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Kafka HealthChecker

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This library helps to handle Kafka healthiness and readiness probes.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Description
  3. Usage
  4. Testing
  5. Contributing


npm i --save @mia-platform/kafka-healthchecker


The library takes in input a list of Kafka consumers, a list of Kafka producers and a configuration object.

It configures each consumer and producer in order to assign them an internal status that is updated as a result of Kafka events. Then, it exposes two methods:

  • isHealthy(): returns true if all the consumers and producers are healthy (i.e. they are live)
  • isReady(): returns true if all the consumers and producers are ready (i.e. they are able to consume and produce messages)

In order to not lose any events, the library must be initialized before the consumers and the producers are connected to Kafka.


It follows a table of all the status of the consumers caused by Kafka events. The starting status is { healthy: true, ready: false }.

Event Status
CONNECT { healthy: true, ready: false }
GROUP_JOIN { healthy: true, ready: true }
STOP { healthy: true, ready: false }
DISCONNECT { healthy: false, ready: false }
CRASH { healthy: false, ready: false }


It follows a table of all the status of the producers caused by Kafka events. The starting status is { healthy: true, ready: false }.

Event Status
CONNECT { healthy: true, ready: false }
DISCONNECT { healthy: false, ready: false }


The configuration objects has the following schema:

configuration = {
  checkStatusForAll: { type: 'boolean', default: true }

The checkStatusForAll can be:

  • true: the methods isHealthy and isReady return true if all the consumers and producers are, respectively, healthy and ready
  • false: the methods isHealthy and isReady return true if exists at least one consumer or producer that is, respectively, healthy and ready.


At the moment the library exposes the health checker only for KafkaJS. It is recommended to have read its documentation in case some parameter or configuration is not clear.


Quick start

After the installation, you can import the library, create the KafkaJSHealthChecker object passing it one (or more) consumer or producer to get the methods isHealthy and isReady.


const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs')
const { KafkaHealthChecker } = require('@mia-platform/kafka-healthchecker')

const kafka = new Kafka({
    clientId: 'my-app',
    brokers: ['localhost:9092', 'localhost:9093'],

const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group-1' })

const { isHealthy, isReady } = new KafkaJSHealthChecker([consumer])


The library takes in input 3 parameters:

  • a list of consumers
  • a list of producers
  • a configuration object to determine if all the consumers and producers have to be considered during the isHealthy and isReady methods.

Consumers and producers must be passed to the library before their connection to Kafka.


const { Kafka, logLevel } = require('kafkajs')
const { KafkaHealthChecker } = require('@mia-platform/kafka-healthchecker')

const kafka = new Kafka({
    clientId: 'my-app',
    brokers: ['localhost:9092', 'localhost:9093'],
    logLevel: logLevel.ERROR,

const firstConsumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group-1' })
const secondConsumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group-2' })
const producer = kafka.producer()
const configuration = { checkStatusForAll: true }

const { isHealthy, isReady } = new KafkaJSHealthChecker([firstConsumer, secondConsumer], [producer], configuration)

async function healthinessHandler() {
  return { statusOK: isHealthy() }

async function readinessHandler(service) {
  return { statusOK: isReady() }

module.exports.healthinessHandler = healthinessHandler
module.exports.readinessHandler = readinessHandler


Create a network connection

docker network create app --driver bridge

Pull the images

docker pull bitnami/zookeeper
docker pull bitnami/kafka

Run the images

docker run -d --rm --name zookeeper --network=app -e ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN=yes -p 2180:2181 bitnami/zookeeper

docker run --rm \
  --network app \
  --name=kafka \
  -e KAFKA_CFG_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 \
  -p 2181:2181 \
  -p 443:9092 \
  -p 9092:9092 \
  -p 9093:9093 \

Run tests

npm test


To contribute to the project, please be mindful for this simple rules:

  1. Don’t commit directly on main
  2. Start your branches with feature/ or fix/ based on the content of the branch
  3. Always commit in english
  4. Once you are happy with your branch, open a Pull Request

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npm i @mia-platform/kafka-healthchecker

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  • jgiola
  • davidebianchi
  • fredmaggiowski
  • bottarga