
1.0.1 • Public • Published

CouchDB JWT Auth Proxy nginx.conf generator

Travis Build NPM Version

Nginx (openresty) configuration generator to act as JWT Proxy Authentication Gate for CouchDB.


npm i -g slush @nhz.io/slush-jwt-auth-proxy-conf


mkdir jwt-auth-proxy && cd jwt-auth-proxy

slush @nhz.io/slush-jwt-auth-proxy-conf


  • JWT_SECRET - key used to sign and verify JWT with
  • COUCH_PROXY_SECRET - key used to generate x_auth_token


  • JWT Auth Proxy will process requests and proxy them to CouchDB
  • Requests are authorized by verifying signature and expiration of JWT
  • JWT comes either from headers, url
  • JWT will always be cached in the cookie
  • JWT carries payload which contains username and roles which will be proxied in headers to CouchDB
  • Invalid JWT results in HTTP 403


JWT Payload example:

  "exp": 1510356100,
  "iat": 1510356220,
  "data": {
    "user": "boss",
    "roles": ["_admin"]

JWT with such payload will grant admin access to boss user for 120 seconds

JWT From headers (Low priority)

  • JWT be extracted from X-JWT-Auth header
  • Request will be proxied to CouchDB as is
  • JWT will be cached in the cookie

JWT From URL (High priority)

Process URLs of form: http:// HOST : PORT / ${TOKEN_PREFIX} JWT PATH

  • Extract JWT from URL
  • PATH will be proxied to CouchDB
  • JWT will be cached in the cookie

CouchDB configuration

Make sure local.ini contains:

authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_auth, proxy_authentication_handler}

proxy_use_secret = true

Generated files

  • nginx.conf - openresty configuration
  • package.json - configuration settings are stored here for later reconfiguration


  • Intended to run in Docker
  • JWT by URL is preferred method (rather than headers)
  • You can use JWT by URL as a key to open session, (JWT in cookie) and rest of requests with basename /
  • You can revisit the configuration later by running slush @nhz.io/slush-jwt-auth-proxy-conf again
  • You can distribute the package.json and regenerate nginx.conf anywhere by running npm i
  • Use jwt-hs256-proxy-auth-token to generate tokens



path      = require 'path'


gulp      = require 'gulp'
pump      = require 'pump'
inquirer  = require 'inquirer'
transform = require 'vinyl-transform'
map       = require 'map-stream'

Gulp plugins

rename    = require 'gulp-rename'
template  = require 'gulp-template'
sequence  = (require 'run-sequence').use gulp

String utils imports

slugify   = require 'slugify'

Global package.json variable (Corresponds to current directory)

pkg       = try require './package.json'

Global flag which marks regeneration run (will be cleared if no package.json found)

regen     = true


def = {
  pkgName: 'nginx.conf'
  pkgVersion: '1.0.0'

  HOST: ''
  PORT: 80

  COUCH_HOST: 'couch'
  COUCH_PORT: 5984
  COUCH_SCHEMA: 'http'

This is the only secret here, base JWT token to use when there is none. Could be used to setup default unpriviledged access. MUST HAVE VERY LONG expiration


Those are not secrets, those are names of ENV variables



  ERROR_LOG: '/var/log/nginx/error.log warn'
  PID_PATH: '/var/run/nginx.pid'

  REWRITE: '^(/.*) $1'
  ROLES: []

  defaultRoutes: {
    '/': []
    '^/_': ['_admin']
    '^/_session': []
    '^/_users': []


New configuration prompt

newConfigurationPrompt = {
  name: 'task'
  type: 'list'
  message: 'JWT Auth Proxy configuration'
  choices: [
    'Create nginx.conf'

Reconfiguration prompt

reconfigurationPrompt = {
  name: 'task'
  type: 'list'
  message: 'JWT Auth Proxy configuration'
  choices: [
    'Configure Server'
    'Configure Proxy'

Route editing is unfinished, so disabled for now

    # 'Configure Routes'

Route configuration prompts

routesPrompt = {
  name: 'task'
  type: 'list'
  message: 'JWT Auth Proxy Route configuration'
  newChoices: [
    'Add Route'
  reconfigureChoices: [
    'Add Route'
    'Remove Routes'
    'Edit Routes'
    'View Routes'

removeRoutesPrompt = {
  name: 'routes'
  type: 'checkbox'
  message: 'Select routes to remove'
  choices: ['Done']

editRoutesPrompt = {
  name: 'routes'
  type: 'list'
  message: 'Select route to edit'
  choices: ['Done']

viewRoutesPrompt = {
  name: 'routes'
  type: 'list'
  message: 'Select route to edit'
  choices: ['Done']

addRoutePropmts = [
    name: 'MATCH'
    message: 'Match regexp'
    validate: true
    name: 'ROLES'
    message: 'Required roles (comma separated)'
    default: []
    name: 'REWRITE'
    message: 'Rewrite rule'
    default: '^(/.*) $1'

Server configuration prompts

serverPrompts = [
    name: 'HOST'
    message: 'JWT Proxy Auth server host'
    default: (pkg.server or def).HOST
    name: 'PORT'
    message: 'JWT Proxy Auth server port'
    default: (pkg.server or def).PORT
    name: 'COUCH_HOST'
    message: 'CouchDB host to proxy'
    default: (pkg.server or def).COUCH_HOST
    name: 'COUCH_PORT'
    message: 'CouchDB port to proxy'
    default: (pkg.server or def).COUCH_PORT
    name: 'COUCH_SCHEMA'
    message: 'CouchDB protocol schema'
    default: (pkg.server or def).COUCH_SCHEMA
    name: 'ERROR_LOG'
    message: 'Error log path and level'
    default: (pkg.server or def).ERROR_LOG
    name: 'PID_PATH'
    message: 'Nginx pid file path'
    default: (pkg.server or def).PID_PATH

Proxy Auth configuration prompts

proxyPrompts = [
    name: 'JWT_SECRET'
    message: 'JWT Secret ENV Variable name'
    default: (pkg.proxy or def).JWT_SECRET
    message: 'CouchDB Proxy Auth secret ENV Variable name'
    default: (pkg.proxy or def).COUCH_PROXY_SECRET
    name: 'JWT_COOKIE_NAME'
    message: 'JWT token cookie name'
    default: (pkg.proxy or def).JWT_COOKIE_NAME
    name: 'JWT_HEADER_NAME'
    message: 'JWT header name'
    default: (pkg.proxy or def).JWT_HEADER_NAME
    name: 'JWT_TOKEN_PREFIX'
    message: 'JWT token prefix'
    default: (pkg.proxy or def).JWT_TOKEN_PREFIX


Package preloader

gulp.task 'load-pkg', ->
  pkg = try require (path.resolve process.cwd(), 'package.json') catch then regen = false
  pkg = Object.assign {}, def, pkg


Server configuration

gulp.task '_server', -> try answers = await inquirer.prompt serverPrompts

gulp.task 'server', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_server', '_regenerate',  cb

Proxy configuration

gulp.task '_proxy', -> try answers = await inquirer.prompt proxyPrompts

gulp.task 'proxy', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_proxy', '_regenerate', cb

Routes configuration menu

gulp.task '_view-routes', ->
  anwsers = await inquirer.prompt [viewRoutesPrompt]

gulp.task 'view-routes', -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_view-routes'

gulp.task '_edit-routes', ->
  answers = await inquirer.prompt [editRoutesPrompt]

gulp.task 'edit-routes', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_edit-routes'

gulp.task '_delete-routes', ->
  answers = await inqurer.prompt [deleteRoutesPrompt]

gulp.task 'delete-routes', -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_delete-routes'

gulp.task '_routes', ->
  prompt = Object.assign {}, routesPrompt

  prompt.choices = if regen then prompt.reconfigureChoices else prompt.newChoices

  answers = await inquirer.prompt [prompt]

  console.log JSON.stringify answers, null, 2

  new Promise (res) ->

    switch answers.task

      when 'Add Route' then sequence '_server', res

      when 'Remove Routes' then sequence '_remove_routes', '_regenerate', '_routes', res

      when 'Edit Routes' then sequence '_edit_routes', '_regenerate', '_routes', res

      when 'View Routes' then sequence '_view_routes', '_regenerate', '_routes', res

      else res()

gulp.task 'routes', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_routes', cb

Main menu

gulp.task '_default', ->

  prompt = if regen then reconfigurationPrompt else newConfigurationPrompt

    answers = await inquirer.prompt [prompt]

    res = await new Promise (res) -> switch answers.task
      when 'Create nginx.conf' then sequence '_server', '_proxy', '_regenerate', res

      when 'Configure Server' then sequence '_server', '_regenerate', res

      when 'Configure Proxy' then sequence '_proxy', '_regenerate', res

      when 'Configure Routes' then sequence '_routes', '_regenerate', res

      when 'Regenerate' then sequence '_regenerate', res

      else res 'exit'

    if res is 'exit' then return

    prompt = reconfigurationPrompt

gulp.task 'default', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_default', cb

Regenerate nginx.conf and package.json

gulp.task '_regenerate', ->

  server = pkg.server or {}

  proxy = pkg.proxy or {}

  defaultRoutes = pkg.defaultRoutes

  routes = Object.assign {}, defaultRoutes, (pkg.routes or {})

Remap routes into consumable form

  routes = (Object.keys routes).map (MATCH) ->

    value = routes[MATCH]

    if typeof value is 'string' then return { MATCH, REWRITE: value }

    if Array.isArray value then return { MATCH, ROLES: value }

    { MATCH, REWRITE: value?.rewrite or '', ROLES: value?.roles or [] }

Generate locations from routes fixing rewrite and roles

  locations = routes.map ({MATCH, REWRITE, ROLES}) ->

Transform rewrite rule or use default

      if REWRITE then REWRITE.replace /^(.+) +(.+)/, '$1 /rewrite$2'

      else '^(/.*) /rewrite$1'

Transform roles

    ROLES = ROLES.join ', '


Create template context

  context = Object.assign {}, pkg, server, proxy, { locations, routes }

JWT_COOKIE_NAME and JWT_HEADER_NAME need snake_case version

  context.JWT_COOKIE_NAME_snake_case = (slugify context.JWT_COOKIE_NAME, '_').toLowerCase()
  context.JWT_HEADER_NAME_snake_case = (slugify context.JWT_HEADER_NAME, '_').toLowerCase()

  console.log JSON.stringify context, null, 2

  await pump [
    gulp.src __dirname + '/templates/**'

    (template context).on 'error', (err) -> console.log 'OMG', err

    rename (f) -> if f.basename[0] is '_' then f.basename = ".#{ f.basename.slice 1 }"

Prettify package.json

    transform (filename) -> map (chunk, next) ->
      if filename.match 'package.json'
        next null, JSON.stringify (JSON.parse chunk), null, 2
        next null, chunk

    gulp.dest './'


gulp.task 'regenerate', (cb) -> sequence 'load-pkg', '_regenerate', cb

Version 1.0.1

License MIT

Dependents (0)

Package Sidebar


npm i @nhz.io/slush-jwt-auth-proxy-conf

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  • nhz-io
  • ishi.ruy