
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Manage your loading states (with first-class integration with Vue.js)


Wit NPM:

$ npm install @nashlabs/expecto

With Yarn:

$ yarn add @nashlabs/expecto


With pure JS:

import { expecto } from '@nashlabs/expecto'

// Start a loader (when no argument is passed, '' will be used as the default loader ID)
expecto.startLoading('someLoaderID') // now `expecto.isLoading('someLoaderID')` & `expecto.anyLoading` return `true`

// Stop a loader

// With a callback Expecto will automatically stop the loader
const processedResponse = await expecto.startLoading('someLoaderID', () => { // The cb must return a Promise-like object or it will throw a `TypeError`
  return fetchData().then(response => processData(response))

With pure Vue.js:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import { createVuexPlugin, createVuePlugin } from '@nashlabs/expecto'

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  // ...
  plugins: [createVuexPlugin()] // this will register a new namespaced module to manage your loading states. You can pass a different namespace as first argument (default: 'loaders')

Vue.use(createVuePlugin({ // This needs vuex plugin to be installed
  namespace, // default: 'loaders' 
  componentName, // default: 'VWait'
  className // an array of CSS classes to apply on component (default: ['expecto'])
// This will add `$isLoading`, `$anyLoading`, `$startLoading` & `$stopLoading` to `Vue.prototype`. Use `createComponent` instead if you don't want `Vue.prototype` to be poluted

Then in your components:

// VWait Component (needs vuex plugin to be installed)
<VWait :when="/* same arguments as expecto.isLoading or directly pass true/false */" :empty="true">
  { slot content }

  <template v-slot:emtpy>
    This will be displayed <strong>in place of the default slot</strong> only if you pass `true` to the `:empty` prop.
    It can be helpful to display a 'No data' component after loading.

This is what you need to know about the module that is registered in the store when you call createVuexPlugin

store.registerModule(namespace, {
  // ...
  getters: {
    isLoading : state => ..., // same thing as calling expecto.isLoading(...)
    anyLoading: state => ..., // same thing as calling expecto.anyLoading
  actions: {
    startLoading: ({commit}, { loaderId, callback }) => ..., // same thing as calling expecto.startLoading(loaderId, callback)
    stopLoading: ({commit}, { loaderId }) => ..., // same thing as calling expecto.stopLoading(loaderId)
  // ...


Tip 1: isLoading can take a function as an argument instead of a loaderId.

In that case, it will behave exactly like the function argument passed to Array.prototype.findIndex. Each currently loading loaderId is be passed to the function until it returns true and the loop stops. isLoading will return true only if the function returned true for at least one id.

expecto.isLoading(id => /^UID-.*/.test) // returns `true` if one id starts with 'UID-'

Tip 2: Need to call vuex manually ?

$store.dispatch(`<vuex module name>/startLoading`, { loaderId, callback }, { root: true })

Tip 3: The class used under the hood (ExpectoWrapper) is also exposed.

By creating new instances of it, you can have different and isolated loading state managers.

$store.dispatch(`<vuex module name>/startLoading`, { loaderId, callback }, { root: true })


MIT © Honoré Nintunze


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