
0.2.2 • Public • Published

Eventtide - Event bus library

An efficient and flexible event bus library for JavaScript, enabling event-driven architecture with ease. This library supports hierarchical event listening, asynchronous event handling, and various configurations to suit your needs.


  • Asynchronous Event Handling: Handle events asynchronously with promise support.
  • Configurable Priorities: Set priorities for listeners to control the order of execution.
  • Path Matching: Support for exact and wildcard path matching.
  • Debugging and Error Suppression: Configurable debugging and error suppression options.


Install the library using npm:

npm install @looqey/eventtide


yarn add @looqey/eventtide


Creating a Bus

You can create a new bus or retrieve an existing one using the bus function. Optionally, you can pass a configuration object. If you will try to pass configuration for bus which is already initialized, this config will not be applied.

Every bus is global, so you can initialize and then get bus instance in every place of your code by id.

import { bus } from '@looqey/eventtide';

const myBus = bus('myBus', { debug: true, suppress: false, async: true });

Please refer to API section to get more info about config.


To avoid misunderstanding about async parameter, let's define what does it mean: asyncrony of bus affects only method of executing listeners for event, not matters, if listeners callbacks is sync nor async.

When async is set to true, all listeners will be fired without awaiting resolving of previous listener.

Otherwise, when async is false, every listener's callback will be awaited, then next listeners callback called. It is useful when you need to set priorities for listeners.


When suppress is set to true, exception on listener handler will not stop executing chain, but throw console warning. When suppress is set to false, exception on listener will stop chain executing.


Adding a Listener

Add a listener to the bus for a specific event path. You can use an asterisk (*) at the end of the path to create a deep listener, which will listen to all events matching the path before the asterisk. You can also pass a configuration object for the listener.

// Listener for a specific path
const listener = myBus.on('user.created', async (payload) => {
    console.log('User created:', payload);
}, {priority: 2});

// Deep listener for all user-related events
const deepListener = myBus.on('user.*', (payload) => {
    console.log('User event:', payload);
}, {priority: 1});

Listener priority

In listener config, you can set priority property. If bus is not async, it guarantees that listeners for given event will be executed in priority order. priority is ascending. By default, all listeners has priority set to 1.

Keep in mind that deep listeners and exact listeners has no difference by priority (at least by now), so, if you have listener on * path with priority: 1 and listener on exact path with priority: 2, the * listener will be executed as first.

Removing a Listener

You can unsubscribe listener using off() function:



Emitting an Event

Emit an event on the bus. You must use determined paths only; asterisks are not allowed in event path. You can pass a payload and an optional configuration object for the event.

// This listener will not be executed on next event, because event is set to exact
myBus.on('user.*', (payload) => {
    console.log(`Something happened to user ${payload.name}`)
// This listener will be executed
myBus.on('user.created', (payload) => {
    console.log(`User ${payload.name} is created`)
myBus.emit('user.created', { id: 1, name: 'Alice' }, { exact: true });

Exact events

Set exact: true in event config to exclude all deep listeners, which may be fired on this path.


bus(busId = 'default', busConfig = {})

Initializes or retrieves a bus instance.

  • Parameters:

    • busId (string): The ID of the bus. Default: default.
    • busConfig (object): BusConfig
  • Returns: An object with emit and on methods.

busInstance.on(path, handler, config = {})

Adds a listener for the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • path (string): The event path. Use an asterisk (*) at the end for deep listeners.
    • handler (function): The function to call when the event is emitted.
    • config (object): ListenerConfig.
  • Returns: A listener object with an off method.

busInstance.emit(path, payload = null, config = {})

Emits an event on the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • path (string): The event path. Asterisks are not allowed.
    • payload (any): The payload to pass to the listeners.
    • config (object): EventConfig
  • Returns: A promise that resolves when all listeners have been called.


Removes the listener from the bus.

Configuration Objects


  • debug (boolean): Enable or disable debugging. Default false
  • suppress (boolean): Suppress or propagate errors. Default true
  • async (boolean): Handle events asynchronously. Default false


  • priority (number): Priority of the listener (lower number means higher priority). Default 1


  • exact (boolean): Whether to match the path exactly. Default false


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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  • looqey