This package has been deprecated

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Package has been renamed to @odata2ts/odata-query-builder. Use that package instead from now on.

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0.14.1 • Public • Published

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OData URI Builder

Allows for building type-safe OData queries.

OData URI Builder depends on odata-query-objects to offer a powerful and easy-to-use API. Query objects can be generated via odata2ts out of an existing OData service.


Let's take the Trippin service as example. In this context it's enough to know that it allows to list people and the trips they've made. The main focus lies on the Person entity which is exposed under the URL /People.

Relevant EDMX extract
<Schema Namespace="Trippin" xmlns="">
  <EntityType Name="Person">
      <PropertyRef Name="UserName" />
    <Property Name="UserName" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false" />
    <Property Name="LastName" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="26" />
    <Property Name="Age" Type="Edm.Int64" />
    <Property Name="Emails" Type="Collection(Edm.String)" />
    <Property Name="AddressInfo" Type="Collection(Trippin.Location)" />
    <Property Name="HomeAddress" Type="Trippin.Location" />
    <Property Name="FavoriteFeature" Type="Trippin.Feature" Nullable="false" />
    <Property Name="Features" Type="Collection(Trippin.Feature)" Nullable="false" />
    <NavigationProperty Name="Friends" Type="Collection(Trippin.Person)" />
    <NavigationProperty Name="BestFriend" Type="Trippin.Person" />
    <NavigationProperty Name="Trips" Type="Collection(Trippin.Trip)" />
  <EntityContainer Name="Container">
    <EntitySet Name="People" EntityType="Trippin.Person">

A complex query could look like this:

import { createUriBuilderV4 } from "@odata2ts/odata-uri-builder";
import { qPerson } from "../generated-src/QTrippin.ts"

createUriBuilderV4("People", qPerson)
  .select("lastName", "age") // => typesafe: only model attributes are allowed
  .expand("homeAddress") // => typesafe: only expandable properties are allowed
  .expanding("trips", (builder, qTrip) => {
      .select("tripId", "budget", "description")

Result without encoding:
&$filter=UserName eq 'russellwhyte'
&$expand=HomeAddress,Trips($select=TripId,Budget,Description;top=5;$filter=Budget gt 1000)

Stay Fluent

To don't break the fluent API style, your expressions can evaluate to null or undefined and will automatically get filtered out. This applies to all operations on the query builder (select, filter, expand, skip, top, ...).

createUriBuilderV4("People", qPerson)
  .select("lastName", isAgeRelevant ? "age" : undefined)

Result, if age doesn't matter: /People?$select=LastName

Keep Adding

You can call most operations multiple times and will just keep adding stuff. Exceptions: skip, top, count

createUriBuilderV4("People", qPerson)

Result: /People?$select=LastName,Age&$filter=Age gt 18 AND Age lt 66


Expanding will fetch associated entities (complex types are part of the entity and are always expanded, so to say). The query builder offers two different methods: expand and expanding.

Use expand to expand the complete entity. Just name the attributes to expand.

createUriBuilderV4("People", qPerson)
  .expand("trips", "bestFriend")

Result: /People?$expand=Trips,BestFriend

Use expanding to further shape the response object to your needs. Provide a callback function, which will receive an own query builder as first parameter and the appropriate query object as second parameter. The function should return the passed query builder.

createUriBuilderV4("People", qPerson)
  .expanding("trips", (tripsBuilder, qTrip) => 

Result: /People?$expand=Trips(select=Budget;orderby=Trips desc;top=1)

expand and expanding are supported in the same way by the V2 query builder (well, the expanding builder only offers select, filter, expand, expanding in V2). However, in V2 the syntax for expanding is different, but the V2 query builder takes care of that.

import { createUriBuilderV2 } from "@odata2ts/odata-uri-builder";

createUriBuilderV2("Product", qProduct)
  .expanding("supplier", (catBuilder, qSupplier) => 
      .select("name", "id")


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