description
--source -s (x) Specifies the source file, i.e. metadata description
--output -o (x) Specifies the output directory
--mode -m "all" Allowed are: all, models, qobjects, service
--emit-mode -e "js_dts" Specify what to emit. ALlowed values: ts, js, dts, js_dts
--prettier -p false Use prettier to pretty print the TS result files; only applies when emitMode = ts
--tsconfig -t "tsconfig.json" When compiling TS to JS, the compilerOptions of the specified file are used; only takes effect, when emitMode != ts
--allow-renaming -r false Allow renaming of model entities and their props by applying naming strategies like camelCase or PascalCase
--disable-auto-managed-key -n false odata2ts will automatically decide if a key prop is managed on the server side and therefore not editable; here you can turn off this automatism
--debug -d false Add debug information
--service-name -name Overwrites the service name found in OData metadata => controls name of main odata service

Configuration File

Create a file at the root of your project (beside package.json) and call it: odata2ts.config.ts.

None of the options are required, so here is just an example:

import { ConfigFileOptions, EmitModes } from "@odata2ts/odata2model";

const config: ConfigFileOptions = {
  debug: true,
  emitMode: EmitModes.ts,
  prettier: true,
  converters: ["@odata2ts/v2-to-v4-converter"],
  services: {
    northwind: {
      source: "src/odata/northwind.xml",
      output: "build/northwind",
      serviceName: "StrongWind"
export default config;

As you can see, enums are provided for emitMode and the same goes for the mode option.

The usage of converters is documented in the converter-api.

Default Settings vs Base Settings vs Service Settings

The defaultConfig lists all default values, which are always used.

All settings except the services attribute are base settings, which will also be used as default settings, i.e. on top of the defaultConfig.

All settings starting from the services attribute are only valid for a specific service and only applied for its generation run. Service specific settings are applied on top of the base settings.

Additionally, CLI options can be used to override base or service settings.


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