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Cursor pagination works by returning results after or before a pointer to an item in the dataset. We follow the Relay Cursor Connections Paginatinon Specification for pagination in GraphQL

Using an opaque string value as a cursor, we can abstract away the differences of underyling pagination schemes per endpoint, while giving us a consistent interface to consumers of the API.

This library provides an abstraction over the numbered pages pagination model, in which the data source is expecting a page number and a page size. The cursor is defined as base64('page:<page>;offset:<offset>').

Let's observe an example in which we request the first 4 items after cursor cGFnZTowO29mZnNldDoz, i.e.: base64('page:0;offset:3').

  "edges": [
      "node": {
        "name": "banana"
      "cursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDow" // base64('page:1;offset:0')
      "node": {
        "name": "apple"
      "cursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDox" // base64('page:1;offset:1')
      "node": {
        "name": "pear"
      "cursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDoy" // base64('page:1;offset:2')
      "node": {
        "name": "watermelon"
      "cursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDoz" // base64('page:1;offset:3')
  "pageInfo": {
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "hasPreviousPage": true,
    "startCursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDow", // base64('page:1;offset:0')
    "endCursor": "cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDoz" // base64('page:1;offset:3')
  "totalCount": 45

From here, we have a few options:

  1. To paginate forward, we request the first 4 items after end cursor cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDoz, i.e.: base64('page:1;offset:3').
    • If we request the first 4 items after any other cursor, we'll receive an error. The numbered pages pagination model data source does not support this request.
  2. To paginate backwards, we request the last 4 items before start cursor cGFnZToxO29mZnNldDow, i.e.: base64('page:1;offset:0').
    • If we request the last 4 items before any other cursor, we'll receive an error. The numbered pages pagination model data source does not support this request.

Quick Start

  1. Install the dependency in your webapp.
yarn add @lightspeed/graphql-page-connection
  1. Implement your data fetching logic in the resolver.
import { pageFromConnectionArgs, connectionFromArray } from '@lightspeed/graphql-page-connection';

export const resolvers: ResolverMap = {
  Query: {
    products: async (_parent, { first, after, last, before }, { dataSources }) => {
      // Extract the page number and page size from cursor arguments
      const connectionArgs = { first, after, last, before };
      const { pageNum, pageSize } = pageFromConnectionArgs(connectionArgs);

      // Retrieve data and page metadata from data source
      const { productDataSource } = dataSources;
      const res = await productDataSource.getProducts({ pageNum, pageSize });
      const { data, pageCount, totalCount } = res;

      // Create a connection as an output
      const meta = { totalCount, pageCount };
      const connection = connectionFromArray(products, connectionArgs, meta);
      return connection;


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