TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.7.0 • Public • Published

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A convenient little wrapper around fs and friends. Providing a container class for file system paths with a friendly API for dealing with different operating systems. Written in TypeScript.

import Path from '@mojojs/path';

// Current working directory (portable)
const dir = new Path();

// Relative file path "test.txt" (portable)
const file = new Path('test.txt');

// Relative file path "files/test.txt" (portable, POSIX example)
const file = new Path('files', 'test.txt');

// Relative file path "files/test.txt" (not portable)
const file = new Path('files/test.txt');

// Absolute file path "/home/kraih/test.txt" (not portable)
const file = new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt');

// Absolute file path "/home/kraih/test.txt" from URL (not portable)
const file = Path.fromFileURL('file:///home/kraih/test.txt');

// Current file (portable)
const file = Path.currentFile();

// Caller file (portable)
const file = Path.callerFile();

// Create a temporary directory (portable and secure)
const dir = await Path.tempDir();

Paths will be automatically split and joined with the correct separator for the current operating system. For the following examples we will be using POSIX paths and assume a Linux operating system.

// "/home/kraih/files/test.txt"
new Path('/home/kraih').child('files', 'test.txt');

// "/home/kraih/files/hello.txt"
new Path('/home/kraih/files/test.txt').sibling('hello.txt');

// "test.txt"
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').basename();

// "/home/kraih"
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').dirname();

// ".txt"
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').extname();

// "/home/kraih/test.txt"
new Path('/home/kraih/files/../test.txt').normalize();

// "/home"
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').dirname().dirname();

// ".json"
new Path('/home/kraih/files/test.txt').sibling('hello.json').extname();

// "file:///home/kraih/test.txt"
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').toFileURL().toString();

// {root: "/", dir: "/home/kraih", base: "test.txt", ext: ".txt", name: "test"}
new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').toObject();

// ['files', 'test.txt']
new Path('files/test.txt').toArray();

// "kraih/test.txt"
new Path('/home').relative('/home/kraih/test.txt').toString();

// Caller directory

Almost all methods will return this or a new instance of Path, depending on what makes most sense.

// Write file
const file = await new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').writeFile('Hello World!');
const file = new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').writeFileSync('Hello World!');

// Read file
const content = await new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').readFile('utf8');
const content = new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').readFileSync('utf8');

// Create file or update utime
const file = await new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').touch();
const file = new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').touchSync();

// Append to file
const file = await new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').appendFile('Hello World!');
const file = new Path('/home/kraih/test.txt').appendFileSync('Hello World!');

// Open file (async)
const fh = await new Path('/home/kraih').child('test.txt').open('w');
await fh.write('Hello ');
await fh.write('JavaScript!');
await fh.close();

// Create writable stream
const writable = new Path('test.txt').createWriteStream({encoding: 'utf8'});

// Create readable stream
const readable = new Path('test.txt').createReadStream({encoding: 'utf8'});

// Read lines from file
for await (const line of new Path('test.txt').lines({encoding: 'utf8'})) {

There are *Sync alternatives for almost all methods returning a Promise. And fs.constants are available via Path.constants.

// Make file read-only
const file = await new Path('test.txt').chmod(Path.constants.O_RDONLY);
const file = new Path('test.txt').chmodSync(Path.constants.O_RDONLY);

// Check file access (async)
const isReadable = await new Path('test.txt').access(Path.constants.R_OK);
const isReadable = await new Path('test.txt').isReadable();
const isWritable = await new Path('test.txt').isWritable();

// Check file access (sync)
const isReadable = new Path('test.txt').accessSync(Path.constants.R_OK);
const isReadable = new Path('test.txt').isReadableSync();
const isWritable = new Path('test.txt').isWritableSync();

// Check if file exists
const exists = await new Path('test.txt').exists();
const exists = new Path('test.txt').existsSync();

// Resolve path on file system
const real = await new Path('test.txt').realpath();
const real = new Path('test.txt').realpathSync();

// Check if file is absolute
const isAbsolute = new Path('test.txt').isAbsolute();

// Change ownership of a file
const file = await new Path('test.txt').chown(1, 5);
const file = new Path('test.txt').chownSync(1, 5);

Working with directories is just as easy.

// Create directory
const dir = await new Path('test', '123').mkdir({recursive: true});
const dir = new Path('test', '123').mkdirSync({recursive: true});

// Remove directory
await new Path('test').rm({recursive: true});
new Path('test').rmSync({recursive: true});

// List files in directory
for await (const file of new Path('test').list()) {

// List files recursively
for await (const file of new Path('test').list({recursive: true})) {

The creation of temporary directories is supported as well. They will be deleted automatically when node exits, but can also be removed manually with the destroy and destroySync methods. By default, all temporary directories are created securely, relative to the operating system temp directory with a node- prefix.

// Create a temporary directory (async)
const dir = await Path.tempDir();
await dir.child('test.txt').touch();
await dir.destroy();

// Create a temporary directory (sync)
const dir = Path.tempDirSync();

// Create a temporary directory inside of a specific directory with a name prefix
const dir = await Path.tempDir({dir: new Path('/tmp'), name: 'mojo-'});

If your version of Node supports the using keyword, or you are using TypeScript, you can also use that to clean up temporary directories for you.

// Create a temporary directory and delete it at end of scope (async)
await using dir = await Path.tempDir();
await dir.child('test.txt').touch();

// Create a temporary directory and delete it at end of scope (sync)
using dir = Path.tempDirSync();

Everything is optimized for modern JavaScript with async/await.

// Update atime and mtime
const file = await new Path('test.txt').utimes(new Date(), new Date());
const file = new Path('test.txt').utimesSync(new Date(), new Date());

// Symlink file
const file = await new Path('foo.txt').symlink(new Path('bar.txt'));
const file = new Path('foo.txt').symlinkSync(new Path('bar.txt'));

// Copy file
const file = await new Path('foo.txt').copyFile(new Path('bar.txt'));
const file = new Path('foo.txt').copyFileSync(new Path('bar.txt'));

// Rename file
await new Path('foo.txt').rename(new Path('bar.txt'));
new Path('foo.txt').renameSync(new Path('bar.txt'));

// Truncate file
const file = await new Path('foo.txt').truncate(5);
const file = new Path('foo.txt').truncateSync(5);

// Check is file is a directory (async)
const stat = await new Path('test').stat();
const isDirectory = stat.isDirectory();
const lstat = await new Path('test').lstat();
const isDirectory = lstat.isDirectory();

// Check is file is a directory (sync)
const isDirectory = new Path('test').statSync().isDirectory();
const isDirectory = new Path('test').lstatSync().isDirectory();


All you need is Node.js 18.0.0 (or newer).

$ npm install @mojojs/path


If you have any questions the documentation might not yet answer, don't hesitate to ask in the Forum, on Matrix, or IRC.

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  • kraih
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  • joelberger
  • grinnz