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1.0.20220806 • Public • Published

TypeScript typings for Cloud Storage JSON API v1

Stores and retrieves potentially large, immutable data objects. For detailed description please check documentation.


Install typings for Cloud Storage JSON API:

npm install @types/gapi.client.storage@v1 --save-dev


You need to initialize Google API client in your code:

gapi.load('client', () => {
  // now we can use gapi.client
  // ...

Then load api client wrapper:

gapi.client.load('storage', 'v1', () => {
  // now we can use gapi.client.storage
  // ...

Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:

// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
  scope = [ 
      // View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services

      // View your data across Google Cloud Platform services

      // Manage your data and permissions in Google Cloud Storage

      // View your data in Google Cloud Storage

      // Manage your data in Google Cloud Storage
    immediate = true;
// ...

  { client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate },
  authResult => {
    if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
        /* handle successful authorization */
    } else {
        /* handle authorization error */

After that you can use Cloud Storage JSON API resources:

Permanently deletes the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.delete({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.get({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.insert({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Retrieves ACL entries on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.list({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Patches an ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.patch({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.bucketAccessControls.update({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Permanently deletes an empty bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.delete({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Returns metadata for the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.get({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Returns an IAM policy for the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.getIamPolicy({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Creates a new bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.insert({ project: "project",  });

Retrieves a list of buckets for a given project.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.list({ project: "project",  });

Locks retention policy on a bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.lockRetentionPolicy({ bucket: "bucket", ifMetagenerationMatch: "ifMetagenerationMatch",  });

Patches a bucket. Changes to the bucket will be readable immediately after writing, but configuration changes may take time to propagate.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.patch({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Updates an IAM policy for the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.setIamPolicy({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Tests a set of permissions on the given bucket to see which, if any, are held by the caller.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.testIamPermissions({ bucket: "bucket", permissions: "permissions",  });

Updates a bucket. Changes to the bucket will be readable immediately after writing, but configuration changes may take time to propagate.
await gapi.client.storage.buckets.update({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Stop watching resources through this channel
await gapi.client.storage.channels.stop({  });

Permanently deletes the default object ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.delete({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Returns the default object ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.get({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Creates a new default object ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.insert({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Retrieves default object ACL entries on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.list({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Patches a default object ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.patch({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Updates a default object ACL entry on the specified bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.defaultObjectAccessControls.update({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity",  });

Permanently deletes a notification subscription.
await gapi.client.storage.notifications.delete({ bucket: "bucket", notification: "notification",  });

View a notification configuration.
await gapi.client.storage.notifications.get({ bucket: "bucket", notification: "notification",  });

Creates a notification subscription for a given bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.notifications.insert({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Retrieves a list of notification subscriptions for a given bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.notifications.list({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Permanently deletes the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.delete({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity", object: "object",  });

Returns the ACL entry for the specified entity on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.get({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity", object: "object",  });

Creates a new ACL entry on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.insert({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Retrieves ACL entries on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.list({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Patches an ACL entry on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.patch({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity", object: "object",  });

Updates an ACL entry on the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objectAccessControls.update({ bucket: "bucket", entity: "entity", object: "object",  });

Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.compose({ destinationBucket: "destinationBucket", destinationObject: "destinationObject",  });

Copies a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.copy({ destinationBucket: "destinationBucket", destinationObject: "destinationObject", sourceBucket: "sourceBucket", sourceObject: "sourceObject",  });

Deletes an object and its metadata. Deletions are permanent if versioning is not enabled for the bucket, or if the generation parameter is used.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.delete({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Retrieves an object or its metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.get({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Returns an IAM policy for the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.getIamPolicy({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Stores a new object and metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.insert({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Retrieves a list of objects matching the criteria.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.list({ bucket: "bucket",  });

Patches an object's metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.patch({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Rewrites a source object to a destination object. Optionally overrides metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.rewrite({ destinationBucket: "destinationBucket", destinationObject: "destinationObject", sourceBucket: "sourceBucket", sourceObject: "sourceObject",  });

Updates an IAM policy for the specified object.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.setIamPolicy({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Tests a set of permissions on the given object to see which, if any, are held by the caller.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.testIamPermissions({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object", permissions: "permissions",  });

Updates an object's metadata.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.update({ bucket: "bucket", object: "object",  });

Watch for changes on all objects in a bucket.
await gapi.client.storage.objects.watchAll({ bucket: "bucket",  });


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