
0.1.21 • Public • Published


copyToClipboard(text, toastMsg)

copy text to Clipboard and show toast.


open Dialer to call.

getBase64FromUrl(url, callback)

convert image from url to base64 string.

setBrightnessLevel(brightnessLevel, callback)

set Brightness level.


get Brightness level.


get system Brightness level (Android only).

sendSMS(phone, content, callback)

show SMS activity.


capture screenshot


enable screenshot (Android only).


get Ip Address

getImage(options, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image

saveImage(base64Image, callback)

save image to gallery

getImageSize(uri, callback)

get size image

getImageRotateFromUri(uri, callback)

get rotated image from uri, return back uri

openURLWithPackageId(callbackDeepLink, packageId)

Open url with package id


open url

playYouTube(video:, callbackDeepLink)


trackEvent(event, parameters)

tracking event


tracking purchase


share Facebook

throwJSException(exception, callback)

throwException throw Exception from miniApp at version 1.0

uploadImage(imageData, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image

share(data, callback)

share text content to other apps

setBadgeFeature(params, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image


Get device information


Open Device Setting


Check device is high performance


register device shaking listener.


unregister device shaking listener.

saveCalendarEvent(title, details, [options])

Creates or updates a calendar event. To update an event, the event id must be defined.

sendExtraMessage(data, callback)

Handle API need to use base64 , must handle on Platform to avoid performance issue




Request logout

getConfig(config, callback)

get Config.

getContacts(options, callback)

get contacts.

getContactInfo(phone, callback)

get contact info from phoneNumber.

getContact(options, callback)

get contact from realm

queryContact(options, callback)

query contacts by options

saveContact(contact, callback)

Save contact

mapContacts(contacts, callback)

get list contact from realm from list contact

pickSingleDocument(options, callback)

Pick single document (PDF, ...)

uploadDocuments(options, callback)

Upload documents

startCaptureSideDocument(config, callback)

Start camera to capture front/back of document

startCaptureFace(config, callback)

Start camera to capture face

faceMatching(config, callback)

Compare face between document picture and selfie picture


get endpoint url of contact.


get resource endpoint .

getSteps(params, startDate, endDate)

get steps of user.

listen(eventName, callback)

listen all events

requestLocation(params, callback)

request location of device.

requestLocationWithOptions(params, options, callback)

request location of device.


get location of device.

connectMqttBroker(options, callback)

connect client to MQTT Broker over websocket


Disconnect client to MQTT Broker

subscribeMqttTopic(topic, subscribeOptions, callback)

subscribe a topic

unsubscribeMqttTopic(topic, unsubscribeOptions, callback)

unsubscribe a topic

fetchNetworkInfo(requestedInterface, requestedInterface)

fetch newest net info of device.


get user net info of device.

sendMessage(props, callback)

send message to Backend.

sendConfirmMessage(props, callback)

send message with confirmation pass to Backend.

sendProxyMessage(props, callback)

send message to Proxy Backend (BE redirect message to others).

sendCloudMessage(props, callback)

send message to Cloud.

getCloudMessage(props, callback)

get data from Cloud.


handle refId from notification


show popup

observer(schema, callback)

register observer.

getDataObserver(schema, callback)

get data from observer storage

setDataObserver(schema, data)

set data to observer storage


get profile.


set profile.

requestPayment(params, callback)

request payment

requestPaymentSdk(params, callback)

request payment sdk

countTrace(parameters, callback)

trace count event.

startTrace(parameters, callback)

start trace event.

stopTrace(traceId, parameters, callback)

stop trace event.

errorTrace(parameters, callback)

trace error event.

requestPermission(permission, callback)

request permission

checkPermission(permission, callback)

check permission has granted

scanQRCode(data, callback)

get data from qr code

realmQuery(schema, query, sort, limit, callback)

query data from realm.

realmSave(schema, object)

save data to realm.

realmDelete(schema, query)

delete data of realm.

navigate(routeName, params, callback)

navigate to other screen

startApp(application, params, callback)

start other screen.

startMiniApp(miniApp, params, callback)

start mini app.

startService(service, params, callback)

start screen by service.

startServiceId(serviceId, params, callback)

start screen by service id.

startFeature(feature, params, callback)

start screen by feature.

startFeatureCode(featureCode, params, callback)

start screen by feature code.

openWeb(params, callback)

start web screen by url or html.

dismiss(result, callback)

dismiss current screen and return result for previous route


dismiss all screen.


go back.


go home screen.

navigateTab(params, callback)

navigate to Tab index.

getListFriendMoMo(contact, callback)

get List Friend MoMo

getRelationShipStatus(contact, callback)

get RelationShip Status

acceptFriendRequest(contact, callback)

accept Friend Request

sendFriendRequest(contact, callback)

send Friend Request

blockUser(contact, callback)

block User

unBlockUser(contact, callback)

unBlock User

getItem(key, callback)

get data from Storage.

setItem(key, value)

set data to Storage.


remove data from Storage.

requestSync(type, callback)

request to sync


get transaction information.

getTransactionInfo(tranHisList, callback)

get transaction information.

getTransactionStatusCode(params, callback)

get transaction status code.

getStatusInfo(statusCode, callback)

get transaction status information.


get all transaction status information.


get all transaction status code.

getMoneySourceName(tranHis, callback)

get money source name.

getFeatureById(featureId, callback)

Get feature by feature id

startTranHisDetail(params, onResult)

Start transaction history detail feature


show Toast.


hide Toast.


show Loading.


hide Loading.

showAlert(title, message, buttonTitles, callback)

show dialog alert.

showAction(title, buttonTitles, callback)

show bottomsheet to choose action.

showPicker(args, callback)

show bottomsheet to choose action.


get user profile.

requestUserInfo(options, callback)

request user info.

setProfile(profile, callback)

set user profile.


register observer profile.


set profile extra.

updateItemServer(data, data)

update item to backend

updateItemLocal(data, data)

update item to realm


get item from BE


get local item from realm


get local item - user settings


Upload documents with progress monitoring.


Cancel upload progress.


Set background timeout.

getUserUUID(partnerCode, callback)

Get userId by partnerCode.


Get full list friend momo.


Query friend list.


Sync contacts.


Sync contact after 1 day.


Sync contact after 1 minute.

setFastLogin(params, callback)

Enable fast login.


Show tool kit.

sendUploadMessage(props, callback)

Request upload files message.

copyToClipboard(text, toastMsg)

copy text to Clipboard and show toast.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
text text text to save to Clipboard
toastMsg text text to show on Toast


open Dialer to call.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
phone text phone number

getBase64FromUrl(url, callback)

convert image from url to base64 string.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
url url image url
callback callback callback base64 image

setBrightnessLevel(brightnessLevel, callback)

set Brightness level.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
brightnessLevel number brightnessLevel 0 to 1
callback callback callback success or not


get Brightness level.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback current brightness level


get system Brightness level (Android only).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback current system brightness level

sendSMS(phone, content, callback)

show SMS activity.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
phone number phone number
content text sms content
callback callback callback empty


capture screenshot

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback base64 of screenshot


enable screenshot (Android only).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
enable boolean enable screenshot


get Ip Address

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback ip-adress

getImage(options, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options Object options: {type: "camera"
callback callback

saveImage(base64Image, callback)

save image to gallery

Kind: global function

Param Type
base64Image string
callback callback

getImageSize(uri, callback)

get size image

Kind: global function

Param Type
uri string
callback callback

getImageRotateFromUri(uri, callback)

get rotated image from uri, return back uri

Kind: global function

Param Type
uri string
callback callback

openURLWithPackageId(callbackDeepLink, packageId)

Open url with package id

Kind: global function

Param Type
callbackDeepLink callback
packageId string


open url

Kind: global function

Param Type
callbackDeepLink callback

playYouTube(video:, callbackDeepLink)


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
video: Object {videoId: VideoId, videoURL: videoUrl}
callbackDeepLink callback

trackEvent(event, parameters)

tracking event

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
event String tracking event name
parameters Object tracking parameters


tracking purchase

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
value String string of double value


share Facebook

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params Object {link: link to share, image: share image, stories: {}}

throwJSException(exception, callback)

throwException throw Exception from miniApp at version 1.0

Kind: global function

Param Type
exception *
callback *

uploadImage(imageData, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
imageData Object imageData: {data: "base64 string", ext: "png", folder: "chat_images"}
callback callback

share(data, callback)

share text content to other apps

Kind: global function

Param Type
data *
callback *

setBadgeFeature(params, callback)

Get image from gallery or capture new image

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params Object params: {badge: "string or number", featureCode: ""}
callback callback


Get device information

Kind: global function

Param Type
callback callback


Open Device Setting

Kind: global function

Param Type
callback callback


Check device is high performance

Kind: global function

Param Type
callback callback


register device shaking listener.

Kind: global function


unregister device shaking listener.

Kind: global function

saveCalendarEvent(title, details, [options]) ⇒

Creates or updates a calendar event. To update an event, the event id must be defined.

Kind: global function Returns: - Promise resolving to saved event's ID.

Param Description
title The title of the event
details Event details
[options] Options specific to the saved event.

sendExtraMessage(data, callback)

Handle API need to use base64 , must handle on Platform to avoid performance issue

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
data data data for request
callback callback callback



Kind: global function

Param Description
isActive The title of the event


Request logout

Kind: global function

Param Type
callback *

getConfig(config, callback)

get Config.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
config text config
callback callback return config

getContacts(options, callback)

get contacts.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options Object options
callback callback return array contacts

getContactInfo(phone, callback)

get contact info from phoneNumber.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
phone text phone
callback callback return phone info

getContact(options, callback)

get contact from realm

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options Object options : {phone, name}
callback callback

queryContact(options, callback)

query contacts by options

Kind: global function

Param Type
options object
callback callback

saveContact(contact, callback)

Save contact

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {phone, name}
callback callback return {isSaveSuccess, contact}

mapContacts(contacts, callback)

get list contact from realm from list contact

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contacts Array
callback callback return array contacts

pickSingleDocument(options, callback)

Pick single document (PDF, ...)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options options DocumentPickerOptions (please check react-native-document-picker documentation)
callback callback {data: DocumentPickerResponse, error: Error} if err.description === 'cancelled', request has been cancelled by user

uploadDocuments(options, callback)

Upload documents

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options options UploadFileOptions (please check react-native-fs documentation and do not use [begin] & [progress] in the options).
callback callback {data: UploadResult, error: Error} if err.description === 'cancelled', request has been cancelled by user

startCaptureSideDocument(config, callback)

Start camera to capture front/back of document

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
config config config apply for UI
callback callback callback

startCaptureFace(config, callback)

Start camera to capture face

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
config config config apply for UI
callback callback callback

faceMatching(config, callback)

Compare face between document picture and selfie picture

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
config config api parammeter
callback callback callback


get endpoint url of contact.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return endpoint url of contact


get resource endpoint .

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return resource endpoint

getSteps(params, startDate, endDate)

get steps of user.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params object params
callback return data when it be triggered

listen(eventName, callback)

listen all events

Kind: global function

Param Type
eventName string
callback callback

requestLocation(params, callback)

request location of device.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params object params {permission: Location Type}
callback callback return location of device

requestLocationWithOptions(params, options, callback)

request location of device.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params object params {permission: Location Type}
options options options {option: Location Options}
callback callback return location of device


get location of device.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return location of device

connectMqttBroker(options, callback)

connect client to MQTT Broker over websocket

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options object connect options : { timeout: "number", userName: "string", password: "string", willMessage: "object", keepAliveInterval: "number", cleanSession: "boolean", useSSL: "boolean", invocationContext: "object", hosts: "object", ports: "object", reconnect: "boolean", mqttVersion: "number", mqttVersionExplicit: "boolean", uris: "object" }
callback callback callback when connection status change


Disconnect client to MQTT Broker

Kind: global function

subscribeMqttTopic(topic, subscribeOptions, callback)

subscribe a topic

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
topic string topic of publisher
subscribeOptions object subscribe options : { qos: "number", invocationContext: "object", timeout: "number" }
callback callback callback subscribe status

unsubscribeMqttTopic(topic, unsubscribeOptions, callback)

unsubscribe a topic

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
topic string return connection status
unsubscribeOptions object unsubscribe options: { invocationContext: "object", timeout: "number" }
callback callback return connection status

fetchNetworkInfo(requestedInterface, requestedInterface)

fetch newest net info of device.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
requestedInterface requestedInterface
requestedInterface callback return net info of device


get user net info of device.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return net info of device

sendMessage(props, callback)

send message to Backend.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object request
callback callback return response

sendConfirmMessage(props, callback)

send message with confirmation pass to Backend.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object request
callback callback return response

sendProxyMessage(props, callback)

send message to Proxy Backend (BE redirect message to others).

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object request
callback callback return response

sendCloudMessage(props, callback)

send message to Cloud.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object request
callback callback return response

getCloudMessage(props, callback)

get data from Cloud.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object request
callback callback return response


handle refId from notification

Kind: global function

Param Type
notification object


show popup

Kind: global function

Param Type
notification object

observer(schema, callback)

register observer.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
callback callback callback when meesage of schema be triggered

getDataObserver(schema, callback)

get data from observer storage

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
callback callback return data

setDataObserver(schema, data)

set data to observer storage

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
data Object data


get profile.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return data


set profile.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
profile array [{email:"", name:"", firstName:"", lastName:"",phone:"", personalId:"": address:"", birthDate:"", city= "", district= "", ward= "", gender: 1}]

requestPayment(params, callback)

request payment

Kind: global function

Param Type
params object
callback callback

requestPaymentSdk(params, callback)

request payment sdk

Kind: global function

Param Type
params object
callback callback

countTrace(parameters, callback)

trace count event.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
parameters Object parameters
parameters.flow String flow
parameters.step String step
callback callback ({success: true

startTrace(parameters, callback)

start trace event.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
parameters Object parameters
parameters.flow String flow
parameters.step String step
callback callback ({success: true

stopTrace(traceId, parameters, callback)

stop trace event.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
traceId String traceId: traceId when call startTrace
parameters Object parameters
parameters.flow String flow
parameters.step String step
callback callback ({success: true

errorTrace(parameters, callback)

trace error event.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
parameters Object parameters
parameters.flow String flow
parameters.step String step
parameters.errorMessage String error message
parameters.errorCode Number error code
callback callback ({success: true

requestPermission(permission, callback)

request permission

Kind: global function

Param Type
permission string
callback callback

checkPermission(permission, callback)

check permission has granted

Kind: global function

Param Type
permission string
callback callback

scanQRCode(data, callback)

get data from qr code

Kind: global function

Param Type
data object
callback callback

realmQuery(schema, query, sort, limit, callback)

query data from realm.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
query text query
sort array sort
limit number limit number of object return
callback callback return value

realmSave(schema, object)

save data to realm.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
object object object

realmDelete(schema, query)

delete data of realm.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
schema text schema
query text query

navigate(routeName, params, callback)

navigate to other screen

Kind: global function

Param Type
routeName text
params object
callback callback

startApp(application, params, callback)

start other screen.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
application text application
params object params
callback callback callback

startMiniApp(miniApp, params, callback)

start mini app.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
miniApp text miniApp
params object params
callback callback callback

startService(service, params, callback)

start screen by service.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
service object service
params object params
callback callback callback

startServiceId(serviceId, params, callback)

start screen by service id.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
serviceId object serviceId
params object params
callback callback callback

startFeature(feature, params, callback)

start screen by feature.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
feature object feature
params object params
callback callback callback function

startFeatureCode(featureCode, params, callback)

start screen by feature code.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
featureCode object featureId
params object params
callback callback callback

openWeb(params, callback)

start web screen by url or html.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params object {url, html, title}
callback callback callback

dismiss(result, callback)

dismiss current screen and return result for previous route

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
result object result
callback callback callback


dismiss all screen.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback


go back.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback


go home screen.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback callback

navigateTab(params, callback)

navigate to Tab index.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params object {index}
callback callback callback

getListFriendMoMo(contact, callback)

get List Friend MoMo

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading}
callback callback return response

getRelationShipStatus(contact, callback)

get RelationShip Status

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading,friendId}
callback callback return response

acceptFriendRequest(contact, callback)

accept Friend Request

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading,friendId}
callback callback return response

sendFriendRequest(contact, callback)

send Friend Request

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading,friendId}
callback callback return response

blockUser(contact, callback)

block User

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading,friendId}
callback callback return response

unBlockUser(contact, callback)

unBlock User

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
contact object {loading,friendId}
callback callback return response

getItem(key, callback)

get data from Storage.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
key text key
callback callback return value

setItem(key, value)

set data to Storage.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
key text key
value text value


remove data from Storage.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
key text key

requestSync(type, callback)

request to sync

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback


get transaction information.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
array array of service ids
callback callback return array of transaction history of serviceids

getTransactionInfo(tranHisList, callback)

get transaction information.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
tranHisList array array tranHis
callback callback array of transaction history

getTransactionStatusCode(params, callback)

get transaction status code.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params text tranType
callback number errorCode
number status
callback status code of transaction

getStatusInfo(statusCode, callback)

get transaction status information.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
statusCode text statusCode
callback callback status information


get all transaction status information.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback all status information


get all transaction status code.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback all status code

getMoneySourceName(tranHis, callback)

get money source name.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
tranHis tranHis tranHis object
callback callback return name of money source

getFeatureById(featureId, callback)

Get feature by feature id

Kind: global function

Param Type
featureId *
callback *

startTranHisDetail(params, onResult)

Start transaction history detail feature

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
params * S
onResult *


show Toast.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
...args array args


hide Toast.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
...args array args


show Loading.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
...args array args


hide Loading.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
...args array args

showAlert(title, message, buttonTitles, callback)

show dialog alert.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
title text title
message text message
buttonTitles array buttonTitles
callback callback return index of CTAs of dialog which be clicked

showAction(title, buttonTitles, callback)

show bottomsheet to choose action.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
title text title
buttonTitles array buttonTitles
callback callback return index of CTAs of bottomSheet which be clicked

showPicker(args, callback)

show bottomsheet to choose action.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
args object args
callback callback callback


get user profile.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return data

requestUserInfo(options, callback)

request user info.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
options object options
callback callback return user info

setProfile(profile, callback)

set user profile.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
profile object profile
callback callback return data


register observer profile.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
callback callback return data when it be triggered


set profile extra.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
text key
callback object val
callback return data when it be triggered

updateItemServer(data, data)

update item to backend

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
data array [{type:'abc', key: key1, value: value1}, {type:'abc2', key: key2, value: value2}]
data object

updateItemLocal(data, data)

update item to realm

Kind: global function

Param Type
data array
data object


get item from BE

Kind: global function

Param Type
types array


get local item from realm

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, keys: []}


get local item - user settings

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Upload documents with progress monitoring

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Cancel uploading progress

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}

getUserUUID(partnerCode, callback)

get userId by partnerCode

Kind: global function

Param Type
partnerCode string
callback callback(userId: string)

setFastLogin(params, callback)

Enable fast login

Kind: global function

Param Type
params object
callback callback


Show tool kit

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
param object {type, key}

sendUploadMessage(props, callback)

Request upload files message.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
props object { path: "String", options: "Object", body: { is_avatar: "Boolean", is_private: "Boolean", files: "Array" or "Object" }}
callback callback return { status: "Boolean", response: "Object"}

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191 kB

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  • hung.huynh
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