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Multidimensional interop tests


$ npm i @libp2p/multidim-interop

Table of contents


The multidim interop tests use random high ports for listeners. Since you need to know which port will be listened on ahead of time to EXPOSE a port in a Docker image to the host machine, this means everything has to be run in Docker.

Build js-libp2p

This must be repeated every time you make a change to the js-libp2p source code.


$ npm run build
$ docker build . -f ./interop/Dockerfile -t js-libp2p-node


$ npm run build
$ docker build . -f ./interop/BrowserDockerfile -t js-libp2p-browsers

Build another libp2p implementation

  1. Clone the test-plans repo somewhere
    $ git clone https://github.com/libp2p/test-plans.git
  2. (Optional) If you are running an M1 Mac you may need to override the build platform.
    • Edit /transport-interop/dockerBuildWrapper.sh
    • Add --platform linux/arm64/v8 to the docker buildx build command
      docker buildx build \
        --platform linux/arm64/v8 \    <-- add this line
        --load \
  3. (Optional) Enable some sort of debug output
    • nim-libp2p
      • edit /transport-interop/impl/nim/$VERSION/Dockerfile
      • Change -d:chronicles_log_level=WARN to -d:chronicles_log_level=DEBUG
    • rust-libp2p
      • When starting the docker container add -e RUST_LOG=debug
    • go-libp2p
      • When starting the docker container add -e GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL=debug
  4. Build the version you want to test against
    $ cd multidim-interop/impl/$IMPL/$VERSION
    $ make

Running Redis

Redis is used to allow inter-container communication, exchanging listen addresses etc. It must be started as a Docker container:

$ docker run --name redis --rm -p 6379:6379 redis:7-alpine

Start libp2p


$ docker run -e transport=tcp -e muxer=yamux -e security=noise -e is_dialer=true -e redis_addr=redis:6379 --link redis:redis js-libp2p-node


$ docker run -e transport=webtransport -e muxer=yamux -e security=noise -e is_dialer=true -e redis_addr=redis:6379 --link redis:redis js-libp2p-browsers

Start another libp2p implementation

  • Change go-v0.29 to the implementation you wish to use.
  • Ensure one docker run has is_dialer=false and the other has is_dialer=true
  • Ensure the transport option is the same for both implementations
$ docker run -e transport=tcp -e muxer=yamux -e security=noise -e is_dialer=false -e redis_addr=redis:6379 --link redis:redis go-v0.29


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


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