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1.0.0-beta.1 • Public • Published


Clear, Simple, Effective Product Analytics for SaaS.

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Using npm

npm install @logsnag/remix

Using yarn

yarn add @logsnag/remix

Using pnpm

pnpm add @logsnag/remix


First, wrap your application with the LogSnagProvider at the top level, passing in your project and token:

Set your token's scope to public in the LogSnag dashboard.

import { LogSnagProvider } from '@logsnag/remix';

function App() {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
    <head>{/* ... */}</head>
        <Outlet />


The useLogSnag hook can be used across your React components and provides the following methods:

  • track(options: TrackOptions): Track custom events.
  • identify(options: IdentifyOptions): Identify user traits.
  • setUserId(userId: string | null): Set the user id for the current user. If the user is not logged in, pass null.
  • clearUserId(): Clear the user id for the current user.
  • setDebug(flag: boolean = true): Set debug mode for logging.
import { useLogSnag } from '@logsnag/remix';

export function Component() {
  // Get the hooks
  const { setUserId, track, identify } = useLogSnag();

  // Set the user id when a user logs in

  // Track an event
    channel: "payments",
    event: "New Subscription",
    user_id: "user-123", // optional when set using setUserId
    icon: "💰",
    notify: true,
    tags: {
      plan: "premium",
      cycle: "monthly",
      trial: false

  // Identify user traits (e.g., name, email, plan, etc.)
    user_id: "user-123", // optional when set using setUserId
    properties: {
      name: "John Doe",
      email: "john@doe.com",
      plan: "premium",

  // Rest of your component

Tracking Events

You can also track events directly from HTML elements using data attributes:

    data-event="Upgraded Plan"
    data-user-id="user-123"     // optional (optional when set using setUserId)
    data-channel="billing"      // optional (defaults to "events")
    data-icon=":moneybag:"      // optional
    data-tag-plan="Pro"         // optional
    data-tag-period="Monthly"   // optional
    data-tag-price="9.99"       // optional
    Upgrade to Pro

In this example, when the button is clicked, an event named "Upgraded Plan" will be tracked with the specified tags.

Server-side Usage with Remix

For server-side usage, you can use LogSnag from @logsnag/remix/server It behaves similarly to @logsnag/node

Use a different token for server-side usage and set its scope to private in the LogSnag dashboard.

import { LogSnag } from '@logsnag/remix/server';

// Initialize LogSnag
const logsnag = new LogSnag({
  token: '<TOKEN>',
  project: '<PROJECT_NAME>',

// Use it in your server-side code
// Track an event
await logsnag.track({
  channel: "payments",
  event: "New Subscription",
  user_id: "user-123",
  icon: "💰",
  notify: true,
  tags: {
    plan: "premium",
    cycle: "monthly",
    trial: false

// Identify a user
await logsnag.identify({
  user_id: "user-123",
  properties: {
    name: "John Doe",
    email: "john@doe.com",
    plan: "premium",

// Track an insight
await logsnag.insight.track({
  title: "User Count",
  value: "100",
  icon: "👨",

// Increment an insight value
await logsnag.insight.increment({
  title: "User Count",
  value: 1,
  icon: "👨",

API Documentation

For more information about the LogSnag API, see: docs.logsnag.com


If you encounter any problems or issues, please contact us at shayan@logsnag.com

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