TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.2 • Public • Published


Publish multiple workspaces (that's all)

If you're familiar with lerna, Laverna does this: lerna publish from-package.

If you're unfamiliar with it: Laverna publishes all workspacess wherein the current version hasn't yet been published.


Laverna is a thin wrapper around npm publish which:

  • Invokes npm publish on all workspaces where the current version has not yet been published
  • Publishes new packages via flag
  • Ignores private packages
  • Requires confirmation (by default)
  • Prints all output from npm publish, including the output of npm pack, to enable review prior to confirmation
  • Provides a "dry-run" mode

Laverna's scope is intentionally limited to the above use-case.


Perhaps more importantly, Laverna:

  • Builds nothing
  • Bumps no versions
  • Runs no user-defined scripts
  • Retains no state nor cache
  • Does not write to package.json or lockfiles
  • Does not interact with git (no tags, no commits, no pushes)
  • Does not interact with GitHub (no releases)
  • Avails no whims

Supported Environments

  • Node.js v18.13.0+
  • npm v8.19.3+


It's recommended to install as a dev dependency:

npm install @lavamoat/laverna -D

Usage Summary

laverna [options..]

"Publish multiple workspaces (that's all)"


 --dryRun        - Enable dry-run mode
 --root=<path>   - Path to workspace root (default: current working dir)
 --newPkg=<name> - Workspace <name> should be treated as a new package (repeatable)
 --yes/-y        - Skip confirmation prompt (default: false; true in CI)

Problems? Visit https://github.com/LavaMoat/LavaMoat/issues


Using Release Please or Similar

For a typical release workflow, you might:

  1. Bump workspace versions (e.g. via release-please-action)
  2. In your updated working copy's workspace root, run npm exec laverna (or npm exec laverna -- --dryRun first)
  3. Bask in glory

Publishing a New Package

If you're publishing a package in a new workspace, you might:

  1. Set the initial version of the new package (call it foo) in its package.json.
  2. Run npm exec laverna -- --newPkg=foo (or npm exec laverna -- --newPkg=foo --dryRun first)
  3. Profit

Automating Publishes

If the CI environment variable is present, laverna will skip the confirmation prompt before final publish (i.e., --yes defaults to true).

[!WARNING] Publishing via CI can bypass 2FA protections. Use at your own risk!


Laverna provides a programmable JavaScript API (for what it's worth).

Refer to the TypeScript definitions for details.


LavaMoat needed something that did this, but didn't need Lerna for anything else. So, here we are.


Copyright © 2023 Consensys, Inc. Licensed MIT


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