
2.1.0 • Public • Published


Provides simple http/https client and server classes



File httpservice.js
Abstract Provides simple http/https client and server classes
Author Volker Böhm
Copyright Copyright ( c ) 2020 Volker Böhm
License This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 . It is furnished "as is" , without any support , and with no warranty , express or implied , as to its usefulness for any purpose .

Callback definitions


Callback for HTTP ( S ) GET requests

HTTPGetCallback Parameters

Name Type Description
params URLSearchParams Search parameter of the GET URL
headers Object headers
path string path name ( without search parameters )
res Object http ( s ) res structure


Callback for HTTP ( S ) put , post , patch , delete , listen , or closed requests

HTTPCallback Parameters

Name Type Description
payload string http payload ( maybe stringified JSON )
headers Object headers
path string path name ( without search parameters )
res Object http ( s ) res structure

Global functions


async echo (method, header, payload, path, res)

Handles a post request

echo Parameters

Name Type Description
method string method name
header object header of the sender
payload string object payload
path string path of the request
res object result object


run ()

Starts the server

Class HTTPClient

new HTTPClient(host, port, type)

Class simplifying access to the node http service for http clients


const client = new HTTPClient('myhost', 10000);
client.sendv2({ path: 'info/getdata/1', method: 'GET' })
client.post({ path: 'postdata/1', payload={info: 'hello world')}, type='json' })

HTTPClient Parameters

Name Type Attribute Default Description
host string host name or ip address
port string, number port number
type string optional 'http' either 'http' or 'https' for http/https clients

HTTPClient Members

Name Type description
agent `` @description

HTTPClient Methods


close () => {promise}

Aborts all open requests

close returns
Type Description
promise , resolved once all connections are closed


getRequest (path, headers) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a get request

getRequest Parameters
Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
headers object optional { } header to send
getRequest returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


post (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a post request

post Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
post returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


put (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a put request

put Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
put returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


send (path, method, payload, headers) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends data . A payload of type "object" is automatically stringified , a string is not

send Parameters
Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
method string http send method PUT , GET , . . .
payload string, object payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
send returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


sendv2 (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends data . Adds a content-type element to the header and stringifies the boy based on the type

sendv2 Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
method string http send method PUT , GET , . . .
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
sendv2 returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


setConnection (host, port)

Sets host name and port number

setConnection Parameters
Name Type Description
host string host name
port string port number

Class HTTPSClient

new HTTPSClient(host, port)

Class simplifying access to the node http service for http clients


client.sendv2({ path: 'info/getdata/1', method: 'GET' })
client.post({ path: 'postdata/1', payload={info: 'hello world')}, type='json' })

HTTPSClient Parameters

Name Type Description
host string host name or ip address
port string, number port number

HTTPSClient Methods


close () => {promise}

Aborts all open requests

close returns
Type Description
promise resolved once all connections are closed


getRequest (path, headers) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a get request

getRequest Parameters
Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
headers object optional { } header to send
getRequest returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


post (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a post request

post Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
post returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


put (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends a put request

put Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
put returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


send (path, method, payload, headers) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends data . A payload of type "object" is automatically stringified , a string is not

send Parameters
Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
method string http send method PUT , GET , . . .
payload string, object payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
send returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }


sendv2 (sendOptions, type) => {Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload}

Sends data . Adds a content-type element to the header and stringifies the boy based on the type

sendv2 Parameters
Name Type Attribute Description
sendOptions object all information required for sending
type string optional type of the payload data : html , text , json , form , xml

sendOptions properties

Name Type Attribute Default Description
path string http path
method string http send method PUT , GET , . . .
payload object optional payload to send
headers object optional { } header to send
sendv2 returns
Type Description
Promise<{statusCode, headers, payload > } Promise; resolve = { statusCode , headers , payload }

Class HTTPSServer

new HTTPSServer(port)

Creates a http server listening to a certain port for simplifying access to the node http service Register your callbacks according to the http functions you need .


const server = new HTTPSServer(10000)
server.on('GET', (URLSearchParam, headers, path, res) => console.log(path))
const httpsOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')

HTTPSServer Parameters

Name Type Description
port number port to listen to

HTTPSServer Members

Name Type description
address @type Gets the address of the server , once listen has been called If listen has not been called yet , undefined is returned

HTTPSServer Methods


close () => {promise}

Stops the server from accepting new connections and closes existing connections . Calls the callback "close" , once the server is closed .

close returns
Type Description
promise resolved , once the connection is closed


listen (options)

Creates a https server listening

listen Parameters
Name Type Description
options Object additional options


on (event, callback)

Sets a callback

on Parameters
Name Type Description
event string RESTful http verb ( POST , GET , PUT , PATCH , DELETE , OPTIONS ) and 'listen' ( called once listening ) and 'closed' ( called once closed )
callback HTTPGetCallback, HTTPCallback ( payload , headers , path , res ) where payload is the http payload , headers the http headers , res the result structure and path is is the http path as string

Class HTTPServer

new HTTPServer(port)

Creates a http server listening to a certain port for simplifying access to the node http service Register your callbacks according to the http functions you need .


const server = new HTTPServer(10000)
server.on('GET', (URLSearchParam, headers, path, res) => console.log(path))

HTTPServer Parameters

Name Type Description
port number port to listen to

HTTPServer Members

Name Type description
address @type Gets the address of the server , once listen has been called If listen has not been called yet , undefined is returned

HTTPServer Methods


close () => {promise}

Stops the server from accepting new connections and closes existing connections . Calls the callback "close" , once the server is closed .

close returns
Type Description
promise resolved , once the connection is closed


listen ()

Creates a http server listening


on (event, callback)

Sets a callback

on Parameters
Name Type Description
event string RESTful http verb ( POST , GET , PUT , PATCH , DELETE , OPTIONS ) and 'listen' ( called once listening ) and 'closed' ( called once closed )
callback HTTPGetCallback, HTTPCallback ( payload , headers , path , res ) where payload is the http payload , headers the http headers , res the result structure and path is is the http path as string

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