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1.6.0 • Public • Published


NestJS microservice modules for NestJS-mod

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npm i --save @nestjs/microservices @nestjs-mod/microservices


Link Category Description
GrpcNestMicroservice system GRPC NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc
GrpcNestMicroserviceClientModule system GRPC NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc
KafkaNestMicroservice system Kafka NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/kafka
KafkaNestMicroserviceClientModule system Kafka NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/kafka
MqttNestMicroservice system MQTT NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/mqtt
MqttNestMicroserviceClientModule system MQTT NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/mqtt
NatsNestMicroservice system Nats NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/nats
NatsNestMicroserviceClientModule system Nats NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/nats
RedisNestMicroservice system Redis NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/redis
RedisNestMicroserviceClientModule system Redis NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/redis
RmqNestMicroservice system RabbitMQ NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/rabbitmq
RmqNestMicroserviceClientModule system RabbitMQ NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/rabbitmq
TcpNestMicroservice system TCP NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics
TcpNestMicroserviceClientModule system TCP NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics

Modules descriptions


GRPC NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
url Url obj['url'], process.env['GRPC_URL'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
maxSendMessageLength Max send message length optional - -
maxReceiveMessageLength Max receive message length optional - -
maxMetadataSize Max metadata size optional - -
keepalive Keepalive optional - -
channelOptions Channel options optional - -
credentials Credentials optional - -
protoPath Proto path optional - -
package Package isNotEmpty (package should not be empty) - -
protoLoader Proto Loader optional - -
packageDefinition Package definition optional - -
gracefulShutdown GracefulShutdown optional - -
loader Loader optional - -

Back to Top


GRPC NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc

Shared providers

GrpcNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
url Url obj['url'], process.env['GRPC_URL'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
maxSendMessageLength Max send message length optional - -
maxReceiveMessageLength Max receive message length optional - -
maxMetadataSize Max metadata size optional - -
keepalive Keepalive optional - -
channelOptions Channel options optional - -
credentials Credentials optional - -
protoPath Proto path optional - -
package Package isNotEmpty (package should not be empty) - -
protoLoader Proto Loader optional - -
packageDefinition Package definition optional - -
gracefulShutdown GracefulShutdown optional - -
loader Loader optional - -

Back to Top


Kafka NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/kafka

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
brokers Brokers obj['brokers'], process.env['KAFKA_BROKERS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
postfixId Defaults to "-server" on server side and "-client" on client side optional - -
client Client optional - -
consumer Consumer config optional - -
run Consumer run config optional - -
subscribe Subscribe optional - -
producer Producer config optional - -
send Send producer record optional - -
parser Kafka parser config optional - -
producerOnlyMode Producer only mode optional - -

Back to Top


Kafka NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/kafka

Shared providers

KafkaNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
brokers Brokers obj['brokers'], process.env['KAFKA_BROKERS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
postfixId Defaults to "-server" on server side and "-client" on client side optional - -
client Client optional - -
consumer Consumer config optional - -
run Consumer run config optional - -
subscribe Subscribe optional - -
producer Producer config optional - -
send Send producer record optional - -
parser Kafka parser config optional - -
producerOnlyMode Producer only mode optional - -

Back to Top


MQTT NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/mqtt

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
url Url obj['url'], process.env['MQTT_URL'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
subscribeOptions Subscribe options optional - -
userProperties User properties optional - -

Back to Top


MQTT NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/mqtt

Shared providers

MqttNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
url Url obj['url'], process.env['MQTT_URL'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
subscribeOptions Subscribe options optional - -
userProperties User properties optional - -

Back to Top


Nats NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/nats

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
name Name obj['name'], process.env['NATS_NAME'] optional - -
user User obj['user'], process.env['NATS_USER'] optional - -
pass Pass obj['pass'], process.env['NATS_PASS'] optional - -
servers Servers obj['servers'], process.env['NATS_SERVERS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
headers Headers optional - -
authenticator Authenticator optional - -
debug Debug optional - -
ignoreClusterUpdates Ignore cluster updates optional - -
inboxPrefix Inbox prefix optional - -
encoding Encoding optional - -
maxPingOut Max ping out optional - -
maxReconnectAttempts Max reconnect attempts optional - -
reconnectTimeWait Reconnect time wait optional - -
reconnectJitter Reconnect jitter optional - -
reconnectJitterTLS Reconnect jitter TLS optional - -
reconnectDelayHandler Reconnect delay handler optional - -
nkey Nkey optional - -
reconnect Reconnect optional - -
pedantic Pedantic optional - -
tls TLS optional - -
queue Queue optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
userJWT User JWT optional - -
nonceSigner Nonce signer optional - -
userCreds User creds optional - -
useOldRequestStyle Use old request style optional - -
pingInterval Ping interval optional - -
preserveBuffers Preserve buffers optional - -
waitOnFirstConnect Wait on first connect optional - -
verbose Verbose optional - -
noEcho No echo optional - -
noRandomize No randomize optional - -
timeout Timeout optional - -
token Token optional - -
yieldTime Yield time optional - -
tokenHandler Token handler optional - -

Back to Top


Nats NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/nats

Shared providers

NatsNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
name Name obj['name'], process.env['NATS_NAME'] optional - -
user User obj['user'], process.env['NATS_USER'] optional - -
pass Pass obj['pass'], process.env['NATS_PASS'] optional - -
servers Servers obj['servers'], process.env['NATS_SERVERS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
headers Headers optional - -
authenticator Authenticator optional - -
debug Debug optional - -
ignoreClusterUpdates Ignore cluster updates optional - -
inboxPrefix Inbox prefix optional - -
encoding Encoding optional - -
maxPingOut Max ping out optional - -
maxReconnectAttempts Max reconnect attempts optional - -
reconnectTimeWait Reconnect time wait optional - -
reconnectJitter Reconnect jitter optional - -
reconnectJitterTLS Reconnect jitter TLS optional - -
reconnectDelayHandler Reconnect delay handler optional - -
nkey Nkey optional - -
reconnect Reconnect optional - -
pedantic Pedantic optional - -
tls TLS optional - -
queue Queue optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
userJWT User JWT optional - -
nonceSigner Nonce signer optional - -
userCreds User creds optional - -
useOldRequestStyle Use old request style optional - -
pingInterval Ping interval optional - -
preserveBuffers Preserve buffers optional - -
waitOnFirstConnect Wait on first connect optional - -
verbose Verbose optional - -
noEcho No echo optional - -
noRandomize No randomize optional - -
timeout Timeout optional - -
token Token optional - -
yieldTime Yield time optional - -
tokenHandler Token handler optional - -

Back to Top


Redis NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/redis

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
host Host obj['host'], process.env['REDIS_HOST'] optional - -
port Port obj['port'], process.env['REDIS_PORT'] optional 6379 6379
username If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option as the first argument when connected, this is supported since Redis 6 obj['username'], process.env['REDIS_USERNAME'] optional - -
password If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option when connected obj['password'], process.env['REDIS_PASSWORD'] optional - -
db Database index to use obj['db'], process.env['REDIS_DB'] optional 0 0

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
retryAttempts Retry attempts optional - -
retryDelay Retry delay optional - -
wildcards Wildcards optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
Connector Connector optional - -
retryStrategy Retry strategy optional - -
commandTimeout Command timeout optional - -
keepAlive Keep alive optional - -
noDelay No delay optional - -
connectionName Connection name optional - -
autoResubscribe Auto resubscribe optional - -
autoResendUnfulfilledCommands Auto resend unfulfilled commands optional - -
reconnectOnError Reconnect on error optional - -
readOnly Read only optional - -
stringNumbers String numbers optional - -
connectTimeout Connect timeout optional - -
monitor Monitor optional - -
maxRetriesPerRequest Max retries per request optional - -
maxLoadingRetryTime Max loading retry time optional - -
enableAutoPipelining Enable auto pipelining optional - -
autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands Auto pipelining ignored commands optional - -
offlineQueue Offline queue optional - -
commandQueue Command queue optional - -
enableOfflineQueue Enable offline queue optional - -
enableReadyCheck The client will sent an INFO command to check whether the server is still loading data from the disk ( which happens when the server is just launched) when the connection is established, and only wait until the loading process is finished before emitting the ready event (default: true). optional - -
lazyConnect When a Redis instance is initialized, a connection to the server is immediately established. Set this to true will delay the connection to the server until the first command is sent or redis.connect() is called explicitly (default: false). optional - -
scripts Scripts optional - -
keyPrefix Key prefix optional - -
showFriendlyErrorStack Show friendly error stack optional - -
disconnectTimeout Disconnect timeout optional - -
tls Connection options optional - -
name Master group name of the Sentinel optional - -
role Role optional - -
sentinelUsername Sentinel username optional - -
sentinelPassword Sentinel password optional - -
sentinels Sentinels optional - -
sentinelRetryStrategy Sentinel retry strategy optional - -
sentinelReconnectStrategy Sentinel reconnect strategy optional - -
preferredSlaves Preferred slaves optional - -
sentinelCommandTimeout Sentinel command timeout optional - -
enableTLSForSentinelMode Enable TLS for sentinel mode optional - -
sentinelTLS Sentinel TLS optional - -
natMap Nat map optional - -
updateSentinels Update sentinels optional - -
sentinelMaxConnections Sentinel max connections optional - -
failoverDetector Failover detector optional - -

Back to Top


Redis NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/redis

Shared providers

RedisNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
host Host obj['host'], process.env['REDIS_HOST'] optional - -
port Port obj['port'], process.env['REDIS_PORT'] optional 6379 6379
username If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option as the first argument when connected, this is supported since Redis 6 obj['username'], process.env['REDIS_USERNAME'] optional - -
password If set, client will send AUTH command with the value of this option when connected obj['password'], process.env['REDIS_PASSWORD'] optional - -
db Database index to use obj['db'], process.env['REDIS_DB'] optional 0 0

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
retryAttempts Retry attempts optional - -
retryDelay Retry delay optional - -
wildcards Wildcards optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
Connector Connector optional - -
retryStrategy Retry strategy optional - -
commandTimeout Command timeout optional - -
keepAlive Keep alive optional - -
noDelay No delay optional - -
connectionName Connection name optional - -
autoResubscribe Auto resubscribe optional - -
autoResendUnfulfilledCommands Auto resend unfulfilled commands optional - -
reconnectOnError Reconnect on error optional - -
readOnly Read only optional - -
stringNumbers String numbers optional - -
connectTimeout Connect timeout optional - -
monitor Monitor optional - -
maxRetriesPerRequest Max retries per request optional - -
maxLoadingRetryTime Max loading retry time optional - -
enableAutoPipelining Enable auto pipelining optional - -
autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands Auto pipelining ignored commands optional - -
offlineQueue Offline queue optional - -
commandQueue Command queue optional - -
enableOfflineQueue Enable offline queue optional - -
enableReadyCheck The client will sent an INFO command to check whether the server is still loading data from the disk ( which happens when the server is just launched) when the connection is established, and only wait until the loading process is finished before emitting the ready event (default: true). optional - -
lazyConnect When a Redis instance is initialized, a connection to the server is immediately established. Set this to true will delay the connection to the server until the first command is sent or redis.connect() is called explicitly (default: false). optional - -
scripts Scripts optional - -
keyPrefix Key prefix optional - -
showFriendlyErrorStack Show friendly error stack optional - -
disconnectTimeout Disconnect timeout optional - -
tls Connection options optional - -
name Master group name of the Sentinel optional - -
role Role optional - -
sentinelUsername Sentinel username optional - -
sentinelPassword Sentinel password optional - -
sentinels Sentinels optional - -
sentinelRetryStrategy Sentinel retry strategy optional - -
sentinelReconnectStrategy Sentinel reconnect strategy optional - -
preferredSlaves Preferred slaves optional - -
sentinelCommandTimeout Sentinel command timeout optional - -
enableTLSForSentinelMode Enable TLS for sentinel mode optional - -
sentinelTLS Sentinel TLS optional - -
natMap Nat map optional - -
updateSentinels Update sentinels optional - -
sentinelMaxConnections Sentinel max connections optional - -
failoverDetector Failover detector optional - -

Back to Top


RabbitMQ NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/rabbitmq

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
urls Urls obj['urls'], process.env['RMQ_URLS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
queue Queue optional - -
prefetchCount Prefetch count optional - -
isGlobalPrefetchCount Is global prefetch count optional - -
queueOptions Queue options optional - -
socketOptions Socket options optional - -
noAck No ack optional - -
consumerTag Consumer tag optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
replyQueue Reply queue optional - -
persistent Persistent optional - -
headers Headers optional - -
noAssert No assert optional - -
maxConnectionAttempts Maximum number of connection attempts, applies only to the consumer configuration (-1 - infinite) optional - -

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RabbitMQ NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/rabbitmq

Shared providers

RmqNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
urls Urls obj['urls'], process.env['RMQ_URLS'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
queue Queue optional - -
prefetchCount Prefetch count optional - -
isGlobalPrefetchCount Is global prefetch count optional - -
queueOptions Queue options optional - -
socketOptions Socket options optional - -
noAck No ack optional - -
consumerTag Consumer tag optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
replyQueue Reply queue optional - -
persistent Persistent optional - -
headers Headers optional - -
noAssert No assert optional - -
maxConnectionAttempts Maximum number of connection attempts, applies only to the consumer configuration (-1 - infinite) optional - -

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TCP NestJS-mod microservice initializer @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
host Host obj['host'], process.env['TCP_HOST'] optional - -
port Port obj['port'], process.env['TCP_PORT'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
retryAttempts Retry attempts optional - -
retryDelay Retry delay optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
tlsOptions TLS options optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
socketClass Socket class optional - -

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TCP NestJS-mod microservice client @see https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/basics

Shared providers

TcpNestMicroserviceClient, ClientProxyApplicationHooks

Static environments

Key Description Sources Constraints Default Value
host Host obj['host'], process.env['TCP_HOST'] optional - -
port Port obj['port'], process.env['TCP_PORT'] optional - -

Static configuration

Key Description Constraints Default Value
defaultLogger Default logger for application optional - -
logger Specifies the logger to use. Pass false to turn off logging. optional - -
abortOnError Whether to abort the process on Error. By default, the process is exited. Pass false to override the default behavior. If false is passed, Nest will not exit the application and instead will rethrow the exception. @default true optional - -
bufferLogs If enabled, logs will be buffered until the "Logger#flush" method is called. @default false optional - -
autoFlushLogs If enabled, logs will be automatically flushed and buffer detached when application initialization process either completes or fails. @default true optional - -
preview Whether to run application in the preview mode. In the preview mode, providers/controllers are not instantiated & resolved. @default false optional - -
snapshot Whether to generate a serialized graph snapshot. @default false optional - -
featureName Feature name for generate prefix to environments keys optional - -
microserviceProjectName Microservice project name for generate prefix to environments keys (need only for microservice client) optional - -
retryAttempts Retry attempts optional - -
retryDelay Retry delay optional - -
serializer Serializer optional - -
tlsOptions TLS options optional - -
deserializer Deserializer optional - -
socketClass Socket class optional - -

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  • endykaufman