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1.6.0 • Public • Published

Integration Widget

The widget allows your users to explore 6,000+ Zapier integrations right inside your app.

Learn more about the widget on our website: nepflow.dev

Production Deployment @nepflow/integration-widget.svg License

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Nepflow widget with 6,000+ Zapier integrations


You can use the online builder to customize the widget and get the installation code.

Node.js package

Install the package via NPM or Yarn

npm install @nepflow/integration-widget --save

Import module in your application

import NepflowIntegrationWidget from '@nepflow/integration-widget';

Load from CDN

You can load specific version of package from jsDelivr CDN.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@nepflow/integration-widget@1/dist/bundle.js"></script>


Add element

Create an element that should contain the widget

<div id="integration-widget"></div>


Basic usage:

const widget = new NepflowIntegrationWidget(
  'integration-widget', // Element ID
    backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5',
    cardColor: '#fff',
    cardBorderColor: '#fff',
    innerSpace: 24,
    autoVerticalResize: true,
    onCardClick: function(id) {
      alert(id + ' clicked!')

If your app is integrated with Zapier, your users can see integration guides and Zapier templates:

const widget = new NepflowIntegrationWidget(
  'integration-widget', // Element ID
    zapierAppId: '<ZAPIER APP SLUG>', // Your Zapier app key
    backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5',
    cardColor: '#fff',
    cardBorderColor: '#fff',
    innerSpace: 24,
    autoVerticalResize: true,
    onCardClick: function(id) {
      console.log('card clicked:', id)

You can use customCards parameter to show your native integrations or replacing existing Zapier apps:

const widget = new NepflowIntegrationWidget(
  'integration-widget', // Element ID
    zapierAppId: '<ZAPIER APP SLUG>', // Your Zapier app key
    backgroundColor: '#f5f5f5',
    cardColor: '#fff',
    cardBorderColor: '#fff',
    innerSpace: 24,
    autoVerticalResize: true,
    customCards: [
      // Showing a custom integration in the catalog
        id: 'custom_integration', 
        name: 'Custom Integration', 
        iconURL: 'https://example.com/foobar.png' 

      // Replacing an existing Zapier app in the catalog
        id: 'gmail', 
        name: 'Gmail', 
        iconURL: 'https://example.com/gmail.png',
        replacedZapierAppId: 'gmail'
    onCardClick: function(id) {
      alert(id + ' clicked!')


You can pass any of these parameters for your widget:

Parameter Description Type Default
zapierAppId Your Zapier app ID or slug string #f5f5f5
backgroundColor The widget's background color (hex) string #ffffff
cardColor The color for the card components (hex) string #ffffff
cardBorderColor Card component border color (hex) string #ffffff
innerSpace The padding inside the widget (px) number 24
autoVerticalResize Enables automatic vertical resizing for the iframe boolean false
onCardClick Called when card is clicked (id: string) => void -
customIntegrations Array of custom or native integrations { id: string; name: string; iconURL: string; replacedZapierAppId: string; }[] []

Technical Support or Questions

If you have questions or need help integrating the editor please contact us instead of opening an issue.


Apache License 2.0

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npm i @nepflow/integration-widget

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