
1.0.14 • Public • Published

Neural Networks in JavaScript

Making AI amazing in JavaScript & Node.js


Generating Documentation (Markdown)

Updates DOCUMENTATION.md with documentation generated from /** Comments */ using JSDoc to Markdown.

npm run doc
npm run doc:markdown


  • [x] Developer SWAG! - "just be cool, BRO! o.O" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Node.js Support (Dynamic Exporting) - "do things offline" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Browser Support (Dynamic Exporting) - "do things online" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Node.js Support (Dynamic Importing) - "play with other people's toys offline" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Browser Support (Dynamic Importing) - "play with other people's toys offline" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Threading (Node) - "a few things at once" - Finished: 07/01/2019

  • [x] Threading (Browser) - "a few things at once" - Finished: 07/05/2019

  • [x] Unit Tests (Node) - "being safe, rather than sorry" - Finished: 07/05/2019

  • [x] Unit Tests (Browser) - "being safe, rather than sorry" - Finished: 07/05/2019

  • [x] End-to-End Tests (Node)- "being seriously, over-the-top safe - some might even say neurotic" - Finished: 07/26/2019

  • [x] End-to-End Tests (Node)- "being seriously, over-the-top safe - some might even say neurotic" - Finished: 07/26/2019

  • [x] Documentation Generator (Markdown) - "a manual you'll enjoy reading" - Finished: 07/27/2019

  • [x] Documentation Generator (HTML) - "a manual you'll enjoy reading" - Finished: 07/27/2019

  • [ ] Streaming (Node) - "bigger data with less computer"

  • [ ] Streaming (Browser) - "bigger data with less computer"

  • [ ] GPU (Node) - "a lot of things at once"

  • [ ] GPU (Browser) - "a lot of things at once"

  • [x] Supervised Learning - "if it's hot, don't touch it"; "got you, okay" - Finished: 08/12/2019

  • [ ] Evolutionary Learning - 100 networks start; 3 "make it"; 30 die; the remaining 50 procreate and replace the 30 deaths; 16 of the original 100 are cloned/revived

  • [ ] Transfer Learning - copy/paste & re-train networks

  • [ ] Mimicry Learning - observe replicate other network or entity

  • [ ] Reinforcement Learning - touch something and it explodes - "let's not"; touch something else and it drops gold bricks - "ooh shiny"

  • [ ] Generative Adverserial Networks - "devil's advocate networks"

  • [ ] Capsule Networks - "I heard you like brains, so I put a brain in your brain, in your brain - in your brain"

  • [ ] HyperNEAT - "puberty for brains - just with better outlooks"



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    • christian.george.echevarria