
0.2.0 • Public • Published



Repost Tweets to Telegram automatically. Built by Levellr.

Crossgram is a TypeScript library and web service you can use to automatically repost Tweets to Telegram chats, groups, supergroups or channels using a Telegram Bot.

You can:

  • Follow one Twitter account or many
  • Reposts tweets into one Telegram chat or many
  • Use a single Telegram bot, or use a different bot for each chat

A single Crossgram instance even can be used to stream Tweets from multiple accounts to multiple Telegram chats using multiple Telegram bots. For example, one Crossgram instance can repost:

Twitter shortlinks are automatically expanded — no more mysterious 't.co' links in your chat!

Need a no-code solution? 👷

If you don't code and you just want a bot to automatically repost Tweets from Twitter to Telegram for you, we're running a closed beta that can help you out.

Drop us a line and tell us about your Telegram community to find out if you're eligible to join.

Getting started

To get started, you'll need:

Remember to add the bot to the channel, group or supergroup with permission to post content.

Running Crossgram

Clone the project:

  git clone https://github.com/levellr/crossgram.git

Go to the project directory:

  cd crossgram

Install dependencies:

  npm install

Start the script:

  npm run start

Deploying Crossgram

Use a platform of your choice, or deploy in one click:

Deploy to Render


The web service (via npm run start or bin/stream.ts) is configured using environment variables.

The following environment variables are required, and the script will not start without them:

Environment variable Description
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKENS A comma-separated list of bot tokens for Telegram bots created via @BotFather
TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS A comma-separated list of Telegram chat IDs to which the Tweets should be posted
TWITTER_USERNAMES A comma-separated list of Twitter usernames to watch and repost to Telegram
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY The consumer key for a Twitter API client
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET The consumer secret for a Twitter API client

The environment variable TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS must contain either exactly one value or exactly as many values as there are TWITTER_USERNAMES.

  • If there is one chat ID, all tweets from all usernames in TWITTER_USERNAMES will be streamed to the specified chat ID.
  • If there are multiple chat IDs, the script will iterate through TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS AND TWITTER_USERNAMES in a pairwise fashion. It will stream tweets from the first username to the first chat ID, the second username to the second chat ID, etc.

The environment variable TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKENS must contain either exactly one value or exactly as many values as there are TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS.

  • If there is one bot token, tweets destined for all chat IDs will be sent via the specified bot token.
  • If there are multiple chat IDs, the script will iterate through TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKENS AND TELEGRAM_CHAT_IDS in a pairwise fashion. It will send tweets to the first chat ID using the first bot token, to the second chat ID using the second bot token, etc.

Neither chat IDs or bot tokens have to be unique.

If specified in a .env file in the root of the project, environment variables will be automatically loaded at app start.

Using Crossgram as a library

Install Crossgram with npm:

  npm install @levellr/crossgram

Then use the library:

const { TwitterStreamer } = require('@levellr/crossgram');

async function main() {
  console.log('Starting Twitter API client');

  const streamer = await TwitterStreamer.create({
    twitterAppKey: 'TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY',
    twitterAppSecret: 'TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET',

  // Register a stream from Twitter to Telegram
  console.log(`Registering stream`);
  await streamer.registerStream({
    twitterUsername: 'TWITTER_USERNAME',
    telegramBotToken: 'TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN',
    telegramChatId: 'TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID',


You can also use module imports:

import { TwitterStreamer } from '@levellr/crossgram';


  npm run test

Code formatting and linting

# code linting with eslint
$ npm run lint

# formating with Prettier
$ npm run format


Contributions welcome! Please start with an issue before making a pull request so we can make sure we're all on the same page.

Check out our contribution guidelines for this project for more information.


Crossgram is open-source under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPLv3).


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  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
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  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0

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  • benbarbersmith