
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Dropbox backup directory

A NodeJS tool to

  • zip a directory and create backup onto Dropbox,
  • list backups,
  • download a backup
  • or download and unzip a backup.


Command line usage


install @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus

npm install @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus@latest --global

set your preferences

A dropbox application (dropboxAppKey,dropboxAppSecret), and long-lived refresh-token (dropboxRefreshToken) are required.

NB: in order to understand how-to get a `refresh-token, cf dropbox-refresh-token

The old-long-lived access-token (dropboxToken) are always supported but this method is deprecated and will be removed in futur release.

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus setup

(first time only) create a @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus config file ~/.@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus

To remove this setup

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus unlink

NB: you could create other custom @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus config files, and choose custom @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus config file by using DBD_CONFIG_FILE env.

Show help

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus

show actions

Create a backup

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus backup <localDirectory> [<myBackup.zip>]

create a remote zip backup from local directory

Example: zip local directory ../tmp/backup/myDir then upload as dropbox backup /backup/biolo.zip

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus backup ../tmp/backup/myDir biolo.zip

This action will success if the target dropbox already exists with the same zip file.

This action will fail if a different target dropbox already exists (use forceBackup to override it).

backup is the default dropbox backup target directory and may be changed using options.

Create or override a backup

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus forceBackup <localDirectory> [<myBackup.zip>]

List backups

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus list
  • DBD_CONFIG_FILE=./tmp/myDrobadiConfig @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus list

list remote backups

Download a backup

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus download <myBackup.zip> [<localFile.zip>]

download a remote backup into local file

Example: download dropbox file /backup/biolo.zip as local file ./biolo.zip

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus download biolo.zip

Example: download dropbox file /backup/biolo.zip as local file /tmp/ddd.zip

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus download biolo.zip /tmp/ddd.zip

Download and unzip a backup

  • @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus downloadAndUnzip <myBackup.zip> [</local/path>]

download a remote backup and unzip it into local directory

Example: download dropbox file /backup/biolo.zip and unzip it into local directory ./biolo

@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus downloadAndUnzip biolo.zip ./biolo


Drobadi options are

  • dropboxAppKey (or DBD_DROPBOX_APP_KEY env. Default: null. Required) : dropbox application key.
  • dropboxAppSecret (or DBD_DROPBOX_APP_SECRET env. Default: null. Required) : dropbox application secret.
  • dropboxRefreshToken (or DBD_DROPBOX_REFRESH_TOKEN. Default: null. env. Required) : dropbox application refresh-token.
  • path (or DBD_PATH env. Default: backup) : dropbox target directory that receive backup files.
  • overrideTargetBackup (or DBD_OVERRIDE_TARGET_BACKUP env. Default: false) : override target backup file.

Deprecated option:

  • dropboxToken (or DBD_DROPBOX_TOKEN env. Default: null. DEPRECATED) : dropbox access-token value,
  • dropboxTokenDisableWarning (or DBD_DROPBOX_TOKEN_DISABLE_WARNING env. Default: false.*) : change-it to disable warning log.

Note that @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus setup help you to create a ~/.@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus config file.

DOptions precedence: options object, or env value or config file or default value.

Library use

Install dependency

You have to import as dependency

npm install @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus

Define the requirements, example:

import {Drobadi, DOptions} from "@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus";

const dOptions = new DOptions({
    "dropboxToken": 'My dropbox token is a secret',
    "path": "from-@landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus",
    "overrideTargetBackup": true
let @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus = new Drobadi();

create a remote backup from local directory

let promiseResult =  @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.backup(dOptions, "./myData/", "dataBack.zip")

list remote backups

let promiseResult = @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.list(dOptions);

Restore remote backup in current directory

let promiseResult = @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.download(dOptions, "dataBack.zip")

Restore remote backup in a given local destination

var promiseResult = @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.download(dOptions, "dataBack.zip", "/home/user/incomming/restored.zip")

Restore remote backup and unzip it in a given local directory

var promiseResult = @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.downloadAndUnzip(dOptions, "dataBack.zip", "/tmp/restoreHere")

NB: you could also have a look at tests : @landmineaknpm2/labore-quidem-accusamus.test.js

How to contribute

cf contributing guide

Services or activated bots

badge name description
CI/CD Github actions Continuous tests.
Audit Github actions Continuous vulnerability audit.
Reviewed by Hound Houndci JavaScript automated review (configured by .hound.yml)


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    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
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  • 1.0.0
    • latest

Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 1.0.0

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