
2.0.0 • Public • Published


FileDrop is a react component library that allows you to drag and drop files or simply click to upload image file. Only suport a single file uplaod for now and file must be an image file.


    npm i @mozeyinedu/file-drop


    import { FileDrop } form '@mozeyinedu/file-drop';

    function UploadFile(){

        return (
            <div style={{width: '150px', height: '150px'}}>

The FileDrop takes the size of whatever container you nested it with.

The following styles are default styles that cannot be overwritten:

  • width:100%;
  • display: block;
  • height: 100%;
  • display: flex;
  • padding: 2px;
  • text-align: center;
  • justify-content: center;
  • align-items: center;
  • margin: auto;
  • cursor: pointer;

Note: Background colors, text colors, border radius and border styles are passed as props


  1. getFile is a callback that returns the file in form of file, blob or base64

  2. fileSize=60: This is the acceptable file size (as number) beyound which it throws an error. Default is 60. Th number passed is taken as kb

  3. showInitialImage=false: Whether to show initial image or not when the component first rendered. default is false. When set to true, initial file should also be specified as seen below.

  4. initialImage='': Pass the inital image to be shown here.

  5. type='file': this is the returned type, it can be blob, base64 string or file object. default is file object

  6. draggedInBg='rgb(52 201 136 / 42%)': This is the background color when the file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  7. defaultBg='rgba(138, 221, 185, 0.42)': This is the initial background color when no file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  8. invalidBg='rgba(216, 79, 79, 0.42)': This is the background color when an invalid operation is performed

  9. draggedInColor='#fff': This is the text color when the file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  10. defaultColor='#fff': This is the initial text color when no file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  11. invalidColor='rgb(235, 5, 5)': This is the text color when an invalid operation is performed

  12. draggedInBorder='2px dashed rgba(7, 7, 7, 0.42)': This is the border color when the file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  13. defaultBorder='2px solid rgba(118, 238, 218, 0.42)': This is the initial border color when no file is dragged into the FileDrop container

  14. invalidBorder='2px solid rgb(235, 5, 5)': This is the border color when an invalid operation is performed

  15. defaultTxt= 'Drag & Drop Your file here or Click to Upload': text shown at rest

  16. draggedInTxt= 'You Can Drop Now!': Text shown when the FileDrop is ready to accept your file

  17. invalidMemeTypeTxt= 'Accepted files are PNG, JPG or JPEG': Text shown when the file meme type is not valid

  18. invalidFileSizeTxt= 'File Size must not be more than': Text shown when the file size is not accepted

  19. borderRadius="0px": "0px" is the default if not specified.


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  • mozeyinedu