TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.3.1 • Public • Published


Mobo (Motherboard), A pluggable typescript library.

How to install

pnpm i @mobo-ts/mobo
# or
npm i @mobo-ts/mobo

How to use

The plugin mainly consists of three parts:

  • Context type: declared in MoboPlugin by the extended key, such as: abc.
  • Context initialization options type: declared in MoboPlugin by the extended key merged by InitOptions, such as: abcInitOptions.
  • Initialization function: implemented in the plugin object by init merged by the extended key, such as: initAbc.

There are accurate type hints in Mobo initialization and subcontext initialization. When the context is initializing, the initialization functions in all plugins will also be called, completing the process in a divide-and-conquer manner.

const p: MoboPlugin<{
  mm: {
     * a 3234
    a: number
  mmInitOptions: {
     * bbbbbs
    b: number
  abcDd: {
     * 234
    jjx: number[]
  abcDdInitOptions: {
     * lkdjf
    sdf: string[]
}> = {
  id: '1',
  initMm(ctx) {
    ctx.a = ctx.initOptions.b + 1
  initAbcDd(ctx) {
    ctx.jjx = ctx.initOptions.sdf.map((s: string) => Number(s))

const m = new Mobo([p], ['mm']).init({ b: 4 })
console.log(m.a) // 5
const ctx = m.initSubcontext(['abcDd'], {
  sdf: ['1', '2'],
console.log(ctx.jjx) // [1, 2]

const m2 = new Mobo([], ['mm']).use(p).init({ b: 43 })
console.log(m2.a) // 44

Custom plugin type

interface DodoPlugin<
  PropertiesExt extends MoboDefaultPropertiesExt,
  DepPlugin extends AnyMoboPlugin = never,
> extends MoboPlugin<PropertiesExt> {
   * init Dodo
  initDodo?: MoboPluginInitFnByPlugin<this | DepPlugin, 'dodo'>

function createDodo<Plugin extends AnyMoboPlugin>(
  plugins: readonly Plugin[],
): Mobo<Plugin, 'dodo'> {
  return new Mobo(plugins, ['dodo'])

const p: DodoPlugin<{
  dodo: {
    a: number
  dodoInitOptions: {
    b: number
}> = {
  id: '1',
  initDodo(ctx) {
    ctx.a = ctx.initOptions.b + 1

const dodo = createDodo([p]).init({ b: 4 })
console.log(dodo.a) // 5

Custom plugin higher kinded type

Thanks free-types.

type DodoDefaultPropertiesExt =
  | MoboDefaultPropertiesExtObj<'context' | 'dodo'>
  | MoboDefaultPropertiesExtHkt

interface DodoPlugin<
  PropertiesExt extends DodoDefaultPropertiesExt,
  DepPlugin extends AnyMoboPlugin = never,
> extends MoboPlugin<PropertiesExt> {
   * init Context
  initContext?: MoboPluginInitFnByPlugin<this | DepPlugin, 'context'>
   * init Dodo
  initDodo?: MoboPluginInitFnByPlugin<this | DepPlugin, 'context' | 'dodo'>

function createDodo<Plugin extends AnyMoboPlugin>(
  plugins: readonly Plugin[],
): Mobo<Plugin, 'context' | 'dodo'> {
  return new Mobo(plugins, ['context', 'dodo'])

const p1: DodoPlugin<{
  dodo: {
    a: number
  dodoInitOptions: {
    b: number
}> = {
  id: '1',
  initDodo(ctx) {
    ctx.a = ctx.initOptions.b + 1
const p2: DodoPlugin<
    context: {
      co: number[]
    contextInitOptions: {
      ci: number
  typeof p1
> = {
  id: '2',
  initContext(ctx) {
    ctx.co = [ctx.initOptions.ci * 2]
  initDodo(ctx) {
interface MyPropertiesExtHkt<Plugin extends AnyMoboPlugin> {
  context: {
     * asdf
      | MoboContext<Plugin, 'context'>
      | MoboContext<Plugin, 'context' | 'dodo'>
  contextInitOptions: {
     * in333
      | MoboContext<Plugin, 'context'>
      | MoboContext<Plugin, 'context' | 'dodo'>
interface $MyPropertiesExtHkt extends MoboDefaultPropertiesExtHkt {
  type: MyPropertiesExtHkt<MoboDefaultPropertiesExtHktPlugin<this>>
const p3: DodoPlugin<$MyPropertiesExtHkt> = {
  id: '3',
  initContext(ctx) {
    ctx.parent = ctx.initOptions.parent

const m = createDodo([p1]).use(p2, p3).init({ b: 4, ci: 3 })
console.log(m.a) // 6
console.log(m.co) // [6, 5]
console.log(m.parent) // undefined
const ctx = m.initSubcontext(['context'], {
  ci: 7,
  parent: m,
console.log(ctx.co) // [14]
console.log(ctx.parent) // m
const ctx2 = ctx.initSubcontext(['context'], {
  ci: 7,
  parent: ctx,
console.log(ctx2.co) // [14]
console.log(ctx2.parent) // ctx


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  • brookshuihualee