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0.8.1-alpha.1 • Public • Published

Kresus Wallet SDK




1. Install with npm:

npm i @kresuslabs/wallet

2. Install with yarn:

yarn add @kresuslabs/wallet

Usage For Ethereum

Create Instance of ETHWallet:

import { ETHWallet, Env } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

  Chain ids Ethereum:
    a.  mainnet - 1
    b.  goerli  - 5
    c.  rinkeby - 4
    d.  ropsten - 3
  Chain ids Polygon:
    a. mainnet  - 137
    b. testnet  - 80001

  Chain ids Polygon ZkEVM:
    a. mainnet  - 1101
    b. testnet  - 1442

  Chain ids Arbitrum:
    a. mainnet  - 42161
    b. testnet  - 421613

    a.  Env.dev
    b.  Env.dev_integration
    c.  Env.stg
    d.  Env.uat
    e.  Env.prod
const configEth = {
  chainId : 5,
  env: Env.dev,
  rpcApiKey: "your_rpc_api_key",
  moralisApiKey: "your_moralis_api_key",
  etherscanApiKey: "your_etherscan_api_key",
  blocknativeApiKey: "your_blocknative_api_key",

const ethWallet = new ETHWallet(configEth);

Usage For Solana

Create Instance of SolanaWallet:

import { SolanaWallet, Env } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

  devnet  - 999
  testnet - 998
  mainnet - 997
const configSol = {
  chainId: 999,
  env: Env.dev,
  shyftApiKey: "your_shyft_api_key"

const solWallet = new SolanaWallet(configSol);

Usage For Algorand

Create Instance of AlgorandWallet:

import { AlgorandWallet, Env } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

  testnet - 798
  mainnet - 799
const configAlgo = {
  chainId : 798

const algoWallet = new AlgorandWallet(configAlgo);

Usage For Bitcoin

Create Instance of BitcoinWallet

import { BitcoinWallet, Env } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

  testnet - 888
  mainnet - 889
const configBtc = {
  chainId: 888,
  env: Env.dev,
  blockDaemonApiKey: "your_block_daemon_api_key"

const btcWallet = new BitcoinWallet(configBtc);

Creating Providers with Magic Link

import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { Magic } = require("magic-sdk");
import { SolanaExtension } = require("@magic-ext/solana");
const { BitcoinExtension } = require("@magic-ext/bitcoin");

const magicEth = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {network: 'goerli'});
await magicEth.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
const providerEth = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(magicEth.rpcProvider);
(await magicEth.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;    //  get public address

const magicMatic = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {network: {
    chainId: 80001,
    rpcUrl: "RPC_URL_MUMBAI"

await magicMatic.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
const providerMatic = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(magicMatic.rpcProvider);
(await magicMatic.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;  //  get public address

  Polygon ZkEVM
const magicMatic = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {network: {
    chainId: 1442,

await magicMatic.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
const providerMatic = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(magicMatic.rpcProvider);
(await magicMatic.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;  //  get public address

const magicMatic = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {network: {
    chainId: 421613,

await magicMatic.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
const providerMatic = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(magicMatic.rpcProvider);
(await magicMatic.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;  //  get public address

const magicInstanceSol = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {
  extensions: [
    new SolanaExtension({
      rpcUrl: "RPC_URL_FOR_SOLANA",

  RPC URLs for Solana-
    a.  devnet:         https://api.devnet.solana.com
    b.  testnet:        https://api.testnet.solana.com
    c.  mainnet-beta:   https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com

await magicInstanceSol.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
(await magicInstanceSol.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;    //  get public address

const magicInstanceBtc = new Magic("your_magic_api_key", {
  extensions: [
    new BitcoinExtension({
      rpcUrl: "",   //  BTC_RPC_URL or empty string
      network: 'testnet' // testnet or mainnet

await magicInstanceBtc.auth.loginWithMagicLink({email: "youremail@example.com"});
(await magicInstanceBtc.user.getMetadata()).publicAddress;    //  get public address

Ethereum Wallet Operations

Get ETH Balance:

const accountAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
await ethWallet.balanceOfETH(providerEth, accountAddr);

Transfer Ethers:

const receiverAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const amount = "0.01";
const pricePerGas = "79816825150";   // in wei
await ethWallet.transferEth(receiverAddr, amount, providerEth, pricePerGas);

Get ERC20 Balance:

const accountAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const contractAddress  = "0xb5B0cDBf3b42DDEBfaA1Fe95A79d29854F325eD3";
await ethWallet.balanceOfERC20(providerEth, accountAddr, contractAddress);

Transfer ERC20:

const toAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const amount = "1999999999999999999";
const contractAddress = "0xb5B0cDBf3b42DDEBfaA1Fe95A79d29854F325eD3";
const gasPrice = "79816825150"    //  in wei
await ethWallet.transferERC20(toAddr, amount, contractAddress, gasPrice, providerEth);

Get ERC721 Balance:

const accountAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.balanceOfERC721(providerEth, accountAddr, contractAddress);

Transfer ERC721:

const fromAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const toAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const tokenId = "1";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
const pricePerGas = "200000000000";   // in wei
await ethWallet.transferERC721(fromAddr, toAddr, tokenId, contractAddress, pricePerGas, providerEth);

Get ERC1155 Balance:

const userAddress = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const tokenId = "1";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.getERC1155Balance(userAddress, tokenId, contractAddress, providerEth);

Transfer ERC1155:

const fromAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const toAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const tokenId = "1";
const amount = "1";
const data = "0x";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
const pricePerGas = "200000000000";
await ethWallet.transferERC1155(fromAddr, toAddr, tokenId, amount, data, contractAddress, pricePerGas, providerEth);

Transfer Multiple ERC1155

const fromAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const toAddr = "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5";
const tokenIdsArr = ["12", "121"];
const amountsArr = ["2", "3"];
const data = "0x";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.batchTransferERC1155(fromAddr, toAddr, tokenIdsArr, amountsArr, data, contractAddress, providerEth);

Get Balances of Multiple ERC1155 Tokens:

const accountsArr = ["0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1", "0x1C67f57e0184708A3530d0C8ef3dcF4614e3edd5"];
const tokenIdsArr = ["1", "2"];
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.getBalanceOfBatch(accountsArr, tokenIdsArr, contractAddress, providerEth);

Set Approval for All ERC1155:

const operatorAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const approved = true;
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.setApprovalForAll(operatorAddr, approved, contractAddress, providerEth);

Get Token URI:

const tokenId = "1";
const contractAddress = "0xaD8A70DF656f38410640F7102C724Cbf8cC4b932";
await ethWallet.getERC1155TokenData(providerEth, tokenId, contractAddress);

Get NFTs:

const ownerAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const chain = "goerli"
await ethWallet.getNFTs(ownerAddr, chain);

Get ERC20 Tokens:

const ownerAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const chain = "goerli";
await ethWallet.getERC20(ownerAddr, chain);

Get Transaction History:

const accountAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
await ethWallet.getTransfers(accountAddr);    // get the token details from raw contract object

Get Gas Estimate for Contract Interactions (Alchemy):

const contractAddress = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const functionName = "store";
const params = ["100"];
const amountInEth = undefined;    // defined in string when needed for payable functions
await ethWallet.gasEstimateForContractInteractions(contractAddress, providerEth, contractAbi, functionName, amountInEth, ...params);

Get Gas Estimate for Native Crypto Transfer (Alchemy):

const toAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const amountInEth = "0.1";
await ethWallet.nativeTransferEstimate(providerEth, amountInEth, toAddr);

Get Gas Estimates with Speeds for Contract Interactions (Blocknative):

const contractAddress = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const functionName = "store";
const params = ["100"];
const amountInEth = undefined;    // defined in string when needed for payable functions
await ethWallet.getGasEstimatesForContractInteractions(contractAddress, providerEth, contractAbi, functionName, amountInEth, ...params);

Get Gas Estimates with Speeds for Native Crypto Transfer (Blocknative):

const toAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const amountInEth = "0.1";
await ethWallet.getGasEstimatesForNative(providerEth, amountInEth, toAddr);

Get Txn Receipt:

const txnHash = "0x30e74831aec9d63ee9b38f772e7c5d79be040d81e8196b30cba4bb7cfffd2ac5";
const chainId = 5;    //  goerli
const chain = "eth"   //  "poly" for polygon
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await ethWallet.getTxnReceipt(txnHash, chainId, chain, authToken, orgId);

Get Txn Details for Pending:

const chain = "eth"   //  "poly" for polygon
const txnHash = "0x30e74831aec9d63ee9b38f772e7c5d79be040d81e8196b30cba4bb7cfffd2ac5";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await ethWallet.getTxnPending(chain, txnHash, providerEth, authToken, orgId);

Speedup Transaction:

const txnHash = "0xa86d46fa8e436bdcaf3dcd3820240ecb2d0f945bbc92d23accb6ec9a9e355d22";  // hash of the pending transaction
const gasPrice = "8787651325";    //  in wei
const maxFeePerGas = "948747373";   //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
const maxPriorityFeePerGas = "567899";    //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
await ethWallet.speedupTxn(providerEth, txnHash, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas);

Retry Transaction:

const txnHash = "0xa86d46fa8e436bdcaf3dcd3820240ecb2d0f945bbc92d23accb6ec9a9e355d22";  // hash of the failed transaction
const gasPrice = "8787651325";    //  in wei
const maxFeePerGas = "948747373";   //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
const maxPriorityFeePerGas = "567899";    //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
await ethWallet.retryTxn(providerEth, txnHash, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas)

Cancel Transaction:

const txnHash = "0xa86d46fa8e436bdcaf3dcd3820240ecb2d0f945bbc92d23accb6ec9a9e355d22";  // hash of the pending transaction
const gasPrice = "8787651325";    //  in wei
const maxFeePerGas = "948747373";   //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
const maxPriorityFeePerGas = "567899";    //  in wei or undefined for legacy type transactions
await ethWallet.cancelTxn(providerEth, txnHash, gasPrice, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas);

Call Contract Function:

const contractAddress = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const functionName = "transfer";
const params = ["0xa6D1741395Fe9378630931A2775F0Cea595F46E6", "0.01"];
await ethWallet.callContractFunction(providerEth, contractAddress, contractAbi, functionName, ...params);

Solana Wallet Operations

Validate Solana Address (Public Key):

const accountAddress = "AFRgYC29sBjMGVEaxPNwYk9YPxrZLgCRrE3FRPLKdYAG";
await solWallet.isValidSolanaAddress(accountAddress);

Generate a new Key-pair:

const account = await solWallet.generateAccount();
const accountAddress = account.publicKey.toBase58();

Get SOL from Testnet or Devnet Faucet:

const receiverAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.requestSOL(receiverAddress);

Get Balance of SOL:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.balanceOfSOL(accountAddress);

Transfer SOL:

const senderAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const receiverAddr = "21XJiJCTyu8gg4mxyGRmadBoDrHQyrNEFZ5pUUx5Bb7W";
const amount = 1;   // amount in SOL
await solWallet.transferSOL(senderAddr, receiverAddr, amount, magicInstanceSol);

Fetch SPL Token Balance and Details:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const tokenMintAddress = "5ZbZri5jgPPMmnWq9yDyBG4pK7snPE4id6JPPeQfuQ1K";
await solWallet.getUserTokenBalanceAndDetails(accountAddress, tokenMintAddress);

Fetch Token Account Address:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const tokenMintAddress = "5ZbZri5jgPPMmnWq9yDyBG4pK7snPE4id6JPPeQfuQ1K";
await solWallet.getTokenAccount(accountAddress, tokenMintAddress);

Initialize Token Account Address:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const tokenMintAddress = "5ZbZri5jgPPMmnWq9yDyBG4pK7snPE4id6JPPeQfuQ1K";
await solWallet.setupTokenAccount(tokenMintAddress, accountAddress, magicInstanceSol);

Fetch All User's SPL Token Info:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.getAllUserSPLTokens(accountAddress);

Fetch All User's Solana NFT Collection(s):

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.getAllUserNftCollections(accountAddress);

Get Token Information for Solana (SPL/NFT):

const tokenAddress = "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v";
await solWallet.getTokenInfoSolana(tokenAddress);

Get Token Metadata for Solana:

const tokenAddress = "6FziSMvRXrXUYmeViyEyy1WGz2gU3879mZxLjwKPJQP";
await solWallet.getTokenMetadataSolana(tokenAddress);

Transfer SPL tokens:

const senderAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const receiverAddr = "21XJiJCTyu8gg4mxyGRmadBoDrHQyrNEFZ5pUUx5Bb7W";
const tokenMintAddress = "5ZbZri5jgPPMmnWq9yDyBG4pK7snPE4id6JPPeQfuQ1K";
const amount = 1;
await solWallet.transferSPLTokens(tokenMintAddress, senderAddr, receiverAddr, amount, magicInstanceSol);

Transfer Solana NFT:

const senderAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const receiverAddr = "21XJiJCTyu8gg4mxyGRmadBoDrHQyrNEFZ5pUUx5Bb7W";
const tokenMintAddress = "6FaYri5jgPPMmnWq9yDyBG4pK7snPE4id6JPPeQfuP1Q";
await solWallet.transferSolanaNFT(tokenMintAddress, senderAddr, receiverAddr, magicInstanceSol);

Fetch All User's Transfer Transactions:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.getAllTransferTransactions(accountAddress);

Fetch All User's SOL Transfer Transactions:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.getSolTransferTxns(accountAddress);

Fetch All User's SPL Token Transfer Transactions:

const accountAddress = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
await solWallet.getSplTokenTransferTxns(accountAddress);

Get Txn Receipt for Signature:

const signature = "341AXYH29Qr3sQh6gRFm1Yh9u8o8TrXJ74iGNMJVKPwFHLvibfk2iX8ZzHcHNXy6cD5q5FhutM35bZzQt3S4MVPd";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await solWallet.getTxnReceiptSOL(signature, authToken, orgId);

Get Txn Status with Details for a Signature:

const signature = "341AXYH29Qr3sQh6gRFm1Yh9u8o8TrXJ74iGNMJVKPwFHLvibfk2iX8ZzHcHNXy6cD5q5FhutM35bZzQt3S4MVPd";
await solWallet.getSolTxnStatus(signature);

Bitcoin Wallet Operations

Get Balance of Bitcoin (BTC):

const accountAddress = "muHd7wv1rdbzKEQ6ymMHb1FxzRk9SKVeXd";
await btcWallet.balanceOfBTC(accountAddress);

Get Maximum Bitcoin (BTC) Transferable:

const accountAddress = "muHd7wv1rdbzKEQ6ymMHb1FxzRk9SKVeXd";
await btcWallet.maxBitcoinTransferable(accountAddress);

Transfer Bitcoin (BTC):

const senderAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
const receiverAddr = "muHd7wv1rdbzKEQ6ymMHb1FxzRk9SKVeXd";
amount = 0.001;   //  in BTC 
txnFees = 2000;   //  in Satoshi. 1 BTC = 100000000 Satoshi
await btcWallet.transferBitcoin(senderAddr, receiverAddr, amount, txnFees, magicInstanceBtc);

Transfer Bitcoin (BTC) - V2

const senderAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
const receiverAddr = "muHd7wv1rdbzKEQ6ymMHb1FxzRk9SKVeXd";
amount = 0.001;   //  in BTC 
txnFees = 2000;   //  in Satoshi. 1 BTC = 100000000 Satoshi
await btcWallet.transferBitcoinV2(senderAddr, receiverAddr, amount, txnFees, magicInstanceBtc);

Get Fee Estimate for a Transaction:

await btcWallet.getFeeEstimateForTxn();

Get Fee Estimate for a Transaction - V2:

const accountAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
await btcWallet.getFeeEstimateForTxnV2(accountAddr);

Validate Bitcoin Address:

const accountAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
await btcWallet.isValidBitcoinAddress(accountAddr);

Get Txn Receipt for Bitcoin (BTC):

const txnHash = "578e635a7cb97034bddcf0a8329e33885c90e1dd4598875ede6b9dcf73815630";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await btcWallet.getTxnReceiptBitcoin(txnHash, authToken, orgId);

Get Top 10 Unspent Transaction Outputs by Value:

const btcAddress = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
await btcWallet.getTopUnspentTxnOutputs(btcAddress);

Get All Unspent Transaction Outputs:

const btcAddress = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
await btcWallet.getAllUnspentTxnOutputs(btcAddress);

Algorand Wallet Operations

Generate a new Algorand Account:

await algoWallet.generateAccount();

Get Balance of ALGO:

await algoWallet.balanceOfALGO(address);

Transfer ALGO:

// should be your own magic link account
let amount = 2;   // amount in ALGO
await algoWallet.transferALGO(sender, receiver, amount, magicInstanceAlgo);

Get Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) Balance:

const tokenIndex = 79404320;  // Asset Id
await algoWallet.getUserASABalance(userAddr, tokenIndex);

Get Details of Algorand Standard Asset (ASA):

const tokenIndex = 79404320;  // Asset Id
await algoWallet.getASADetails(tokenIndex);

Opt-In to Algorand Standard Asset (ASA):

// should be your own magic link account
const tokenIndex = 79404320;
await algoWallet.optIntoToken(userAddr, tokenIndex, magicInstanceAlgo);

Transfer Algorand Standard Asset (ASA):

// should be your own magic link account
const tokenIndex = 79404320;  // Asset Id
const amount = 100;
await algoWallet.transferASA(senderAddr, receiverAddr, tokenIndex, amount, magicInstanceAlgo);

Fetch All ALGO Transfer Transactions:

await algoWallet.getALGOTransfers(address);

Fetch All Algorand Standard Asset (ASA) Transfer Transactions:

await algoWallet.getASATransfers(address);

Usage for Pinata

Create Instance of IPFS:

import {IpfsApi} from "@kresuslabs/wallet";

const config = {
  apiKey: "your_api_key",
  secretApiKey: "your_secret_api_key"

const ipfsClient = new IpfsApi(config);

Upload and Pin File to IPFS:

const file = event.target.files[0];
const fileName = "some_file_name";
await ipfsClient.uploadFileToIPFS(file, fileName);

Upload and Pin File to IPFS from React Native:

await ipfsClient.uploadFileReactNative(formData, customHeaders);

Upload and Pin File with Category to IPFS:

const file = event.target.files[0];
const fileCategory = "custom-file-category";
await ipfsClient.uploadFileWithCategoryToIPFS(file, fileCategory );

Upload and Pin JSON Data (not file) to IPFS:

const jsonData = {
  pinataMetadata: {
    name: "my-custom-name"
  pinataContent: {
    message: "Hey there! I am some-json-content"
await ipfsClient.uploadJsonToIPFS(jsonData);

Retrieve Pinned Content from IPFS:

const cid = "QmWBiLYnDbKNpJpyngyPwD12CsaHRad3abdDVVcw3VYHLX";
await ipfsClient.retrieveContentFromIPFS(cid);

Usage for Utils

Create Instance of Utils

import { Utils, Env, AssetPlatformCoinGecko } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

    a.  Env.dev
    b.  Env.dev_integration
    c.  Env.stg
    d.  Env.uat
    e.  Env.prod
const configUtils = {
  coingeckoApiKey: "api_key_for_coingecko",
  env: Env.dev

const utilObj = new Utils(configUtils);

Check validity for an ethereum address:

  isAddress() is a static function. Use class name itself to call the function.
const address = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";

Get Exchange Rates in USD:

const ids = ["algorand", "ethereum", "solana"];
await utilObj.getPrices(ids);

Get Exchange Rate in USD for Specific Date:

const id = "algorand";
const dateStr = "30-12-2022";   //  dd-mm-yyyy format
await utilObj.getHistoryPrice(id, dateStr);

Get Price and Market Cap of Tokens in USD by Token Symbols:

const symbols = ["btc","eth","usdt"]; 
await utilObj.getTokensPrice(symbols);

Get Price and Market Cap of Tokens in USD by Token Symbols or Contract Address:

  symbol and chain_name are mandatory parameters
const tokens = [
    symbol: "USDC", // case-insensitive
    contract_addr: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
    chain_name: AssetPlatformCoinGecko.ethereum
    symbol: "XALGO",
    contract_addr: "",  // optional parameter
    chain_name: AssetPlatformCoinGecko.solana
await utilObj.getTokensPriceWithContractOrSymbol(tokens);

Get All Assets:

const ethAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const polygonAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const solAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const btcAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await utilObj.getAllAssets(ethAddr, polygonAddr, solAddr, btcAddr, authToken, orgId);

This method is deprecated, use Get NFT Holdings instead

Get All NFTs:

const ethAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const polygonAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const solAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await utilObj.getAllNFTs(ethAddr, polygonAddr, solAddr, authToken, orgId);

Get NFT Holdings:

const ethAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const polygonAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const solAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    // example: "Kresus"
const arbAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1"; // optional parameter
const recCount = 50; // optional parameter
await utilObj.getNFTHoldings(ethAddr, polygonAddr, solAddr, authToken, orgId, arbAddr, recCount);

Get Txn History:

const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
const ethAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const polygonAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const solAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const btcAddr = "n3t3dJeRGGj4TwjjHd852uvG446PuZ4RTY";
const recordCount = 10;   //  optional
await Utils.getTxnHistory(authToken, orgId, ethAddr, polygonAddr, solAddr, btcAddr, recordCount);

Get Funds from Faucet Api:

const ethAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const polygonAddr = "0x42681cC5478a619e36a85ddCF583DC750a690ed1";
const solAddr = "7YgvaQthiN5UGvrFhbz2dp12wcyXosSjGL4C9rHr3E8m";
const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
await utilObj.getFunds(ethAddr, polyAddr, solAddr, authToken, orgId);

Usage for Transaction Processor

Create Instance of TxnProcessor

import { TxnProcessor, Env } from '@kresuslabs/wallet';

    a.  Env.dev
    b.  Env.dev_integration
    c.  Env.stg
    d.  Env.uat
    e.  Env.prod
const configTxnProcessor = {
  env: Env.dev

const processor = new TxnProcessor(configTxnProcessor);

Add new Txn:

const authToken = "AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN";
const orgId = "ORGANIZATION_ID";    //  example: "Kresus"
const chain = "eth";
const txnHash = "0x27734da29056f8604bf80891fffb62d76734643fcd31ccf53449b7b407a456";
const address = "0x757e2AD0a5729138F7922C9fd1CC2efc92Eb5121";
const txnType = TxnType.native_token_tx,
const receiver = "0x03b22d7742fA2A8a8f01b64F40F0F2185E965cB8";
const userId = "user_unique_Id";
const amount = "1000";
const contractAddress = "0x63c5C1D92EcaFa3bEF9C4B692Dc9A985a70E730f"
const tokenId = "11"
const dataObject = "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";
const status = "confirmed";
await processor.addNewTx(authToken, orgId, chain, txnHash, address, txnType, receiver, userId, tokenAmount, contractAddress, tokenId, dataObject, status);



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