
0.15.31 • Public • Published


Internal Repository for reusable application tooling.


Media Fly

namespace: mf

Methods -

** Authenticate: **

Gets a Media Fly access token


mf.authenticate(Object: {username: <username>, password: <password>});

Returns Promise that resolves the Media Fly auth response:


No CLI implementation due to request output. Maybe later.

** Build: **

Creates an interactive build.


mf.build(String: name, { input: String path, output: String: path });

Returns a `Promise` instance.


`./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling mf.build --name=<name> -i= |--input=<path> -o|--output=<path>`

** Deploy: **

Uploads content to Media Fly


mf.deploy(String: path to local contents, { destination: String: mediafly folder id, credentials: String: :, // please use environment vars and git-ignored files aws: String: : // can also be supplied in a .env file, same key names as listed. project: String: Media Fly Company Code })

Returns a `Promise` instance.


./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling mf.deploy --source= --destination: --product=$MF_PRODUCT --credentials=$MF_USER:$MF_PASSWORD --aws=$AWS_ID:$AWS_SECRET --project=$MF_COMPANY_CODE

** Release: **

Creates a Media Fly release according to the development release flow: https://liveaxle.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PROC/pages/31686657/Process+-+Development+and+Release

This function aggregates most of the other tooling functions into a flow to abide by the above linked process. As such it requires quite a bit of configuration:


./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling mf.release \
--credentials=<mf username>:<mf:password>
--build.input=<input for build source above> --build.output<output on disk for build artifact>
--aws.credentials=<awsAccessKeyId>:<awsSecretAccessKey> --aws.bucket=<bucketname> --aws.data=<data to upload>
--cnfl.credentials=<cf email>:<cf password> --source=<space name>:<page id> --copy=<space name>:<parent page id>
--bb.credentials=<bb email>:<bb password> --bb.source=owner/repo/branch --bb.remote=owner/repo/branch


  1. Creates an interactive Build
  2. Deploys build to specificed folder
  3. Creates confluence test plan
  4. Creates PR with content from previous steps.


namespace: aws

S3 - namespace: aws.s3

** Upload: **

Uploads an item to s3


aws.s3.upload(String:<name of file/s3 path from point of bucket>, Buffer:, Object:)

>Returns a `Promise` instance

>> CLI:

./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling aws.s3.upload --name=<s3 object name> --credentials=<awsAccessKeyId:awsSecretAccessKey> --data=<Buffer/Binary Octet Stream>


> ** *Delete:* **

> Deletes an item from s3

>> API:
aws.s3.delete(String:<name of s3 Object>, Object:<configuration>)

> Returns a `Promise` object.

>> CLI:
> `./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling aws.s3.delete`
>   `  --name=<s3 object name>`
>   `  --credentials=<awsAccessKeyId:awsSecretAccessKey>`


### Bit Bucket

#### namespace: `bb`

#### Pull Requests - namespace: `bb.pr`

> ** *Create:* **


  source: String<source repository> // expressed as owner/repo/branch - will default to CWD git stats if not defined.
  remote: String<source repository> // expressed as owner/repo/branch - will default to CWD git stats if not defined.
  title: String<name of the PR> default to local branch
  description: String<description of pr>. defaults to looping through each commit
  credentials: Object: {username: <email>, password: <password>}
  reviewers: [{username: String:<bb username>}] //  defaults to LA team


./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling bb.pr.create
  --source=String:<bibucket repo path> owner/repo/branch - will default to cwd branch
  --remote=String:<bitbucket repo path> owner/repo/branch - will default to master
  --title=String:<title of the PR> - default to cwd branch name
  --description=String:<body for the PR>

### Confluence

#### namespace: `cnfl`

#### Pages - namespace: `cnfl.pages`

> ** *Get:* **
Gets a page from Confluence

>> API:
confl.content.get(String:id, Object:{
  credentials: {username: <email>, password: <password>}, // required
  space: String:<space> // Space containing the requesting

>> CLI:

./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling cnfl.content.get --id=page/content id --credentials=username:email --space=title of space


> ** *Create:* **
Create a page in Confluence

>> API:
confl.content.create(title, Object:{
  credentials: {username: <email>, password: <password>}, // required
  space: String:<space> // Space containing the requesting,
  status: String:<current, trashed, historical, draft> // defaults to current
  parent: String:<id of the parent>
  body: String:<page body> // wiki markup of page

>> CLI:

./node_modules/.bin/@liveaxle/tooling cnfl.content.create --title=<page title> --credentials=username:email --space=title of space --body=<page body> --status=<page publish status> --parent=<parent id>


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    • awison
    • johncroft
    • mkatsufrakis