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DiscordAPI with GUI System

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GUI Demonstration using custom events, and async calls between GUIs (click on images below)


npm install @neferett/DiscordAPI

 setCredentials(serverId: string, loginToken: string): DiscordAPI;
 login(): Promise<Client>;

 DiscordAPI.setCredentials('xxx', 'xxx').login().then((client: Client) => ...);

How to use it

export default class DisplayGUI extends GUI {  

   constructor() {  
 		  '#ffa701', // Hexa Color 
 		  'Here is a title', // GUI Title
 		  'Neferett', // Author Name 
 		  `Here is a description`, // Discription (below title)  
 		  `Here is a footer`, // Footer at the left of 'updated at'  
 		  '<url>', // URL Thumbnail can be empty but not null  
 		  true, // Channel contains only 1 message (the GUI) 
 		  true, // Should the GUI be loaded inside the GUIHandler
 		  false, // Is the GUI a DM | Optional, always false,
 		  '<url>' // Image below fields | Optional, always empty
   protected defineButtons(): void {
      //Use of abstract method addButton to add infinite buttons
      //Containing Icon and GUI String Name
 	  this.addButton(Button('💎', 'NextGUIName'));  
   protected defineField(): void {  
   	  //Use of abstract method addFields to add infinite fields
      //Containing Field Name, Field Description, inline, blank
      //Inline will post the next field in the same line (maximum 3)
      //Blank will create a space of 10 pixels between each fields
 	  this.addFields(Field(`Field Name`, `Field Description`, true, false));  
   protected refreshData(): Promise<any> {
      //If your GUI has Async data to compute, it will always run this method
 	  return Promise.resolve();  

   * @param user  
   * @param message  
   public onMessage(user: User, message: Message): Promise<Message> {
      // If you want to handle users messages inside the GUI
      // Super call will remove the message by default
 	  return super.onMessage(user, message); 

    * @param user
    * @param reaction
    * @param nextGUI
   onReaction(user: User, reaction: MessageReaction, nextGUI: GUI): Promise<boolean> {
     //Should display nextGUI
     return super.onReaction(user, reaction, nextGUI);


Once your GUI is created you have to add it inside the GUIHandler:

 GUIHandler.connectGUI(new DisplayGUI()): void;

Once all your GUIs connected you have to load the system:

 GUIHandler.loadAll(): Promise<void[]>

If you want to manually handle GUI Creation and Opening using messages:

 GUIHandler.changeGUI(newGui: GUI, oldGui: GUI): Promise<MessageReaction[]>
 GUIHandler.changeGUI(this, new NextGUI());

For DMs:

 GUIHandler.changeGUIDms(newGui: GUI, oldGui: GUI, user: User): Promise<Message>
 GUIHandler.changeGUIDms(this, new NextGUI(), user);

Command System

Creating a commands using Command abstract

export default new class HelpCommand extends Command {  
  constructor() {  
	  super('help', '/* roleID that can execute command to the bot */', '/help');  
   * @param executor  
   * @param args  
  onCommand(executor: User, args: string[] = []): Promise<string> {  
	  let message = "Here are the available commands:\n";  
	  engines.commands.forEach((e: Command) => {  
		  message += `Commands: ${e.name} |  RoleId: [${e.roleId}]  |  Usage: ${e.help}\n`;  
	  return Promise.resolve(message);  

Initiate the command from definedEngines.d.ts :


Event System

Creating event using Event abstract:

export default new class ReactionsEvent extends Event {  
  constructor() {  
	  super('messageReactionAdd'); // Use string discord event name 
   * @param reaction 
   * @param user 
  onEvent(reaction: MessageReaction): null | Promise<any> {  
	  if (reaction.users.filter(e => !e.bot).size === 0)  
	  return null;  
	  let user: User = reaction.users.last();  
	  return reaction.remove(user);  

Listening the event:


Discord shortcuts and usefull methods

 getGuild(): Guild | undefined

 getMember(userId: string): GuildMember | null

 memberSetRole(userId: string, roleId: string): Promise<GuildMember | undefined>

 memberRemoveRole(userId: string, roleId: string): Promise<GuildMember | undefined>

 memberHasRole(userId: string, roleId: string): boolean

 sendMessage(userId: string, message: string): Promise<Message | Message[]> | null

 getChannelFromId(channelId: string): TextChannel | undefined

 sendMessageOnChannel(channelId: string, message: Message | RichEmbed | string): Promise<Message | Message[]>

 sendFileOnChannel(channelId: string, message: string, file: string): Promise<Message | Message[]> | null

 changeChannelName(channelId: string, title: string): Promise<GuildChannel>

 createEmbed(): RichEmbed

 removeMessage(channelId: string, messageId: string): Promise<Message> | null

 flushChannel(channelId: string): Promise<Message[] | undefined>

  channelId: string,  
  messageId: string,  
  callback: (message: Message) => Promise<Message | MessageReaction | void>  
 ): Promise<Message | any>

 modifyMessage(channelId: string, messageId: string, newMessage: string | RichEmbed | Message): Promise<Message> | null

  channelId: string,  
  messageId: string,  
  emoji: string,  
  newMessage: string | Message | RichEmbed,  
  ...reactions: any  
 ): Promise<any>

 addReactions(channelId: string, messageId: string, emoji: string): Promise<any> | null

 // GUIHandler methods
 GUIHandler.getGUIWithReaction(reaction: string, channelId: string, userID ?: string): GUI | null
 GUIHandler.getGUIOfUser(userID: string): GUI
 GUIHandler.removeGui(gui: GUI)

Simple Message refreshed every seconds


Licensed under MIT


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