
2.0.1 • Public • Published



const publicHlelper = require('@mimik/public-helper');

module.exports ⏏

To note

The following environment variables are required for custom locations:

Env variable name Example Comments
LOCATION_PROVIDER environment For custom location, value for this var should be set to "environment"

Kind: Exported member


Property associated with the location.

The following environment variables are set:

Env variable name Description Default Comments
query[1] query to fill the different local properties from AWS SERVER_LOCAL_IPV4, INSTANCE_ID, LOCAL_HOSTNAME
publicQuery[1] publicQuery to fill the public property from AWS SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4

The following environment variables are used:

Env variable name Description Default Comments
AWS_LOCAL_PROPERTIES IP address to access instance properties on AWS

Kind: inner constant of module.exports

module.exports~getLocation(}, ip, correlationId, options) ⇒ Promise

The location object has the follwoing structure:

   "type": "Point",
   "coordinates": [ lon, lat],

The result object has the following structure:

   "status": (describing where the data come from),
   "ip": (the public IP address of the server),
   "location": (the location object)

When ip is not present, the following environement variables will be updated:

Env variable name Description Default Comments
SERVER_LOCATION_LON longitude of the IP address location.coordinates[0]
SERVER_LOCATION_LAT latitude of the IP address location.coordinates[1]
SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4 public IP address result.ip

Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Fulfil: object The location object encapsulated in the result.

Param Type Description
} object locationProvider - location provider information to use for getting the location { url, key } (key is optional).
ip IP.<string> Optional IP address to locate.
correlationId string Correlation Id to add the the request.
options object Options associated with the call. Use to pass metrics to rpRetry.

module.exports~getPublic(locationProvider, cloudProvider, correlationId, options) ⇒ Promise

The location data has the following structure:

   "status": (describing where the data come from),
   "ip": (the public IP address of the server),
   "localIp": (`in case of AWS` local adddress),
   "instanceId": (`in case of AWS` id of the instance running the service),
   "location": (the location object)

When provided, the locationProvider information has the following stucture:

   "url": (URL of the provider),
   "key": (security key to associated with the request)

The following environment variables will used:

Env variable name Description Default Comments
SERVER_LOCAL_IPV4 AWS local IP address
INSTANCE_ID id of the instance
SERVER_PUBLIC_IPV4 public IP address
SERVER_ID id of the server
SERVER_LOCATION_LON longitude of the server
SERVER_LOCATION_LAT latitude of the server

and in order to set these properties process.env.AWS_LOCAL_PROPERTIES is used and is default is used.

Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: Promise - .
Category: async
Fulfil: object The location data.

Param Type Description
locationProvider URL.<string> The location provider or noPublic when no locationProvider is used or environment when the environment variables have the information.
cloudProvider string Cloud Provider used to run the service (currently limited to AWS).
correlationId string Correlation Id to add the the request.
options object Options associated with the call. Use to pass metrics to rpRetry.

module.exports~setSettings(settings, newConfig) ⇒ object

Set config.serverSettings with location data.

Kind: inner method of module.exports
Returns: object - The updated config.serverSettings.
Category: sync

Param Type Description
settings object The config.serverSettings to update.
newConfig object The location configuration to use to update the config.serverSettings.


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