A web component that can be attached to any component to display a context menu.
<span>Open a context menu with <b>right click</b> or with <b>long touch.</b></span>
const contextMenu = document.querySelector('logo-elements-context-menu');
contextMenu.renderer = function (root) {
let listBox = root.firstElementChild;
// Check if there is a list-box generated with the previous renderer call to update its content instead of recreation
if (listBox) {
listBox.innerHTML = '';
} else {
listBox = document.createElement('logo-elements-list-box');
['First', 'Second', 'Third'].forEach(function (name) {
const item = document.createElement('logo-elements-item');
item.textContent = name + ' menu item';
Note: <logo-elements-list-box>
component used in the above example should be installed and imported separately.
Install the component:
npm i @logo-elements/context-menu -s
Once installed, import the component in your application:
import '@logo-elements/context-menu';