TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.2-beta.88 • Public • Published

☁️ Mojito Modules - Claim Management

👨‍💻 React components for the Mojito Platform, Reference App and third-party projects, including Mojito's claim management

Using this library in your project Claim Management

You can install this project with one of these commands:

npm install --save @mojito-inc/claim-management

yarn add @mojito-inc/claim-management

Install the following packages:

npm i @mui/material@5.11.11 @mui/icons-material@5.11.11 @apollo/client graphql @web3modal/ethers5 @walletconnect/modal

yarn add @mui/material@5.11.11 @mui/icons-material@5.11.11 @apollo/client graphql @web3modal/ethers5 @walletconnect/modal

Theme Config

  import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';

  export const theme = createTheme({
    typography: {
      fontFamily: 'Slate',
    components: {
      MuiTextField: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            '& input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, & input::-webkit-inner-spin-button':
                display: 'none',
            '& input[type=number]': {
              MozAppearance: 'textfield',
      MuiCssBaseline: {
        styleOverrides: `
                @font-face {
                  font-family: "Slate";
                  font-style: normal;
                  font-display: swap;
                  font-weight: 400;
                  text-transform: none;
                  font-size: 16px;
      MuiButton: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            fontFamily: 'Slate',
            textTransform: 'none',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            fontWeight: 700,
            fontSize: '16px',
            backgroundColor: '#FDCC35',
            color: '#000',
            '&:hover': {
              backgroundColor: '#FDCC35',
              color: '#000',
              opacity: 0.5,
      MuiDialog: {
        styleOverrides: {
          paper: {
            border: '1px solid #D7D8DB',
            boxShadow: '0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)',
            borderRadius: '4px',
      MuiDivider: {
        variants: [
            props: { orientation: 'horizontal' },
            style: {
              ':before': {
                borderTop: 'thin solid #D7D8DB',
              ':after': {
                borderTop: 'thin solid #D7D8DB',
    palette: {
      primary: {
        main: '#FDCC35',
      secondary: {
        main: '#356045',
        light: '#F5F5F5',
      background: {
        default: '#000',
      text: {
        primary: '#000',
      grey: {
        100: '#868b93',
        500: '#A1A5AB',
      divider: '#fff',
      toastWarning: {
        50: '#FFFFE5',
        100: '#FFFEC0',
        200: '#FCFB99',
        300: '#F8F676',
        400: '#F5F15C',
        500: '#F0EB47',
        600: '#FBDF47',
        700: '#FDC740',
        800: '#FCAD36',
        900: '#F98028',
    MojitoClaim: {
      Header: {
        background: '#000',
      Footer: {
        background: '#000',
        color: '#fff',
      Hero: {
        background: '#356045',
        color: '#fff',
      Discount: {
        inProgressColor: '#F98028',
        inProgressBackground: '#FFFEC0',
      error: '#BF1E18',
      success: '#3E8045',
      deliveryBackgroundColor: '#FAFBFB',
      linkColor: '#6563FD',
      textTertiary: '#868b93',
      borderColor: '#242629'
    MojitoCoreUI: {
      font: {
        primary: 'Slate',
        secondary: 'Slate',
        tertiary: 'Sneak',

Theme Notes for typescript error

If you are faced any type issue in theme, create a file called "mui.d.ts" and paste the below code:

import '@mui/material/styles';
import { MojitoClaimManagementTheme } from './MojitoClaimManagementTheme';

declare module '@mui/material/styles' {
  export interface Theme {
    MojitoClaim?: MojitoClaimManagementTheme
  // allow configuration using `createTheme`
  export interface ThemeOptions {
    MojitoClaim?: MojitoClaimManagementTheme

Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import;

For theme configuration Ref above: Theme Config

  import { ClaimManagementProvider } from '@mojito-inc/claim-management';

  const [token, setToken] = useState<string>();
  const client = useMemo(
    () => ({
      uri: 'https://api-sandbox.mojito.xyz/query', // API url
      token: token || undefined, // bearer token

  // note: you can get the bearer token from local storage with a key "token"

    walletConnectProjectId={ walletConnectProjectId } // project id from wallet connect
    walletOptions={{         // Optional parameter
      enableCrossmint: false,
      enableMetamask: true,
      enableWalletConnect: true,
      enableEmailWallet: true,
    <Component {...pageProps} />


when user gets Authenticated gets token as response

Provider parameters

Param type Required Description
theme theme
client object
activeChain enum
clientId string client id for email wallet
walletConnectProjectId string wallet connect project id
onAuthenticated function
walletOptions object walletOptions


present claim token modal for following setup

import { ClaimTokenModal } from "@mojito-inc/claim-management";

      groupId: <groupId>,
      ruleId: <ruleId>,

Param type Required Description
open boolean if true it will open the modal if false the modal will close
config Object Configuration
isDisConnect boolean to disconnect wallet
onCloseModal function to close the modal
link Object link
claimCode string pass the claim code
listingId string pass the item id for claim process
content Object content to define the content for the popup
onSuccess function function for handle your own logic in success modal button
skipClaimModal boolean if true it will skip the claim process after connect connect
skipSuccessModal boolean if true it will skip the success screen after claim completed
skipConfirmClaimModal boolean if true it will skip the claim confirmation screen and claim will happen automatically once wallet connected
isPaperWallet boolean if true it will work as paper wallet with email else it will work as thirdweb embedded wallet.
tokenGatingConfig Object tokenGatingConfig config for token gating
tokenName string pass the token name for token gating
onclickBuyToken function function to make custom redirection when click on buy token button
showDisconnectButton boolean if true it will show Disconnect Wallet button in token gating modal
showBuyButton boolean if false it will hide buy now button in token gating modal
isClaimWithGas boolean if true the claim process will execute with metamask
price string pass price to display in claim UI
claimType enum pass claim type
loginWithPersonalInformation boolean if true means personal information should be provided by user
firstName string pass the first name of the user
lastName string pass the last name of the user
userEmail string pass the email of the user


useWallet hooks

To get the connected wallet details:

  import { useWallet } from "@mojito-inc/claim-management";

  const { address, balance, networkDetails, provider, providerType } = useWallet();

useTransaction hooks

To get the transaction details:

  import { useTransaction } from "@mojito-inc/claim-management";

  const { error, fetchInvoiceDetail, transactionDetails } = useTransaction();

Transaction interface

Param type Required Description
error boolean return true if invoice API fail
fetchInvoiceDetail async function(invoiceId) to fetch the invoice details. you should pass the invoiceId
transactionDetails object after successfully claim or refetch the invoice API (fetchInvoiceDetail) you will get transaction object



Param type Required Description
chainId number
orgId string
crossmintApiKey string
crossmintEnv string
paperClientId string
paperNetworkName string


Param type Required Description
enableCrossmint boolean
enableMetamask boolean
enableWalletConnect boolean
enableEmailWallet boolean


Param type Required Description
viewTokenTrackerURL string
termsUrl string
privacyUrl string
additionalTermsUrl string
logoUrl string


Param type Required Description
ClaimCodeContent Object contentData
SuccessContent Object contentData
ConnectWalletContent Object contentData
LoaderContent Object
RecoveryCodeModal Object
ClaimWithGasContent Object
TokenGatingContent Object
TokenGatingNotEligibleContent Object
ClaimErrorContent Object


Param type Required Description
groupId string
ruleId string


Param type Required Description
enableMetamask boolean
enableWalletConnect boolean
enableEmailWallet boolean


Param type Required Description
creditCard boolean
walletConnect boolean
wire boolean
coinbase boolean


Param type Required Description
lotId string
paymentId string
discountCode string
walletOptions object walletOptions
paymentOptions object paymentOptions
errorPageUrl string redirection url during checkout payment error
successPageUrl string redirection url for success page
isAutoFillCountryCode boolean To enable or disable auto country code import
breadCrumbs array Custom bread crumbs name
onClickGoToMarketPlace function custom function when click on back to marketplace after payment in mixers


Param type Required Description
title string
description string
buttonName string
breadcrumbsLabel string
agreeTermsAndConditionsMessage string
additionalTermsAndConditionsLabel string
privacyPolicyLabel string
termsandConditionsLabel string
titleImageURL string

To use Mixers SDK for BuyNow Flow


In the _app.tsx file, please add the following line: <Script src="https://cdn.checkout.com/js/framesv2.min.js" />. if it was not added, credit card payments won't work.


present claim token modal for following setup

import { ClaimTokenModal } from "@mojito-inc/claim-management";


Param type Required Description
open boolean if true it will open the modal if false the modal will close
config Object Configuration
isDisConnect boolean to disconnect wallet
walletOptions Object walletOptions
onCloseModal function to close the modal
link Object link
listingId string pass the item id for claim process
content Object content to define the content for the popup
onSuccess function function for handle your own logic in success modal button
showDisconnectButton boolean if true it will show Disconnect Wallet button in token gating modal
showBuyButton boolean if false it will hide buy now button in token gating modal
isClaimWithGas boolean if true the claim process will execute with metamask
claimType enum pass claim type
loginWithPersonalInformation boolean if true means personal information should be provided by user
firstName string pass the first name of the user
lastName string pass the last name of the user
userEmail string pass the email of the user
mixersConfig Object mixersConfig config for mixers buy now

Error page

Create an error page with the page path /payments/failure:

Success page

Create an success page with the page path /payments/success:

Retrieve the paymentId from the query parameters of the URL and pass it as a parameter to the MojitoCheckout component

    onClickGoToMarketPlace={onClickGoToMarketPlace} />

Claim Service development

Development setup

Package Sidebar


npm i @mojito-inc/claim-management

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  • madhimk
  • sakthi-mojito
  • vivek_mojito
  • vivek_ionixx
  • alexinx