
2.15.0 • Public • Published

OAuth2 - Authorization Plugin for Luigi Core


This authorization plugin contains a library that allows your application to extend the Luigi framework with an OAuth2 authorization provider. Further configuration details can be found in the main documentation.


Install the plugin in your project using npm:

npm install @luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2

Import the plugin in places where you want to use it, depending on the environment of your choice:

var oAuth2ImplicitGrant = require('@luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2');


import oAuth2ImplicitGrant from '@luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2';

Then, integrate it as an authorization provider in your Luigi configuration file:

  auth: {
    use: 'myProviderConfig',
    myProviderConfig: {
      idpProvider: oAuth2ImplicitGrant,
      // ... configuration data comes here
      redirect_uri: '/assets/auth-oauth2/callback.html'

We provide a callback.html file through our plugin-auth-oauth2 package. This callback.html file resides in node_modules/@luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2/callback.html and needs to be copied to a folder in your Luigi Core installation, which is the return path for the IdP provider, configured through the redirect_uri setting. The default location of redirect_uri is /assets/auth-oauth2/callback.html.

The examples given below give some alternatives on how to copy this file in your project. However, you may choose your own way of copying the callback.html file to the default location depending on your environment.

For applications involving a webpack configuration, one way to copy the callback.html file is using packages such as copy-webpack-plugin and then including the following in your webpack configuration file:

const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

  plugins: [
    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{
      from: 'node_modules/@luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2/callback.html',
      to: 'src/assets/auth-oauth2'

If your application does not use webpack or you installed Luigi without a framework, you can use any copy plugin to copy the callback.html file and then modify the package.json script to copy the file when building. One package that could be helpful is copyfiles. Following is an example:

"buildConfig": "webpack --entry ./src/luigi-config/luigi-config.es6.js --output-path ./public/assets --output-filename luigi-config.js --mode production",
"build": "npm run buildConfig && npm run copyCallbackOAuth",
"copyCallbackOAuth": "copyfiles -f node_modules/@luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2/callback.html public/assets/auth-oauth2"

Running npm run build should then suffice to bundle the config and also copy the callback file.

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npm i @luigi-project/plugin-auth-oauth2

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