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0.1.1 • Public • Published


NPM @muds/store License: MIT


@muds/store is the core data structure store library for muds, the modular microframework for interactive data-oriented systems. This package is what enables muds to be data-oriented. It provides useful data structures to model your data store and structure your app in Entity component system (ECS) architecture.

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@muds/store is best used with an ECS architecture. IdGenerator can be used to generate entity IDs, and component data can be stored in maps:

import { IdGenerator, SparseSetMap, uniqueJoin } from '@muds/store';

// Entities are simply IDs
const entityIdGenerator = new IdGenerator();

// Components are stored in maps
// SparseSetMap is good for often used components. for rare components, use GenIdMap instead
const positions = new SparseSetMap();
const velocities = new SparseSetMap();

// Systems are simply functions that operates on the data model (entity and components)
function PhysicsSystem(deltaTimeSec) {
  // Use uniqueJoin(iter, keyFn, ...maps) to perform multi-component left-join queries
  const query = uniqueJoin(velocities.entries(), ([id, vel] => id), positions);

  for ([entityId, vel, pos = [0, 0]] of query) {
    const newPos = [pos[0] + vel[0] * deltaTimeSec, pos[1] + vel[1] * deltaTimeSec];
    positions.set(entityId, newPos);

// Create some entities
const entity1 = entityIdGenerator.add();
positions.set(entity1, [10, 10]);
velocities.set(entity1, [1, 2]);
const entity2 = entityIdGenerator.add();
// position of entity2 defaults to [0, 0]
velocities.set(entity2, [3, 4]);

PhysicsSystem(1); // Run the system
// Current positions = { [entity1]: [11, 12], [entity2]: [3, 4] }

Observable collections are available for reacting on collection change events. There is also a UniqueIndex type that automatically builds a unique key index by listening to an observable map:

import { GenIdMap, IdGenerator, ObservableMap, UniqueIndex, onCollectionChange } from '@muds/store';

const entityIdGenerator = new IdGenerator();
const components = new ObservableMap(new GenIdMap());

// You can listen to components.onAdd/onClear/onDelete/onUpdate events
components.onAdd.addListener((components, entityId, value) => console.log(`added component key = ${entityId}, value = ${component}`));

const onChange = onCollectionChange(components); // To listen to all collection event types at once
onChange.addListener((eventType, components, entityId, value, oldValue) => ...);

// Create a reverse mapping index from component value to entityId
const index = UniqueIndex.fromCollection(components, (entityId, value) => value);

const entity1 = entityIdGenerator.add();
components.set(entity1, 1); // This triggers components.onAdd, onChange events and updates index

console.assert(entity1 === index.get(1)); // true


This repository and the code inside it is licensed under the MIT License. Read LICENSE for more information.

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  • andykswong